hopeful future updates for the xbox one

Discus and support hopeful future updates for the xbox one in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; to start with let me first say that i enjoy my xbox one. pre-ordered it and got the day one edition. games are great and i love the voice control is... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by SuperGamer2580, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. hopeful future updates for the xbox one

    to start with let me first say that i enjoy my xbox one. pre-ordered it and got the day one edition. games are great and i love the voice control is very nice. but i do miss seeing my avatar from the 360 popping up to the side of the screen. that aside will
    there be an update on recent history? it surprised me that something like that wasnt in the xbox one from the start. also will there be the app for gametrailers.com to use on xbox one? And will we be able to change the pitch black background with a different
    theme? if anyone knows please respond.

    SuperGamer2580, Jan 2, 2014
  2. jrucci13
    jrucci13 Guest
    When will be able to use external hdds?

    Yeah pretty much.

    "We know external hard drive storage is another big one on your list," Xbox chief product officer Marc Whitten said. "It's on our list too. We're working on that for a future update and will keep you posted."

    So far they seem to be doing a good job of listening to the community.. I'm hopeful for it. =]
    jrucci13, Jan 2, 2014
  3. after update Xbox One won't recognize USB drive

    I was hopeful with the Xbox update yesterday, but this issue still isn't fixed. hopeful future updates for the xbox one :(
    Bishamon-848E76FF-93F7-4B54-97EF-ACB95CB8FDE4, Jan 2, 2014
  4. DuFFuL
    DuFFuL Guest

    hopeful future updates for the xbox one

    No offence mate but truthfully none of us can be sure what Microsoft will bring in patches. There are a few thing they said they "will" do but as far as asking on here goes, is all you will get is a bunch of rumours. Best to take a wait and see what happens
    DuFFuL, Jan 2, 2014
  5. Stoyvensen
    Stoyvensen Guest
    The one and only thing I miss is recently played list which I'm sure will be added in, in the near future. Without it the gaming environment feels isolated. It's a bit of a pain to ask everyone what their gamertag is an ask them to spell it to me phonetically
    (A as in Adam, B as in Bravo) so I can get every letter to add them as a friend lol.
    Stoyvensen, Jan 2, 2014
  6. x24hrs2livex
    x24hrs2livex Guest
    I dont miss that feature at all. I was never the type to add people from that list so that doesnt bother me much. Id rather have HDD management and external storage first.
    x24hrs2livex, Jan 2, 2014
  7. Stoyvensen
    Stoyvensen Guest
    Yeah, true that....external storage is REALLY going to be needed soon.
    Stoyvensen, Jan 2, 2014
  8. DWoodbine
    DWoodbine Guest

    hopeful future updates for the xbox one

    I'd like to know how much space I have on my HDD, but other than that, I'm not really missing a lot of features.
    DWoodbine, Jan 2, 2014
  9. You aren't missing having notifications when friends come online? Checking friends list, activity feed, messages..etc have some real lag. I do use smartglass, but the Xbox One should be FAST. Why is it not FAST? I thought all the internals would make
    this a beast. I'd also like every feature the 360 had because WHY NOT? These all should have been day one "features". Now they will push like it is something new if they add it later. Why are all disc games required to install? Why not give us the choice?
    COD Ghosts, for example, is still slow loading games, lobbies..etc so it doesn't seem having it run off the HDD makes it any faster.

    My Internet setup: 55-60MB down - 12up speeds // Netgear WNDR 3700 gigabit router. Xbox One (wired).
    oUNDEAD ZOMBIEo, Jan 2, 2014
  10. DWoodbine
    DWoodbine Guest
    [quote user="oUNDEAD ZOMBIEo"]

    You aren't missing having notifications when friends come online? Checking friends list, activity feed, messages..

    [/quote]Can't say I am and if they do patch it later, I hope they will give us an option to turn notifications off. Being allowed to have a bigger FL, having all those pop ups every time someone comes online would annoy me a great deal.
    DWoodbine, Jan 2, 2014
  11. [quote user="ImDrunky"]

    [quote user="oUNDEAD ZOMBIEo"]

    You aren't missing having notifications when friends come online? Checking friends list, activity feed, messages..

    [/quote]Can't say I am and if they do patch it later, I hope they will give us an option to turn notifications off. Being allowed to have a bigger FL, having all those pop ups every time someone comes online would annoy me a great deal.


    Well, there is a separate list for friends that you can 'favorite'... I'd say that would be the best logical course for them to add notifications. If you want to only be notified when certain friends come online you could add those friends to the favorites
    list. As far as that goes, they could still add the option to turn off those notifications as well.
    A Blue Illusion, Jan 2, 2014
  12. Here are some of the features I would like:

    1. The ability to remember more than one wireless connection

    2. System Link.

    3. Kinect set for my country.

    4. Ability to control my Sky HD box

    5. Steam videos through a USB Hard drive

    6. Stream Videos from my NAS Box.

    7. Ease of use

    8. Get into BF4 games

    9. Lack of real use for the mandatory Kinect

    10. weak Smartglass

    11. etc, etc, etc

    If you have more than one wireless connection you have to keep entering the password everytime you change connection. This is unacceptable. We have a LAN party every week and we all bring our Xbox Ones with us and console can't remember different connections.
    The 360 was like this too, but we had hoped that the One would have this handy feature enable. Does anybody know why it's not? It seems that just about every WiFi enabled device in the world can remember difrrent connections, except the One.

