When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...

Discus and support When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ... in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I recently just began to play Vermintide 2 (never played the 1st one), I have played State Of Decay 2 6 times through, I have played every map of Ark,... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...

    I recently just began to play Vermintide 2 (never played the 1st one), I have played State Of Decay 2 6 times through, I have played every map of Ark, 7d2d makes me angry lol, The division grind for gear was real.

    ANYWAY, ok so if you look at the games I have given examples of I'd say for me it depends on the game. State of Decay 2 for example I grind on that game for all achievements and Playing every Leader type. Vermintide 2 is a hack and slash and its a run through
    but I want to complete everything in the book. The division was a constant grind for "the good gear" to have to roll it or have an update dropped when I finally had my character where I wanted it (had to shelf it). 7d2d this game ugh.... lol it frustrated
    me to the point of being shelved because of the game crashes every 2 hours but I loved the game so much I bought it on PC to play it outside of xbox Its just a survival game to me so I don't really care one way or another on that one. Oh and Ark I played every
    map on Ark but have never done a boss battle, I always get worked completely up to there and have the things I need and boss battle never happens lol

    As you notice my "type" of play through changes to the point I wonder if my OCD will kick into overdrive and I will have to go back and do each game the same type of play through. lol I am also an explorer and have to run around and see everything. So, you
    have seen mine now let's see your answer.

    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 28, 2018
  2. taking over territories

    In the areas of your map which are greyed out, they usually represent undiscovered Gang Activities. I suggest taking a Eagle Helicopter (Or even a VTOL), and fly around those areas. When the gang appears, blast them with your rockets/missiles for quick kills.

    Collectible wise, there is a Collectible hunter upgrade, which when you purchase it, will show the locations on the map for the collectibles. Word of warning... some of the collectibles are in dastardly places to get to, I suggest taking a Specter/Ultor
    Interceptor (The Jet Bike) when you go hunting as it's small and fast enough to speed you along.
    Deaths Head 200, Aug 28, 2018
  3. Latency or Ping - What does it depend on EXACTLY?

    This depends on many factors, location and country of the product out was bought is not one of them. Who is your ISP, where are you connecting to (check one of the many speed test sues to see where your internet connects)? Wegener? WiFi?

    Do a hard reset ( hold the power button ), check connection strength and reset your router.

    Let us know if this helps at all.
    Andy Mulligan, Aug 28, 2018
  4. MrCxlozz
    MrCxlozz Guest

    When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...

    Depends, I usually just play the game for fun then replay or just play certain parts/chapters of the game to earn achievements.
    MrCxlozz, Aug 28, 2018
  5. BowenB23
    BowenB23 Guest
    I am all about hunting for Achievements. Sometimes I will skip some on a game if they take too long because I could earn 10x the gamerscore in a different game over the same time. Need to get that score up!
    BowenB23, Aug 28, 2018
  6. CIDkidzPILLZ
    CIDkidzPILLZ Guest
    Definately depends on the game. I don't achievement hunt like I used to when I was younger.
    CIDkidzPILLZ, Aug 28, 2018
  7. It really depends on the game and the mood. Sometimes I play a game just to increase my gamerscore, but I usually care about achievements only when I love a game and go for 100% of the game itself… just my lack of skills with a controller usually makes me
    skip the hardest in that case.
    MRallamagoosa, Aug 28, 2018
  8. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest

    When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...

    Achievements and collector/gatherer, but not a speed-runner.
    brandiesel1, Aug 28, 2018
  9. banky71
    banky71 Guest
    it depends on the game mostly. I don’t really do speed runs though.
    banky71, Aug 28, 2018
  10. I find myself to be an Achievement Hunter. In my opinion, though progress in game may be 100%, the game ins't actually COMPLETED unless all achievements have been... well achieved. I wouldn't say I try to get as much Gamerscore as possible, I just feel like
    achievements are part of game completion.
    JACKSONBRO 78, Aug 28, 2018
  11. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest
    It depends on what I'm playing, but usually achievement hunter/collectible gatherer. If I speed run, it's usually a game I've already played and just getting a replay in.
    Smwutches, Aug 28, 2018
  12. Saeleth
    Saeleth Guest
    Achievement Hunter all the way. Laugh all you want but it gives me a real sense of accomplishments
    Saeleth, Aug 28, 2018
  13. IRB
    IRB Guest

    When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...

    I do like earning the odd achievement here and there. It does depend on the game though, some I will play regardless of the achievements.
  14. Me too I work on it til it annoys me then I move on
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 31, 2018
  15. I actually find myself achievement hunting more now that I'm older lol
    SUPERSOAKERx69, Aug 31, 2018

When you play a video game are you an Achievement Hunter, Collectible Gatherer, Speed Runner, ...