Preview updates

Discus and support Preview updates in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; The last preview update I got was back in Sept. On the 25. This most recent update is giving me error codes and I cannot get online or do anything... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by GulfVetMike, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. GulfVetMike
    GulfVetMike Guest

    Preview updates

    The last preview update I got was back in Sept. On the 25. This most recent update is giving me error codes and I cannot get online or do anything until the update goes through. Besides talking with Microsoft support about this issue it is either I try another
    way to download the update or completely restore my Xbox one. I've had nothing but issues with the recent updates and it is not allowing me to gonna online to Xbox live or even connect until I get the update. The code I'm getting is 800705B4. Says something
    about an app failing to launch. I've uninstalled all my apps restarted console and still get the error when I try to redownload the update. Can you fix this problem and also give me ideas what I can do to get back online as I'm wasting my money paying for
    Xbox Gold and cannot even get on to play or do anything. Thanks!!!! Support told me to post here on the forums about the issue.

    GulfVetMike, Oct 14, 2017
  2. PB7
    PB7 Guest
    Useful infographic

    Hey Ozadan, i updated your thread to include a preview picture that links to the full on image. Hope you don't mind.
  3. October update

    The October preview group is still getting new updates in the preview program. The latest one was last night. This will probably be the last update since it seems their are no known bugs in it. So probably by next week the Oct update will go live for normal users and us preview guys will get the Nov update towards Oct 20th or something.

    This is just how the updates have been working lately.
    lucifersam597, Oct 14, 2017
  4. WPAK
    WPAK Guest

    Preview updates

    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Preview updates