I NEED TO CONTACT ENFORCEMENT AND CAN NOT. please help me with case review

Discus and support I NEED TO CONTACT ENFORCEMENT AND CAN NOT. please help me with case review in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; i have sign in Into enforcement page and can not reach any case review option, nor any ban Information, althchough Im still banned.... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by LoD Stegosaurus, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. I NEED TO CONTACT ENFORCEMENT AND CAN NOT. please help me with case review

    i have sign in Into enforcement page and can not reach any case review option, nor any ban Information, althchough Im still banned. pls answer me in german- idont speak

    LoD Stegosaurus, Oct 23, 2017
  2. Rahul
    Rahul Guest

    Hey please help me, I have never begged for anything before.My Xbox account has been Permanently Suspended and I need to somehow get in contact with the Enforcement Team, I have already done a case review and that was before I found out why I got banned. Now that I know why I've been banned I would be the happiest person on the face of this planet if I can do another case review. Please Help this get out there to get my account back. I am not a rich person and certainly don't have any money on me, I have spent over 1000 dollars on my account and had it for over 5 years, and would love to at least get a second chance at doing a case review or getting in contact with the Enforcement Team.Good luck out there and do not get your account banned, it is seriously the worst thing ever to happen to a gamer, especially if you buy digital games and spend money on your account. I have been really messed up and had been getting no sleep cause of this. Last thing my GT is: ITz RAPID MoDz , Once again Thank you Guys/Girls and PLEASE!
    Rahul, Oct 23, 2017
  3. gds1972
    gds1972 Guest
    need someone to contact me.


    Nobody outside of the Xbox Enforcement team can help with your issue and they can only be contacted through the
    Xbox Enforcement web site and if eligible you should have be able to request a case review. You can also find out more information about

    case reviews here
    gds1972, Oct 23, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

I NEED TO CONTACT ENFORCEMENT AND CAN NOT. please help me with case review