What Xbox One Did WRONG

Discus and support What Xbox One Did WRONG in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello, I've been gaming for the majority of my life and I have been playing Xbox for quite a few years now. The problem with making something new is... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by uppyb0t, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. uppyb0t
    uppyb0t Guest

    What Xbox One Did WRONG


    I've been gaming for the majority of my life and I have been playing Xbox for quite a few years now.

    The problem with making something new is that they want everything to be new, sleek, different, reinvented, and original. Well, I think it's time to realise it's just not practical, nor is it logical. Just because something is new, it doesn't mean everything
    has to be newfangled just for the sake of it.

    There were a lot of things that worked very well on Xbox 360 that didn't need tweaking or changing. Taking these things away for a "next-gen" console is actually taking steps backwards and making it more redundant than your previous console.

    Xbox Guide:

    Now everything happens on the main dashboard. There's no more quick guide and when you press your Xbox button, it brings you back to the main guide.

    This makes doing anything slightly multitasking completely cumbersome. There's really no quick way to do anything at all anymore. Everything is a process which just has you saying "Come on.... okay, come on.... forget it!" and getting back into your game.

    Even quickly viewing achievements is impossible. I was playing Ryse multiplayer, got an achievement and wanted to quickly check what it was before the next round started. Well, I had to wait far too long for everything to load and it was a failure. I had
    to bail and get back to the game because it was just to inaccessible within a decent amount of time.

    Having to load an achievement "app" just to view them is sad.

    Friends and Recent Players:

    Friends now function as an "app" this time around and it's very tedious and time-wasting. You also can't snap your friends list and if you're using SmartGlass, there's no way to sort Online/Offline friends. You also don't get notifications when friends come

    If you want to see who's online or send a message while playing a game, you must go back to your guide, load your friends, wait for it come up then start loading the feed, which you may not even care to see, then you can finally browse your friends or check
    your messages. This takes the process much longer than 360 and is just annoying. If you're mid-game, you may as well just forget it. It gives you no chance to do it fluidly.

    There's also no way to view players you've recently gamed with. I've had games crash on the Xbone quite a bit and it has happened while playing with people I would like to play with again. Is there any way for me to find who I've just played with? Absolutely
    not. Why? Why take something away that worked so well on 360? Stop changing things that are useful for the sake of it. Take reason into consideration.


    Just a pain in the ***. You first need to start the party, then turn on your ability to chat. Isn't that what starting a party is in the first place? If you're not ready to chat, you don't start or join the party. And if you're not ready to talk and want
    to see who's inside, you mute yourself. Common sense has already provided the tools to manage our parties. You've just made it unnecessary.

    Parties are now also game title-oriented rather than just a generic area to chat. Why did this change? Parties were great on 360 and made it so easy to interact with your friends and fellow gamers. Now it's another hoop to jump through.

    Joining another person's game in progress seems to not exist. If you and a friend are in the same game and party and your friend invites you, you're automatically dragged in. What if I was completing something? What if I wasn't ready? You just give one player
    complete control to yank players in and out if they're in your party? Absurd!

    Game DVR:

    I actually liked this feature a lot. I was having a great time capturing glitches and hilarious bugs, editing them, and posting vids.

    I saw great potential with this feature, until the automatic clips started. I couldn't find any way to disable games from automatically recording game clips. All I could do was disable the DVR entirely, then when I wanted to capture something myself, it would
    not work.

    This is a major problem. The reason I disabled it to begin with is because I don't want something recording clips at its leisure. I can control this aspect perfectly fine on my own. One session of Peggle 2 would result in at least 20 automatically saved clips
    that I would have to go through and delete.

    Please give players more control.

    There were many no-brainers when bringing this console to the public. You made a great online experience with 360 and for some reason just crumpled that up and decided to start again... Why? You know you general rule. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Tweak
    it at the least if you must, but this is mutilation.

    Just because it's a no-brainer doesn't mean you have to use no brains at all. Please use common sense. It serves everybody a great deal of good.

