xbox code enforcement banned wrong account

Discus and support xbox code enforcement banned wrong account in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I was in a PVP match the other day and a player on my team was using an exploit to push me and other teammates out of the way to get a time released... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by RecklessReclous, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. xbox code enforcement banned wrong account

    I was in a PVP match the other day and a player on my team was using an exploit to push me and other teammates out of the way to get a time released ammo box. He did this multiple times and I called him out on it. He mocked and said to report him but it
    wouldn't do any good. I messaged him again and told me that is messed up to steal and use an exploit and against your own nonetheless. I called it a lowlife move and trash like that didn't belong in the game and if had to cheat to win he should just quit.
    I reported him as well and I received the ban. I did not threaten this player, I did not use any profanity. Please look into this and fix it. I have been a customer for 7 years and if this is the way players are treated for being angry about toxic players
    and exploiters I'm going to cancel my on going subscription and purchase PS4 instead. I 'm tired of other players and cheaters getting away with all the things they do and the players who send an angry message get banned. Please do something about this.

    Gamertag e

    email *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. ***

    RecklessReclous, Oct 16, 2017
  2. FordGTGuy
    FordGTGuy Guest
    Meaningless Suspension

    The Xbox enforcement team does not life ban lightly, does anyone else use your account?
    FordGTGuy, Oct 16, 2017
  3. uglyduck
    uglyduck Guest
    XBox Live Suspension

    Since when does xbox give indefinite bans? No 3,5,7 or 3 week ban? Just we are banning you until further notice? Meanwhile the poster continues to pay for the service? Something doesnt seem right or we arent getting the full story.

    Cant you view the amount of complaints on your account on the enforcement website?
    uglyduck, Oct 16, 2017
  4. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest

    xbox code enforcement banned wrong account

    To see about submitting a case review, you'll need to go to http;//
    Smwutches, Oct 16, 2017
  5. I did the case review but I thought it was something else so I sent message as a review like I was reviewing the situation not explaining the problems.
    RecklessReclous, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

xbox code enforcement banned wrong account