    System Link: There is no System Link. what? you can't be serious? One of the best social features of the Xbox series and the One doesn't have it. My friends and I have been meeting up once a week for more than ten years for a LAN party, with Halo, Forrza,
    all the COD games, Splinter Cell and many other games over the years. Years and years of thrilling excitement. ANd that's all gone now with the "Next Gen" console. So disappointed. Ghosts is the first ever Call of Duty game without System Link. Terrible.

    OK, so I'm in Ireland. We speak excellent English. But in order to get the Kinect to work we have to set it for the UK. But then when I try to open up some apps, they say that the country settings don't match my account and won't open. Xbox Video is one
    such app.

    I want to control my Sky HD box through my Xbox, I have it in the passthrough input. The picture shows, but there is no way to select Sky box or OSD. I would love to be able to say "Channel Up" or "BBC1", but not a hope. Sky have more than ten million customers.
    The best I can get my "entertainment" console to do is higher and lower the volume on my Denon AV amp. Whoopee!

    The One won't recognise any of my external hard drives, so I can't play any of my video files.

    Xbox Video won't browse from my NAS box, even though the description says it will.

    The UX is very weak and the GUI needs a lot of work, but I have a lot of faith that this will greatly improve.

    BF4 is just so broken at the moment.

    Well, we were all forced to cough up the extra readies for the Kinect if we wanted the Xbox One entertainment console. I had huge hopes for this and I thought it would have phenomenal integrated features. But so far it is just an almost useless rectangular
    lump. You can't even scan your face/body/hair for your profile pic!

    Smartglass: I had high hopes for this too, but so far it has no "killer app" features. It's OK, but in reality it's not up to much yet. It's most useful feature is typing messages to friends.

    TBH, I'm very disappointed with the Xbox One so far, there is very little to recommend it above the 360. All of the great entertainment features that it is supposed to have don't appear to work yet. No streaming videos, no system link, no controlling my
    sat box, etc. The games look very similar on both consoles, I have Ghosts for both. The only real difference I have noticed is the water in BF4, otherwise not a lot. I don't know, maybe it's my high spec very big full HD TV that upscales the 360 very well,
    but I don't see a huge difference in gameplay. Ok, so the One games are a little smoother, but definitely not Next-Gen light years away. At the moment, the Xbox 360 has much better features and is much easier to use. parties, squads, etc all work much better
    on the 360. I know that there is a small learning curve, but as a senior techie who has a lot of experience in UX, I am disappointed by the huge lack of the WOW factor. Nothing is slick, nothing is sleek.

    I know much of this will be sorted over time, but the lack of system link games is probably the biggest killer for me. We all met up last night to play BF4 and Ghosts, and while we all had our XBoxes in the same room, instead of an easy LAN connection, we
    all had to connect to the internet in order to play against each other, which meant we had to deal with lag, connectivity problems, etc. The disappoint was huge. Ten years of extreme fun at our little parties, and one night of dull, boring Non-LAN LAN partying
    last night. Is was sick.

    For this of you who have never been to a LAN party, a quick description: 8 or 10 friends in the same big room, all with our own consoles and monitors, screaming and cursing at each other, goading each other, slagging, etc. Extreme excitement with COD2,MW2,MW3,
    BO2 and Halo 2/3/4. It's just so, so much fun. Pizzas, beer, fantastic fun. Campaigns are good, Xbox live is great, but LAN parties are just amazing.

    Sorry for ranting, but I needed to get it off my chest. Hopefully I got everyone of these points wrong and that we can do all these things. It would be embarrassing for me, but sweet too. I would love for somebody to tell me that you can connect to each
    other locally, or that I can control my SKY box using the Kinect, or that I can stream movies from my NAS box.

    I am a complete Xbox fanboy, and managed to persuade quite a few of my friends to buy the Xbox One when everybody else was clamouring for the PS4, and I am getting a lot of flack from them at the moment. So, please, please Microsoft, get the finger out and
    make the One the best console ever.

    And please let Titanfall be fantastic, there is an awful lot riding on it.
    paulgod-61C01135-A596-4D45-AEE6-821E033D1EBE, Jan 2, 2014
  13. ICEMAN 4986
    ICEMAN 4986 Guest

    hopeful future updates for the xbox one

    I want my music videos that I have paid for the last 8yrs
    ICEMAN 4986, Jan 2, 2014
  14. x24hrs2livex
    x24hrs2livex Guest
    May I ask why one would pay for music videos when you can watch them for free on youtube or vevo for free?
    x24hrs2livex, Jan 2, 2014
  15. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest
    At the moment the main thing I'd like fixed is ... "being thrown back to dashboard on various games" ... and ... "Controller randomly disconnecting" ....

    Odd thing is, it can be ok for days then all of a sudden I get loads in one day, mind you since I took the advice of another gamer and turned Kinect off in the settings I've not had any issues. Not the ideal situation as I want to use Kinect but hey ho.

    I love the console overall but these issues are ruining my experience at the moment so hopefully a fix is not too far off.
    Lofty Who, Jan 2, 2014

hopeful future updates for the xbox one

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