    It's time to return the great things about 360 and make them better for One. Faster, more streamlined, and please quit making hoops to jump through. The process of navigating Xbone is getting tiresome.

    Thanks for reading.

    uppyb0t, Jan 2, 2014
    due to recent behavior you've been removed from xbox preview program

    I have no idea what i did to get removed i dont get on xbox that often so can some one please tell me what i did wrong
    SHS GRIZZLY, Jan 2, 2014
  3. What did I done wrong?

    I can't play online, or join any parties. I haven't done anything bad at all recently, and my behavior on xbox is at "Good". Any solutions?

    Please I need your help
    K1LLERGEORGE212, Jan 2, 2014
  4. What Xbox One Did WRONG

    finally someone who talks sense

    there are so many things wrong with x1 and 8 weeks in and nothing seems to be getting fixed , ive been asking myself for 8 weeks y did I buy this down grade . as someone who played 360 every day hrs at a time to hardly touching x1 . x1 has ruined my gamming
    experience ,support has been very limited once they have done there troubleshooting and all steps have failed they don't seem to have answers .yes some techs have tried to help with no avail then the buck just gets passed to isp ,sick of being sent round in
    circles . bought x1 22nd November and phoned support on 23rd and been waiting 42 day for higher level tech to contact me , guess what phoned 4/5 times since to see what's happening to be told ive been lost in system REALLY
    xx MAYHEM71 xx, Jan 3, 2014
  5. xx MAYHEM71 xx Win User

    What Xbox One Did WRONG

    finally someone who talks sense

    there are so many things wrong with x1 and 8 weeks in and nothing seems to be getting fixed , ive been asking myself for 8 weeks y did I buy this down grade . as someone who played 360 every day hrs at a time to hardly touching x1 . x1 has ruined my gamming
    experience ,support has been very limited once they have done there troubleshooting and all steps have failed they don't seem to have answers .yes some techs have tried to help with no avail then the buck just gets passed to isp ,sick of being sent round in
    circles . bought x1 22nd November and phoned support on 23rd and been waiting 42 day for higher level tech to contact me , guess what phoned 4/5 times since to see what's happening to be told ive been lost in system REALLY
  6. Mistress Sara Win User

    What did i do wrong?

    Hi there,

    Only an enforcement team member can respond to specific enforcement actions they issue, and they do not use the forums. You will have to go https://enforcement.xbox.com and submit a case review if
    you feel the suspension is in error.

    With the details you mention in your post your message may fall under this part of the
    Code of Conduct:

    "Content that could harm or harass a person, including yourself, or an animal. For example:

    • Profane words or phrases
    Content that promotes, or sounds or looks like words, phrases, puns, images or imagery that refer to any prohibited content."
  7. Smwutches Win User

    what did i do wrong?

  8. Cabooty02 Win User

    What did we do wrong ?

    AgReed like Dena said it is a support forum, not a feedback section Misses Quinzel gave you that link to help the forum not too become so flooded with feed back and support imagine all the posr that have to be sorted. There is already a constance flow
    of post that is hard to sort as is imagine double that with feedback as well. I feel your pain but you must also see the bigger picture as well the support staff and the Ambassador Team all work hard to make sure everyone has their issue resolved as fast as
    we can there's only a limited number of staff and the Ambassador team.
  9. DENAz666 Win User

    What did we do wrong ?

    Hey dude,

    The threads are closed as this is a support forum, not a feedback forum. The link Misses Quinzel gave you in the place to go to give feedback, which is a seperate site and why the thread is closed and you're directed there.

    Regarding Skate 3, we (and the support team) don't know when it will be released, so there is nothing more we can give. Its on the short list, so we can only hope it will be soon :) Don't worry, I'm waiting for it too :p There simply is no way to find out
    a specific date it will be released, if there was then it would be public knowledge and everyone would know already

    Regarding your headset, there is nothing that can be done if the warranty is up, so its unfortunate, but just the way it is :( The warranty is for a set period of time, and that cannot be stretched or changed

    Xbox has a few different ways to be contacted too, which you can find here:



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