sliverlight screen shot app on windows 10 pro with xbox live on windows 10 pro how to stay saft

Discus and support sliverlight screen shot app on windows 10 pro with xbox live on windows 10 pro how to stay saft in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; slieverlight allows you to take screen shots of mesiges other send you on xbox live on your conputer sow if they say some thing to you to try to get... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by OZARKFOX, Oct 15, 2017.

    OZARKFOX Guest

    sliverlight screen shot app on windows 10 pro with xbox live on windows 10 pro how to stay saft

    slieverlight allows you to take screen shots of mesiges other send you on xbox live on your conputer sow if they say some thing to you to try to get you worket up to get you banned stay cool head it and just take screen shot of there messgies they sent you
    then you have provff what they side and you side see i was banned two times befor i had this now i screen shot every thing i get from trash talkers and for others xbox one dose not leet you do this on xbox one my two brothers us this they told me about it
    they have had same prubloms with live banneding them base on lies i jsut had guy try saying i threating him i did not and now have have screen shots sowing i did not do that just in case's . sliverlight it a web siote download leets you screen shot every thing
    you want to on conputer . i siged in to my xbox live acount to take the screen shot of this guy trying to start fight with me and makeing falsh clams on xbox live meesiges now i have screen shots sowing he broke 3 rules in xbox live and i did not brack any

    OZARKFOX, Oct 15, 2017
  2. apsa2772S
    apsa2772S Guest
    i cannot sign in to xbox live app

    i m not able to sign in to xbox app

    in windows 10 pro
    apsa2772S, Oct 15, 2017
  3. Code for Quantum Break on Windows 10


    I was directed here for the same reason.

    I pre-ordered Quantum Break on the Xbox App for Windows 10 PRO and I have not received the Windows 10 key.

    IAmADonkeyAnus, Oct 15, 2017
    OZARKFOX Guest

    sliverlight screen shot app on windows 10 pro with xbox live on windows 10 pro how to stay saft

    Lightshot — screenshot tool for Mac & Win here the web site you can us's it with your conputer and xbox live sign in on pc or phone and take screen shots of every thing xbox lie wont leet you do on xbox one to stay safter
    OZARKFOX, Oct 15, 2017
    OZARKFOX Guest
    i for one dont trues xbox live ecfocrement team for this resone the last two times i was banned was base't off lies on messiges i sent to anther play if they did there jobs and look't up the messiges i sent they would have see'n the players that report me
    lied but they did not do there jobs they banned bace'st off anthers world alone that why i dont trust xbox live any more ween 360 was other they look't that stuff up befor banneding players now they dont that why im using xbox live signe in on windows 10 pro
    with sliverlight to take pitcher of them i would not have to do this if they did there jobs the right way .
    OZARKFOX, Oct 16, 2017
    OZARKFOX Guest
    anther reson on dont trust new xbox live is do to few things 1 my last time i post it on forms every time i ack queston they avoed it by bring up a post from a day ago i dont care about stuff that happened yesterday . 2 the date on there new rules say they
    been add 8 years ago that not truce base't on public records state there new rule were not add it tell ween the xbox one was told it was coming out wich was 6 years ago not 8 years ago there dates all wrong on this site on ween thoghts rules start it base't
    on public record in the us .
    OZARKFOX, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

sliverlight screen shot app on windows 10 pro with xbox live on windows 10 pro how to stay saft