Insiders program help

Discus and support Insiders program help in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; so I’ve been going through Microsoft support for the last month and recently I was hacked on 360 and the hacker altered my gamerscore then I was... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by lxVx 2PAC xVxl, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Insiders program help

    so I’ve been going through Microsoft support for the last month and recently I was hacked on 360 and the hacker altered my gamerscore then I was susenpended for 2 weeks it’s over now though but I can’t get sign in to my Insiders program because of a past
    behavior And ive been in IT for like 2 years Now is there anyway to get unbanned. From it

    lxVx 2PAC xVxl, Oct 15, 2017
  2. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    gaming offline - thoughts, comments?

    wkth insiders program you must update.unless you remove.the console.from the program

    Under the insiders hub
    ngocphi, Oct 15, 2017
  3. M3tal Daz3
    M3tal Daz3 Guest
    Insiders program

    You should remove your console from the Xbox Insider Program by navigating to Settings > Manage Devices, scrolling to your device marked (current), selecting it and selecting Done. If you’ve already sold or gifted your console, you
    can launch the Xbox Insider Hub on another console and follow these same directions after selecting your old console.

    After electing to remove a console, it may take up to 72 hours before the removal is complete, during which time you may still receive console, game, or app updates. As part of the removal process your console may undergo a factory refresh. If a factory
    refresh is required, your games and apps will not be erased; however, any profiles or system settings saved to the console will need to be restored after the factory refresh is complete.

    Note You’ll need to know the serial number or name of your previous console to ensure you remove the correct Xbox device.
    M3tal Daz3, Oct 15, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Insiders program help