Why I get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff

Discus and support Why I get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Why I get console banned get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff 9f693b1c-2642-4609-b6da-73d5b1c6a8d3 Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by NBAKillerGod, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. NBAKillerGod
    NBAKillerGod Guest

    Why I get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff

    Why I get console banned get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff

    NBAKillerGod, Oct 18, 2017
  2. My account says im not allowed to play online

    my other account is blocked/banned from playing online, i dont believe iv been banned but i was modded by a modder on bo2 so that couyld be why im banned but i tried to get back on black ops 3, overwatch, and gta5 and they all dont allow me to play online.
    what should i do?
    rampagekiller76, Oct 18, 2017
  3. Console Banned Thanks To A Modder I Made Mad And Got Me Console Banned Not Happy

    So A Couple Days Ago I Was Playin On My account Radster25 And Joined A Public Lobby On Gta5 And There Was A Modder In There And I Said Why Are Yall Cheating On The Game And The Started Treathing Me With Imma Get You Banned And Stuff And I Said Ok Idc Then.
    I Left Then Like 2days later bam i was suspended and other than that my ip was booted offline i was seriously mad and looking to get unbanned from all this bogus stuff
    FacettedRex9007, Oct 18, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Why I get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff

    If it's a console ban then there's nothing you can do.

    If it's an account ban/suspension you can go to the enforcement site
    for more info & file for a case review if eligible.

    You would of also been sent an email.

    As the enforcement team don't use the forums no one here can tell you anything else.
    Daft Badger, Oct 18, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Why I get console banned I was on bo2 and lobby and a modder came in and start doing dum stuff