Give us our 3d Gaming.

Discus and support Give us our 3d Gaming. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Super disappointed that the Xbox one with all its cool new features isn't offering native support for 3d. We LOOOOOVe our home 3d setup and... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by OfferedUncle28, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Give us our 3d Gaming.

    Super disappointed that the Xbox one with all its cool new features isn't offering native support for 3d. We LOOOOOVe our home 3d setup and specifically seek out content to take advantage of this immersive technology. I have an extensive 3d blue ray
    library and was hoping to compliment that with a comparable 3D game library. Please give us our 3D. It's one of those things you have to experience to believe and is definitely worth the price of admission.

    OfferedUncle28, Jan 2, 2014
  2. John H._07
    John H._07 Guest
    Question: Will the Xbox One have any 3D video games made for it?

    While I won't get into the "3D is a gimmick" argument, I do want to touch on the "3D is natural" argument here. The depth perception our eyes allow us is completely natural, and completely different than the "3D" that is being discussed here. Our eyes
    are able to perceive depth naturally because of how they are structured. 3D in film and gaming is a technological trick we play on our eyes by forcing our eyes to separate an image we are seeing, thus creating the illusion of depth.
    John H._07, Jan 2, 2014
  3. Xbox one updated, now cannot watch 3D blurays

    We used to be able to watch 3D movies on our Xbox One S. However, since the most recent update, our 3D movies will no longer work. We can switch the TV to 3D mode, but a note will pop up and tell us we need a 3D supported device to watch a 3D movie. Anyone
    else having these issues?
    littlefairall, Jan 2, 2014
  4. WHODINI 76
    WHODINI 76 Guest

    Give us our 3d Gaming.

    Sorry to say 3d is on its way out , there was never the interest in it the way they hoped . you had to wear stupid glasses and sit in a chair facing the tv or you wouldn't see all the 3d effects plus buy expensive 3d bluray players and discs . making 3d
    games would of been good but now the future is 4k , I would be very surprised if any of the consoles put 3d on there systems , they need to sort out 5.1 dolby digital before anything else pcm is rubbish .
    WHODINI 76, Jan 2, 2014
  5. It's obvious you haven't experienced how good 3d has gotten for home. Stop Spreading the LIES! IT DOESNT SUCK ITS GREAT!!

    We want manufactures to SUPPORT 3D BECAUSE it TOTALLY KICKS A%%! And makes for a BETTER gaming experience!

    I agree it didn't take off like people thought. But definitely not on the way out. It's just looks too good. I was at CES this last year and guess what 3d was a part of all the manufacturers line up.

    Yes 4K is coming up fast and indication is it will be the next big thing no doubt there. But 4k is only an advantage if you are watching the TV from 3 feet away. At 10' on an average sized TV it starts getting really hard to tell the difference between
    1080p and 4k because at that distance 1080p is already small enough that you can't discern pixels. If you have a HUGE TV then 4k becomes way more desirable. Best BUY is now displaying 4k can see what i mean..not the jump in quality that going
    from SD to HD seems like it might be how i felt(from a realistic viewing distance). Its the perfect scenario to have a massive launch followed by flat sales...

    For pure viewing experience 3D vs 4k... 3D blows it out of the water. Again...unless its a massive TV or you are only 3' away the advantage of super high res TV is minimal. But the feeling of being immersed in the world is about as rad as it gets.

    So I really hope that you are wrong.

    I agree a large amount of manufacturers really bungled the launch of 3D for home by the majority of manufactures pushing the shutter glasses system.

    These sucked! They were big uncomfortable glasses that had to be charged and could get out of sync and ruin the experience.

    No standardization meant that every TV's had its own stupid expensive system. meaning you only had a couple pair for each TV. This decision set 3d back for home by a few years because it made 3d viewing cumbersome and created a reputation as being cumbersome.
    Manufacturers blew the 3d for home launch! Doesn't mean its going away.

    There was no way these were going to be a good solution for the masses.

    Shutter 3d systems are definitely on the way out.

