The Severity of The Offense vs. The Severity of The Punishment

Discus and support The Severity of The Offense vs. The Severity of The Punishment in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; So recently, I sent two messages to an individual I know in real life and got a Communication ban for it. There's two things I want to express here:... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Cyvom, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Cyvom
    Cyvom Guest

    The Severity of The Offense vs. The Severity of The Punishment

    So recently, I sent two messages to an individual I know in real life and got a Communication ban for it.

    There's two things I want to express here:

    1. I said one objectionable word.

    2. I got a week long ban from *every* social/messaging feature because of it for a whole week.

    I've had my account for six years, and never once had any sort of infraction against it. Now all of a sudden, because of *one* word, you can nearly have your account bricked? Where's the moderate in the moderation here?

    I understand that there's ToS, and that there are rules, but how far can you honestly take a first offense? I can't look for any posts on LFG, can't send messages, can't hear or speak in party chat, can't record with my DVR, can't use Skype, and can't broadcast
    on Mixer (and I even think I'm missing a couple of other things here.) Granted, I don't use all of these (Skype, at least on XBL, or Mixer,) but the principle of it is what I find ridiculous. Furthermore, it's only one week, and I'm busy at college, but
    still! Because you send one message with one word on a first-time offense, MS can ban you from all this social stuff for a disproportionately long amount of time?

    This is troubling. It shows how poor the moderation really is, how there's no real 'moderate' to it. No real common sense or gauge used to measure up the severity of the action with the severity of the deserved punishment.

    I even applied for a case review; I just got a copy paste message and a notice that the ban was upheld.

    The reputation system means nothing; it's just all about how bad of a day the 'moderator' was having at the time.

    I know you can't/won't help me out with this, but I'm honestly curious now: How does XBL Moderation judge what offense deserves what punishment?

    Cyvom, Oct 19, 2017
  2. x24hrs2livex
    x24hrs2livex Guest
    changed my dns but didnt know what it did

    The severity of the ban is up to the enforcement team. I am not apart of the enforcement tean so I cannot comment on the severity of your punishment. Also Rockstar may ban you.
    x24hrs2livex, Oct 19, 2017
  3. fixed

    It doesn't matter the severity of the offense, modifying your profile in ANY way breaks the terms of service and will result in a ban.
    xcrimsonlegendx, Oct 19, 2017
  4. An Old Freak
    An Old Freak Guest

    The Severity of The Offense vs. The Severity of The Punishment

    Xbox does not advise you of who made the report or when it was made.

    You are not given specifics partly to ensure the privacy and safety of the person making the report.

    Investigations take time. Each report is investigated before an enforcement action is taken.

    The Code of Conduct is in effect for parties just the same.

    All communications have to follow the Code of Conduct and be rated "E" for everyone.

    Your friends can report you, or something could have been found while another report was being investigated.
    An Old Freak, Oct 19, 2017
  5. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    You can get a permanent ban for a first offence is it is severe enough.

    The rep system has nothing to do with whether you can get suspended or not,it's a separate thing.

    One word is enough to get a comms suspension & a communications suspension does just that,prevents you from communicating completely with anyone over xbox live.

    No one here can tell you the exact criteria the enforcement team use to judge how severe an offence it is & what punishment should be issued but the simple answer is don't violate the ToU/CoC & being suspended is something you wont have to worry about.
    Daft Badger, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

The Severity of The Offense vs. The Severity of The Punishment