not working for 7 days now!

Discus and support not working for 7 days now! in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I really want to log in and check the status of the warranty on my Xbox One after purchasing Microsoft Complete (at a cost of £72, just want to confirm... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by DrMagical, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. DrMagical
    DrMagical Guest not working for 7 days now!

    I really want to log in and check the status of the warranty on my Xbox One after purchasing Microsoft Complete (at a cost of £72, just want to confirm expiration date as controversy re 2 or 3 years)). Unfortunately unable to as when I click on My Devices
    button I just get an error - please try again. Thought it might just be a glitch but not going away. Spent about an hour online chat with support last week who said it was website maintenance but cannot believe a big corporation like MS keep a bugged website
    live for so long?

    Is it a fault with my account or is the MS service website really down for so long?

    p.s. have tried in Firefox, IE, chrome and safari so not a case of bad cookies!

    DrMagical, Jan 2, 2014
  2. Svidur7
    Svidur7 Guest
    Gamepass 12 months Forza Codes

    The purchase went ok since I receive the 12 months game pass extension and I was charged in my credit card.

    The issue is I bought it to get those games to use in my holidays. It was not advertised that it could take up to 7 days or 10 days or 7 working days or 10 working days.

    After 10 working days since my purchase I will not be on vacations anymore.

    This is not serious to have the buyers waiting until 7 days then 10 days then 7 working days then 10 working days. Then you are going to say: you can recieve the code up to 30 days from the purchase and I have to keep waiting?
    Svidur7, Jan 2, 2014
  3. website down for at least 3 days now!

    Yupp. I have this issues like for 3 months.
    Spontanekstase, Jan 2, 2014
  4. Mister Cerb
    Mister Cerb Guest not working for 7 days now!

    Hey there Magical!

    Just to be sure we're all on the same page, can you tell us the exact wording of the error you're seeing?

    Also, have you tried using the Contact Us page to set up a support call with a repair specialist to speak to them about your warranty?

    Let us know and we'll be standing by to hear back from you! ^_^
    Mister Cerb, Jan 2, 2014
  5. DrMagical
    DrMagical Guest
    Thanks, sorry for the delay. Nope, still not working. I get the following error message every time when I click on 'My Devices':

    Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this time.

    An error occurred. Please try again.

    Don't think I'm alone as a few threads with same problem - seems to have been misbehaving for people for > month.

    I did online chat with support and after about an hour was told it was due to website maintenance but I remain unconvinced.
    DrMagical, Jan 6, 2014
  6. pd730
    pd730 Guest
    I can confirm this problem as well, so it's not user or browser-specific.
    pd730, Jan 6, 2014
  7. BusGod
    BusGod Guest
    I can log into the site, and view my extended warranty and such under My Devices. its working for me. I am using Chrome with no extensions or addons.
    BusGod, Jan 6, 2014
  8. McBainUVA
    McBainUVA Guest not working for 7 days now!

    Same. I can see my stuff in Chrome with no extras.
    McBainUVA, Jan 6, 2014
  9. DrMagical
    DrMagical Guest
    This is worrying as implies it is a glitch with my extended warranty not allowing me to view it?
    DrMagical, Jan 6, 2014
  10. pd730
    pd730 Guest
    I don't think it's a problem with your extended warranty because I was getting the error before I bought the extended warranty. And I just went it again with Chrome and IE and it's still there. I wonder if it is user-specific based on what devices we each
    have? I have the One, the One Kinect, a 360S, and a 360 Pro showing up. For those that it's working, do you just have a One or a 360 too?
    pd730, Jan 6, 2014
  11. DrMagical
    DrMagical Guest
    I have the One, One kinect and 3 360s registered
    DrMagical, Jan 6, 2014
  12. Mister_Tez
    Mister_Tez Guest
    £72 for MS Complete?! Did you get some sort of tax added to the price the website actually quotes (£59.99)? I know a couple of other people who bought MS Complete via only to find they got charged some sort of extra tax on top.

    I bought my MS Complete over the phone from the MS Store (because was broken and would not let me buy it as it kept freezing after the address confirmation!), and was *only* charged the quoted price of £59.99 - no extra tax on top.

    What I find ridiculous about is that Microsoft's systems are not linked in any way. Because I bought MS Complete over the phone, from the MS Store, is completely unaware that I have it and *only* states the standard
    warranty period. Contrast this with Apple... I have Apple Care for my iMac, iPad, and iPhone - for the iPhone it was purchased in an Apple Retail Store, for the iPad it was purchased from the Apple Online Store, and for the iMac it was purchased from the Amazon
    Marketplace... yet all three devices have the correct extended warranty information when I view my support profile on the Apple website...

    Something I am unsure of, which the OP mentioned, is the length of the MS Complete. The MS Complete page on the support website clearly states "three total years of coverage" ( Get Microsoft Complete for Xbox One with Accidental Damage Coverage ), yet when
    you go to buy MS Complete from the Online Service Centre it says it "covers hardware issues for 2 years from date of device purchase", which is *not* three years in total (as that would instead be 1 year warranty *and then* 2 more years of extended cover).
    I asked Xbox Support about this via Twitter, and even gave screenshots, but they were adamant that it gave 3 years in total despite the discrepancy.
    Mister_Tez, Jan 7, 2014
  13. BusGod
    BusGod Guest not working for 7 days now!

    5Xbox 360s registered and an Xbox One. Working fine for me.
    BusGod, Jan 7, 2014
  14. DrMagical
    DrMagical Guest
    Yes I paid £72 as website mistakenly charges VAT and then Irish sales tax on top of that. I wanted the warranty though and if you buy for the correct price on the phone via MS store they have no link to the service department so they cannot see your extended
    warranty, which really gives you a £59 email of unknown worth!
    DrMagical, Jan 7, 2014
  15. I can confirm this error also. Can't see any of my devices and non of the other options work. It appears to load but it just refreshes the same main webpage
    Sox Fan-0F021B49-4D86-436C-983A-6FA6C4E9DB1F, Jan 7, 2014
Thema: not working for 7 days now!

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