Swearing and code of conduct

Discus and support Swearing and code of conduct in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Just wanting to know why I can get a communication ban for swearing on a game that's 18. I mostly play Call of duty and Friday the 13th and those games... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Born 2 kill1997, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Swearing and code of conduct

    Just wanting to know why I can get a communication ban for swearing on a game that's 18. I mostly play Call of duty and Friday the 13th and those games have lots of swearing and violence but when I try to swear in frustration or anything like that I get
    banned for 2 2 weeks.

    It's annoying that the Xbox one's code of conduct doesn't let you say anything without it being reported. They're censoring people and taking away they're freedom of speech. I know that hate speech and racism shouldn't be allowed, But can swearing get you
    banned when the game you where playing was meant for people who are over the age of 18. I'd also like to say that being banned for 2 weeks is too long why not just 1 week for the first 2 suspensions and if you keep getting reported then it should be added
    up to 2

    Not being able to talk to your friends in anyway is also not fair. If I was suspended by some random player I met online then I shouldn't be able to talk in game other than people in my party. Why not just allow people to talk to their friends and have everyone
    else muted until the bad is gone

    Born 2 kill1997, Oct 15, 2017
  2. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest
    Banned For Something i didnt know was bannable

    You're essentially breaking multiple code of conduct rules by purchasing a gamertag which is why it's more severe than something like swearing on Live.
    Smwutches, Oct 15, 2017
  3. Qualedog
    Qualedog Guest
    Ban from communication for a day

    Communicating via messages can be monitored by xbox enforcement. You must have messaged someone using inappropriate or offensive language.

    Swearing and being abusive is against the code of conduct and messages are easily monitored.
    Qualedog, Oct 15, 2017
  4. An Old Freak
    An Old Freak Guest

    Swearing and code of conduct

    The Code of Conduct is in effect for parties just the same.

    All communications have to follow the Code of Conduct and be rated "E" for everyone.

    Your friends can report you, or something could have been found while another report was being investigated.

    Game ratings are only for sales.

    Only the enforcement team can enact an enforcement action. Investigations take time. Each report is investigated before an enforcement action is taken.

    Actions have consequences.

    Just follow the Code of Conduct, it is that simple.
    An Old Freak, Oct 15, 2017
  5. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest
    The game's ratings only affect the game play itself. Everything else done on Live has to remain E for everyone.
    Smwutches, Oct 15, 2017
    AFTERLIFE 7 XXX, Oct 19, 2017
  7. so what your saying is you guys have a double standard? games we play can have lot of swearing in it if we swear we kick off. Why does it matter to you what we say pervicy in our own home? I feel like you guys are trying to be babysitters really is annoying
    AFTERLIFE 7 XXX, Oct 19, 2017
  8. Swearing and code of conduct

    No, the ratings on games (as well as TV/Movies, etc.) are provided by the ESRB/IARC., not Microsoft.

    Users can say all they want in their homes. When using someone else's products/services (Live for example), users need to follow the service providers rules.
    Mistress Sara, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Swearing and code of conduct