    The Real D polarized system doesn't suffer from those problems. Glasses are comparable to wearing sunglasses and cheap! They also have great viewing angle so unless you have a really poor seat then you are going to see everything just fine. If you
    are installing a 3d system in your home just take the time to install it becomes a non issue. Oh dang glasses got broken? Just bring home the pair you wore at the movies and they work! they are like again $2 each CHEAP!

    3d blue ray players? Non issue...almost every blue ray player except for the low low end are 3d compliant now. Expensive 3d blue rays yeah I agree there but it really hasn't prevented me from buying the ones I want in 3d.

    Hollywood continues to pump out 3d Movies in fact more then ever....doesn't it suck that unless you have 3d on your TV that you will NEVER again see it as the director intended? And what if you missed it at the theater...then you are just screwed you will
    NEVER see it as the director intended. Maybe that doesn't matter to some but it matters to me.

    The reality is most people just haven't experienced home 3d in its current gen. But time after time when friends/family visit and we switch it to 3d they are blown away. Most of them just hadn't seen it before. More then once they have gone out and got
    their own after experiencing it.

    Oh one misconception for a lot of people is that if you have a 3d TV it's on 3d ALL the time....not only enable that feature when you care to take advantage.

    On the way out? I hope not! Slow and steady growth from here on out. By the way Costco is now selling 80inch 3d TV's. DROOL.

    AGAIN US GAMERS WANT 3D gaming. It's the biggest visual improvement since HD. We need to just collectively ask for it.

    Truth to be told I was lined up to purchase Xbox ONE UNTIL i found out there was a lack of 3d support...if it doesn't materialize then I wont buy, that is sad to say because it seems pretty great in other ways... But there are other options and I want to
    financially support those who are creating the experience that I want to have.
    OfferedUncle28, Jan 3, 2014
  6. WHODINI 76
    WHODINI 76 Guest
    It's obvious you haven't experienced how good 3d has gotten for home. Stop Spreading the LIES! IT DOESNT SUCK ITS GREAT!!

    I have experienced 3d , I have a top of the rang sony 3d tv with full 7.1 speakers and amp , at no point did I say I didn't like it or think it wasn't amazing to watch . what I was saying if you read my post is Microsoft will target what sells and 3d doesn't
    for the very reason it was rushed out by most manufactures as nothing more than an expensive gimmick .if it was that popular and there was a market for it there would be 3d games on next gen consoles but there isn't
    WHODINI 76, Jan 3, 2014
  7. I rarely post on topics dealing with opinions since nobody is right or wrong, but I MUST agree with OfferedUncle28. I myself absolutely LOVE 3D games... I hadn't touched my ps3 or my 360 in about a year.. and then I happened to try the game "unchartered
    3" in 3D and LOVED the 3d.. I ended up running out and getting a 3D tv ONLY for the games.. I don't even have regular tv. Since then, I have now gone out and bought just about every single 3D game for both the ps3 and the 360. I don't plan on getting either
    the ps4 or the One since neither apparently supports 3D.

    In fact, just last night I stumbled upon the game on the xbox arcade called "3D Infinity." It is a blah game, but in 3D, it is GREAT! If you haven't tried that game in 3D, I highly recommend it. Plus, its $5.

    If anybody has any recommendations for other 3D video games, PLEASE let me know.. I thought I knew about all the available titles, but I stumbled upon "3D infinity" just last night.. Its really is kind of DUMB that I have to "SEARCH" for 3d games so hard.
    For example, you can't just type in "3d" to find many. Sometimes, you have to type in "tv" or "glasses". Another example is Gamestop has a 3D category for the ps3, but NOT for the 360. Duh!
    IdoNOTwantKids, Oct 31, 2018
  8. WHODINI 76 Win User

    Give us our 3d Gaming.

    Sorry to say 3d is on its way out , there was never the interest in it the way they hoped . you had to wear stupid glasses and sit in a chair facing the tv or you wouldn't see all the 3d effects plus buy expensive 3d bluray players and discs . making 3d
    games would of been good but now the future is 4k , I would be very surprised if any of the consoles put 3d on there systems , they need to sort out 5.1 dolby digital before anything else pcm is rubbish .
  9. IdoNOTwantKids Win User

    Give us our 3d Gaming.

