
Discus and support Smartglass in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; HI I am having trouble with my smartglass, on Xbox one, I have deleted the 360 smartglass and downloaded the Xbox one, smartglass, but it keeps saying... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by OneFaith381, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. OneFaith381
    OneFaith381 Guest


    HI I am having trouble with my smartglass, on Xbox one, I have deleted the 360 smartglass and downloaded the Xbox one, smartglass, but it keeps saying that the console isn't listed, please help

    OneFaith381, Jan 2, 2014
  2. Armiiis
    Armiiis Guest
  3. Mister Cerb
    Mister Cerb Guest
    Mister Cerb, Jan 2, 2014
  4. Smartglass

    Might seem a stupid question, but you do have your xbox one console on whilst trying to connect?
    LadyHawk-C76E61B3-39F1-429D-A2AB-ACB895DEA03E, Jan 2, 2014
  5. mrstupops
    mrstupops Guest
    Not a stupid question at all. I once spent 2 hours on the phone to HP trying to get my WIFI to the end of the call after the poor support chap had had me in the BIOS and then arranged for UPS to collect the laptop he asked the question "just
    to check - you have pushed the little wifi button next to the power one on the laptop haven't you?"

    I said thank you very much and put the phone down.

    Had some issues with Smartglass first time. logged out of all my devices (laptop included) and re logged back in on each one (tablet last) and it has worked like a charm since.
    mrstupops, Jan 2, 2014
  6. ShaunPerry
    ShaunPerry Guest
    I do like this new smartglass.

    The full map on Battlefield is useful and the extras in Dead Rising 3 are great!
    ShaunPerry, Jan 2, 2014
  7. Yeah, the DR3 stuff is very good.... this is how Smartglass should be implemented!
    MetalGearFloppy, Jan 2, 2014
    PYRO PERV Guest


    Fear..... Smart glass is working for you on battlefield? It loads up a small version of the map for me but then over the top of it is a message saying "could not connect to the multiplayer game
    PYRO PERV, Jan 4, 2014
  9. maxen
    maxen Guest
    [quote user="OneFaith381"]

    HI I am having trouble with my smartglass, on Xbox one, I have deleted the 360 smartglass and downloaded the Xbox one, smartglass, but it keeps saying that the console isn't listed, please help


    Make sure both are on the same WiFi network and that in the Xbox One's Settings, SmartGlass is enabled.

    If that does not help, turn off all equipment. Turn the router off and also turn the console off completely - to do that, press the Xbox logo on its front for about five seconds until the light on the power unit goes orange, then unplug it from the wall for
    a few minutes. Switch the router on and once the network is back up (open a webpage on a PC to confirm), connect and power up the console and see if that helps.
    maxen, Jan 4, 2014
  10. ShaunPerry
    ShaunPerry Guest
    [quote user="PYRO PERV"]

    Fear..... Smart glass is working for you on battlefield? It loads up a small version of the map for me but then over the top of it is a message saying "could not connect to the multiplayer game


    Yes mate. It works fine.
    ShaunPerry, Jan 6, 2014
  11. [quote user="PYRO PERV"]

    Fear..... Smart glass is working for you on battlefield? It loads up a small version of the map for me but then over the top of it is a message saying "could not connect to the multiplayer game


    I take it you're using it on a tablet? It only works properly on tablets, on phones it just loads the map image then spits the dummy.
    MetalGearFloppy, Jan 6, 2014
  12. ShaunPerry
    ShaunPerry Guest
    I'm using my Galaxy S 3 mate. Had no dramas so far. (Crosses fingers.)
    ShaunPerry, Jan 6, 2014
    PYRO PERV Guest


    I've tried running it on a win 8 HTC and my win 8 laptop along with an ipad mini. All have the same problem.
    PYRO PERV, Jan 6, 2014
    PYRO PERV Guest
    Just tried it out again and it is now working. Nice to have a full map, it helps when your trying to get UCAV kills.
    PYRO PERV, Jan 6, 2014
  15. OneFaith381
    OneFaith381 Guest
    Iv tried everything that I no now, turned everything off, reset the wifi, turned the smartglass on, in the settings on the xbox, the screen come up on the laptop, and I can see what games have been played but once I try to connect the smartglass it says
    console not listed, and keeps bringing up the xbox 360 ip address, also when I log on to the xbox one site it has my old gamer pic from xbox360.
    OneFaith381, Jan 7, 2014


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