I need help because I can not solve this problem

Discus and support I need help because I can not solve this problem in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi. I have problems with the payment of my subscription to xbox live. I paid the same with a debit card that expired on 09/30/2017 and on 09/22/2017... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by MiniPEKKAmek, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. MiniPEKKAmek
    MiniPEKKAmek Guest

    I need help because I can not solve this problem

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    MiniPEKKAmek, Oct 19, 2017
  2. master MaMaD
    master MaMaD Guest
    elevator make my Xbox turn on or off

    oh sorry i got that isn't because elevators wave, however i need help to solve this problem
    master MaMaD, Oct 19, 2017
  3. XBF Leslie D
    XBF Leslie D Guest
    I can not solve the problem

    Hi Олег rd,

    We would be more than happy to assist you, now is the problem that's occurring with the
    B-key and Joystick on your wireless controller for Xbox One?

    Also, would you mind clarifying when this error message appeared, and detailing any troubleshooting steps(if any) you've tried so far? That way we can assist you further.
    XBF Leslie D, Oct 19, 2017
  4. WPAK
    WPAK Guest

    I need help because I can not solve this problem

    Hi there,

    be sure to check if everything is correct at account.microsoft.com at the billing information and payment information.

    Also try to remove the payment option and re-add it, to see if that helps

    If all is correct and updated and the issue is still present then it's best to contact Xbox Support (Phone or Microsoft Support Chat) at
    Contact Us | Xbox Support

    They should be able to do a more in-depth check into the issue.

    Let us know the results
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

I need help because I can not solve this problem