XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

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  1. FireLoki22
    FireLoki22 Guest

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

    My mother got me an XBOX ONE as a Christmas present, & on the cover of the box there r 3 big pictures of 3 games - Halo 5, Forza 6, & Rise Of The Tomb Raider. Here were all thinking, oh great, this particular 1TB XBOX One that we paid AUD $449.00 must come
    with these 3 games as part of the package deal, but what surprises await us upon opening up the box? Yep u guessed it, it comes with no games. Here I'm left thinking whats going on here, wheres my 3 free games. So I thought oh ok then the free games must b
    inbuilt into the console itself. After spending many hours searching thru the console the best I could do was either download the trial version of Rise Of The Tomb Raider or buy it now for $75.00.

    My question is: Y is Microsoft falsely marketing an XBOX ONE with 3 games on its cover but doesnt contain those 3 games? Like cmon. Imagine Im a child looking to buy my first XBOX console. Oh mummy! Mummy! I want u buy me this 1TB XBOX ONE console for Christmas, &
    look here on the back of the box it has 3 full games that I could really get into mummy. Oh wow my son, we better go buy that for u then for Christmas musn't we. Pffth.

    I would like to thank Microsoft for filling my mind with conflicting thoughts of confusion, then wasting my time search'g high & low for any inbuilt games & taking over 16 hours to download the lousy trial version of Tomb Raider, then wasting more of my
    precious time googling my problem to no end result, only to waste more of my time taking the XBOX back to the store where we bought it only to be told 'oh sorry but this particular unit does not include any games.

    FireLoki22, Dec 26, 2015
  2. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    I feel like I got ripped off.

    I agree with you that we got stiffed on "Ninja Gaiden 3" and then they release "Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge".

    But with "Dead Or Alive 5: Ultimate" as a fan I am really pleased they are making this labor of love for the fans.

    Love "DOA 5" and still play the heck out of it.

    Now I've got the Ultimate Edition available for £ 22.00. It would be cheeky if they were charging the standard 'new game' £ 39.99 but they're not.

    Azrael008uk, Dec 26, 2015
  3. x24hrs2livex
    x24hrs2livex Guest
    I feel like I got ripped off.

    [quote user="LOWxONxHealth"]

    So I bought Dead or Alive 5 for $60 when it came out and $ 30 for Ninja Gaiden 3 two months after release.Now they re-realeased Ninja Gaiden 3 as Razors Edge and are soon to release Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.What's up with that? So I got an inferior version
    of each game? Why didnt they release all the content the first time? I can see this leading to another rant.


    Lots of games release Ultimate/Collectors editions after all the DLC has been released for around the same price if not a few bucks cheaper than the original launch price. How do you think some people feel about Skyrims Legendary edition? Or the Fallout
    New Vegas Ultimate edition(I think)? It is what it is.
    x24hrs2livex, Dec 26, 2015
  4. spiffy939
    spiffy939 Guest

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

    I get that you are frustrated by not getting what you wanted but I dont agree with any of what you have said. Even though the marketing may be targeting gullible people xbox is well within it rights to show/advertise the games for the console on the box.
    That does not automatically make them included in the box.

    This whole situation could have been avoided with one simple question before purchase. "Do those games pictured on the box come with it?"

    Sadly the assumption was made they do come with it and you have ended up disappointed. I dont know about your box but mine has everything that is included in the box written down one side of it.

    As for the 16hr download, sorry but that also has to be an issue at your end, worst case scenario for me is about 10-15 minutes.

    Sometimes you just have to admit to yourself you stuffed up, god knows ive had to do it plenty of times.
    spiffy939, Dec 27, 2015
  5. FireLoki22
    FireLoki22 Guest
    Sorry, but I still feel it to be a deceptive marketing ploy, which is another sly subtle tactic used by big corporations to rake in more cash flows. Why do they need to market games on the box but not have the games in the box, but expect you to read the
    fine print on the side of the box, even if it doesn't mention the games in print it still leaves you feeling rather confused of what is and what isn't included in the box. Why not cover the entire box with games so that it doesn't appear too realistic that
    so many games would be included in the package deal. Instead they give you 3 perfectly placed pictures of standout games that realistically could be included in the package deal which only adds to the confusion. Why market false games on a box when they have
    shelves lined with XBOX games they can market, and reviews to be had on the internet or magazines. It was my mum and sister who bought me this unit, but confused by the hard sales pitch and taken in by the glaring display on the box they ended up buying it
    for me on the notion it contains the 3 games.
    FireLoki22, Dec 31, 2015
  6. Jason of Oz
    Jason of Oz Guest
    Realistically, it sounds to me your gripe should be with the retailer, not the manufacturer. If they've put on the hard sell and failed to explain what you're actually buying, you may be entitled to a refund or replacement under ACCC's Consumer Guarantees.
    Check out the ACCC web site and see if your situation fits.
    Jason of Oz, Dec 31, 2015
  7. spiffy939
    spiffy939 Guest
    So when you took the xbox back to the store were you refunded?
    spiffy939, Jan 2, 2016
  8. FireLoki22
    FireLoki22 Guest

