Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation.

Discus and support Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; The situation is this: 2 xbox 360s in the house, the family room xbox, and my son's xbox. He's been put into the habit of saving to a USB drive so... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Lorehold, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Lorehold
    Lorehold Guest

    Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation.

    The situation is this:

    2 xbox 360s in the house, the family room xbox, and my son's xbox. He's been put into the habit of saving to a USB drive so all his game saves can go with him to his friends houses, which is a good thing. His XBOX died on us, and we are now down to the
    xbox in the family room. We no longer pay for his xbox live, and he won't get any until he earns it, BUT, he wants to be able to play his downloaded games. From what I understand, we can download his "gametag", and "transfer" the license for his Arcade games
    he's paid for, and he will be able to enjoy them on our functioning xbox. Lord knows I don't want to pay for minecraft again. The only thing I'm concerned about is if it will affect any of the licensed products I've bought and paid for on my XBOX live account.
    Thanks for any input or clarification on any of this.

    Lorehold, Jan 2, 2014
  2. ByteMee
    ByteMee Guest
    So it seems XB1 owners would be nuts not to buy Destiny on 360

    Yes they will! I checked out the FAQ on the game page for this deal and they confirm this.
    ByteMee, Jan 2, 2014
  3. ok Retro
    ok Retro Guest
    Liscense Transfering Problem

    I was liscense transferring games onto my Xbox 360 from another account and encountered a problem. I have never liscense transfered before so I though I should click the button that said listened transfer under the account settings. When it did, it said nothing
    was in the pending list to liscense transfer so I clicked "A" which at the bottom of the screen said doing that would "liscense transfer" thinking that it would allow me to choose what I wanted to transfer. In doing so it liscense transfered nothing and now
    I have wait 4 months to try again. Is there any way to do it again? If not Microsoft really should fix the problem.
    ok Retro, Jan 2, 2014
  4. Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation.

    Your son can still play his games on the family console while logged into his profile and it's online (no Gold level required, just internet access). If your internet cuts out the game disappears or reverts to trial mode. If you do a license transfer of
    his content to the family console anyone on the console can play that content regardless of internet connection. A license transfer will not affect the licenses of any other account that uses that console.
    VisageOfAnAngel, Jan 2, 2014
  5. VisageOfAnAngel Win User

    Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation.

    Your son can still play his games on the family console while logged into his profile and it's online (no Gold level required, just internet access). If your internet cuts out the game disappears or reverts to trial mode. If you do a license transfer of
    his content to the family console anyone on the console can play that content regardless of internet connection. A license transfer will not affect the licenses of any other account that uses that console.
  6. SONIC SCREAM 07 Win User

    dlc content not available to other family members

    Read the FAQ, you still need to download the again after the license transfer.
  7. Smwutches Win User

    liscense transfers

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but license transfers should only be used to transfer your licenses between consoles that you are using. License transfers are not to be used as a way of sharing games. That is considered marketplace theft and can
    result in you being banned.
  8. Smwutches Win User

    Liscense Transfer

    Nothing can be transferred between accounts. If you leave the console as the Home console for the old account, you can still access the games on a new account.
  9. TVippy Win User

    XBL Rewards transforming into MS Rewards in Canada

    It says "read the FAQ", but FAQ says absolutely nothing about this transfer.

Transferring Liscense-I've Read the FAQ but still looking for confirmation.

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