Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week...

Discus and support Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello everyone. So... I have never had to post in any of these forums for any technical difficulties since i began playing xbox, but this one has me... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Sqwatts, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Sqwatts
    Sqwatts Guest

    Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week...

    Hello everyone. So... I have never had to post in any of these forums for any technical difficulties since i began playing xbox, but this one has me beyond stumped. I am not exactly sure what initially aroused this issue, but I'm going to try my hardest
    to provide detailed information about what happened immediately before this issue.

    So, I was playing on my friends xbox one (on my account)- we we're playing Halo 5 in a party chat all night, no issues whatsoever. Whenever we got done playing I can specifically remember logging out of my account and turning off the xbox, no big
    deal. Well, I returned home later that evening to play at my house, and whenever i snap the party chat app it reads;

    "You can't join a party because you're already in one somewhere else.


    - *The reason i believe this might be relative is because I haven't had my account logged in on any other xbox other than my own in at least two or three months.*

    anyways, here i am 7 days later and I haven't been able to use my party chat on my home xbox....

    I have tried hard-resetting my xbox SEVERAL times. Reset my internet SEVERAL times. Even went as far as calling all of my friends with my account on their xbox, and getting them to delete my account. Tried signing out of Smartglass and out of my account
    on my computer, and still nothing! Talked to Xbox Support on the phone for nearly two hours, and chatted online with support for quite some time, and made absolutely no progression. Left my xbox unplugged for over 24 straight hours and still the same result,
    same message....

    & this is even weirder, my friends say whenever I am online, I am in a party chat by myself *at all times*. Which i know cannot be true because i haven't been able to start one in a week, and my accounts aren't ANYWHERE else anymore..

    My NAT type is open, and i know for sure that everything is clear on my end. I've never had any single issue even relatively similar to this on xbox before. I must say; I have been an avid xbox user for the past ten years, and I am quite disappointed with
    this issue. If anyone has any enlightenment on this subject it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks guys,


    Sqwatts, Dec 28, 2015
  2. Bestlano
    Bestlano Guest
    Can not connect to parties

    Hi Advising, Welcome! Sorry to hear your experiencing issues with party chat. What error code are you seeing when this issue occurs? (0x8923101C,

    Thanks for reporting,

    Bestlano, Dec 28, 2015
  3. MORT1S
    MORT1S Guest
    Xbox Windows 10 app Error Code 0x8923101C


    On February 22, 2016, I turned off my Xbox One while still in a party chat with friends. Since then, I have been unable to create a party because of this error code

    According to the friends who were in that initial party - after I had left, it just showed my status as "connecting" and my gamertag retained the party leader role for that party. People can join this "ghost party" while I'm offline, and it still shows my Gamertag
    as "Connecting".

    This seems like such a helpless matter as I see this error code all over when I Google it, and nobody can seem to find a solution to it. Some players are stuck in this limbo for weeks or even months.
    MORT1S, Dec 28, 2015
  4. Sqwatts
    Sqwatts Guest

    Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week...

    bump.... anyone..............?
    Sqwatts, Dec 29, 2015
  5. Sqwatts
    Sqwatts Guest
    bump.... still can't use my party chat............
    Sqwatts, Jan 1, 2016
  6. MeanPotatoChip, Jan 1, 2016
  7. Sqwatts
    Sqwatts Guest
    I have tried all three of those things unfortunately, Firestorm. I've deleted and recovered my account multiple times......... I don't understand.... I'm going to be one upset customer if i have to make another account because of this stupid issue...
    Sqwatts, Jan 1, 2016
  8. Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week...

    1. Please put the console into offline mode using the steps at the bottom of the page at:

    2. Power off the console then power it back on

    3. Use the same steps to put the console back into online mode

    4. Set the console as your home xbox follow the steps at:

    5. Hard reset the console then unplug it

    6. Unplug your Modem/Router(both) for 3 minutes

    7. Plug your Modem/Router(both) back in and let them fully boot up

    8. Plug the console back in
    MeanPotatoChip, Jan 2, 2016
  9. Can you try to change your password and then sign in your profile on your console and then try the Party app
    CathleenLopez, Mar 2, 2016
  10. Ya Bastawd
    Ya Bastawd Guest
    Also have this problem, multi accounts on one box. One account has this error message the rest are fine. Same account different box works perfectly. This one account on a specific xbox will not work and xbox support has been an able to help so far. and have
    not found the answer on any Forms page yet. PW reset dun work updates cashe delete zip so far. their next step as a factory reset. not sure if it will help either.
    Ya Bastawd, Mar 2, 2016
  11. xxxxxAPxxxxx
    xxxxxAPxxxxx Guest
    Same exact problem. Main profile, can't chat but says I'm in a party constantly. Kids profile on this xboxone works fine in all functions. First profile can chat normally on my kids xboxone as does their profile. One xboxone and one profile.
    xxxxxAPxxxxx, Mar 4, 2016
  12. xxxxxAPxxxxx
    xxxxxAPxxxxx Guest
    Tried everything firestorm suggested to no avail. I tried looking up the error code, just for kicks, and Xbox support couldn't find that error code no matter how I typed it.. The lack of response from support on this thread leads me to believe that not only
    do they not have a solution, but are at a total loss for coming up w/one. The xboxone network has been having a ridiculous amount of problems lately and it only seems to b getting worse. A lot of people r talking about jumping ship to PS4 and if I didn't
    have 126g's wrapped up in gamerscore I would too. Freakin ridiculous that problems aren't even acknowledged let alone handled in a timely fashion as they should be.


    A guy that has been w/u thru 5 red rings of death on the 360
    xxxxxAPxxxxx, Mar 4, 2016
  13. Xbox One Error: [0x8923101C] Party Chat broken for a week...

    Same problem this is so annoying I've done everything possible to try fix it but nothing works , if it's not fixed in a week I might stop playing this console all together. All it's been is problems left right and centre.
    X destroyer39, Mar 7, 2016
  14. Same issue, speaking with a rep. now, have done all the things you guys mentioned and still not fixed. seriously thinking about getting rid of my xbox1.
    PathlessAtom314, Mar 7, 2016
  15. LeiAiAleiAica, Mar 10, 2016

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