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

    When I took it back to the store I wasn't asking for a refund but asked them where the hell are my 3 games, is when they told me, no sorry, this unit doesn't come with 3 games. Later that day when I told my dad about it he seemed more *** off than me and
    was prepared to fight it all the way. I told him to forget about it and to let it go. After all, I never paid a cent for it, and rarely find the time to enjoy playing games anyway. And if I can come here to blow off a bit of steam it doesn't make me feel as
    angry anymore. XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ... :)
    FireLoki22, Jan 2, 2016
  9. spiffy939
    spiffy939 Guest
    Fair enough. Do you know about the free games with gold?
    spiffy939, Jan 2, 2016
  10. MightySpire
    MightySpire Guest
    I recently brought one as well and the supplier (ebgames) gave me the games externally, there were no games in mine as well. Get your mum to go back to the supplier and ask them where the games are, you obviously got ripped off by them.
    MightySpire, Jan 13, 2016
  11. Auswulf
    Auswulf Guest
    Did it have a "games sold separately" on the box?

    If you went to Ebgames or JBHIFI you could of got a game bundle for the price you payed.

    From time to time Big W and target also have game bundle deals also.
    Auswulf, Jan 14, 2016
  12. Man this goes back all the way to the N64 (Maybe even the NES and SNES, but my family could only afford second hand consoles at that time).

    The console box had Mario Kart, Star Fox, Golden Eye, Cruisin USA, Turok, Wave Race, Mario 64 and more on the back of it, did I assume as a 8 year old that I got all those games? No, I just loved looking at the pictures at how amazing they all looked. I
    can't believe anyone would think this is a marketing ploy, but whatever.
    DigitalAssassin, Jan 18, 2016
  13. Nib Dawg
    Nib Dawg Guest

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

    its your obligation to know what you're paying for, and they make it pretty clear on the box in the space which specifically identify whats included... some stores do bundle deals but it would seem thats not what you've got. i think calling it a "sly subtle
    tactic" is a bit of a reach, if a small margin of people are particular optimistic about what they're paying for then its really on them to make sure they're fully educated. next time your in this situation i suggest you chuckle at your error and move on,
    instead of getting everyone at home "*** off".
    Nib Dawg, Feb 22, 2016
  14. Yep, the older consoles used to have a stack of games pictures on them

    Also I would expect someone spending $450 would at least check the box to see what's included
    Benjamin - Work, Mar 11, 2016
  15. Mr Wolf 15G
    Mr Wolf 15G Guest
    If it includes games the will be on a redeemable code card in the box. You should be able to redeem the code and download any bundled games. My console came with Fifa, it was the 5 x 5 code on a card I entered manually because the kinect wouldn't read the
    Mr Wolf 15G, Oct 31, 2018
  16. Mr Wolf 15G Win User

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I Feel Ripped Off.

    If it includes games the will be on a redeemable code card in the box. You should be able to redeem the code and download any bundled games. My console came with Fifa, it was the 5 x 5 code on a card I entered manually because the kinect wouldn't read the
  17. DigitalAssassin Win User

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I Feel Ripped Off.

    Man this goes back all the way to the N64 (Maybe even the NES and SNES, but my family could only afford second hand consoles at that time).

    The console box had Mario Kart, Star Fox, Golden Eye, Cruisin USA, Turok, Wave Race, Mario 64 and more on the back of it, did I assume as a 8 year old that I got all those games? No, I just loved looking at the pictures at how amazing they all looked. I
    can't believe anyone would think this is a marketing ploy, but whatever.
  18. MightySpire Win User

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I Feel Ripped Off.

    I recently brought one as well and the supplier (ebgames) gave me the games externally, there were no games in mine as well. Get your mum to go back to the supplier and ask them where the games are, you obviously got ripped off by them.
  19. Jason of Oz Win User

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I Feel Ripped Off.

    Realistically, it sounds to me your gripe should be with the retailer, not the manufacturer. If they've put on the hard sell and failed to explain what you're actually buying, you may be entitled to a refund or replacement under ACCC's Consumer Guarantees.
    Check out the ACCC web site and see if your situation fits.
  20. FireLoki22 Win User

    XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I Feel Ripped Off.

    Sorry, but I still feel it to be a deceptive marketing ploy, which is another sly subtle tactic used by big corporations to rake in more cash flows. Why do they need to market games on the box but not have the games in the box, but expect you to read the
    fine print on the side of the box, even if it doesn't mention the games in print it still leaves you feeling rather confused of what is and what isn't included in the box. Why not cover the entire box with games so that it doesn't appear too realistic that
    so many games would be included in the package deal. Instead they give you 3 perfectly placed pictures of standout games that realistically could be included in the package deal which only adds to the confusion. Why market false games on a box when they have
    shelves lined with XBOX games they can market, and reviews to be had on the internet or magazines. It was my mum and sister who bought me this unit, but confused by the hard sales pitch and taken in by the glaring display on the box they ended up buying it
    for me on the notion it contains the 3 games.

XBOX ONE Deceptive Marketing: The Box Has Pictures Of 3 Games, But Where Are The 3 Games? I ...

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