    I rarely post on topics dealing with opinions since nobody is right or wrong, but I MUST agree with OfferedUncle28. I myself absolutely LOVE 3D games... I hadn't touched my ps3 or my 360 in about a year.. and then I happened to try the game "unchartered
    3" in 3D and LOVED the 3d.. I ended up running out and getting a 3D tv ONLY for the games.. I don't even have regular tv. Since then, I have now gone out and bought just about every single 3D game for both the ps3 and the 360. I don't plan on getting either
    the ps4 or the One since neither apparently supports 3D.

    In fact, just last night I stumbled upon the game on the xbox arcade called "3D Infinity." It is a blah game, but in 3D, it is GREAT! If you haven't tried that game in 3D, I highly recommend it. Plus, its $5.

    If anybody has any recommendations for other 3D video games, PLEASE let me know.. I thought I knew about all the available titles, but I stumbled upon "3D infinity" just last night.. Its really is kind of DUMB that I have to "SEARCH" for 3d games so hard.
    For example, you can't just type in "3d" to find many. Sometimes, you have to type in "tv" or "glasses". Another example is Gamestop has a 3D category for the ps3, but NOT for the 360. Duh!
  10. WHODINI 76 Win User

    Give us our 3d Gaming.

    It's obvious you haven't experienced how good 3d has gotten for home. Stop Spreading the LIES! IT DOESNT SUCK ITS GREAT!!

    I have experienced 3d , I have a top of the rang sony 3d tv with full 7.1 speakers and amp , at no point did I say I didn't like it or think it wasn't amazing to watch . what I was saying if you read my post is Microsoft will target what sells and 3d doesn't
    for the very reason it was rushed out by most manufactures as nothing more than an expensive gimmick .if it was that popular and there was a market for it there would be 3d games on next gen consoles but there isn't
  11. OfferedUncle28 Win User

    Give us our 3d Gaming.

    It's obvious you haven't experienced how good 3d has gotten for home. Stop Spreading the LIES! IT DOESNT SUCK ITS GREAT!!

    We want manufactures to SUPPORT 3D BECAUSE it TOTALLY KICKS A%%! And makes for a BETTER gaming experience!

    I agree it didn't take off like people thought. But definitely not on the way out. It's just looks too good. I was at CES this last year and guess what 3d was a part of all the manufacturers line up.

    Yes 4K is coming up fast and indication is it will be the next big thing no doubt there. But 4k is only an advantage if you are watching the TV from 3 feet away. At 10' on an average sized TV it starts getting really hard to tell the difference between
    1080p and 4k because at that distance 1080p is already small enough that you can't discern pixels. If you have a HUGE TV then 4k becomes way more desirable. Best BUY is now displaying 4k can see what i mean..not the jump in quality that going
    from SD to HD seems like it might be how i felt(from a realistic viewing distance). Its the perfect scenario to have a massive launch followed by flat sales...

    For pure viewing experience 3D vs 4k... 3D blows it out of the water. Again...unless its a massive TV or you are only 3' away the advantage of super high res TV is minimal. But the feeling of being immersed in the world is about as rad as it gets.

    So I really hope that you are wrong.

    I agree a large amount of manufacturers really bungled the launch of 3D for home by the majority of manufactures pushing the shutter glasses system.

    These sucked! They were big uncomfortable glasses that had to be charged and could get out of sync and ruin the experience.

    No standardization meant that every TV's had its own stupid expensive system. meaning you only had a couple pair for each TV. This decision set 3d back for home by a few years because it made 3d viewing cumbersome and created a reputation as being cumbersome.
    Manufacturers blew the 3d for home launch! Doesn't mean its going away.

    There was no way these were going to be a good solution for the masses.

    Shutter 3d systems are definitely on the way out.

    The Real D polarized system doesn't suffer from those problems. Glasses are comparable to wearing sunglasses and cheap! They also have great viewing angle so unless you have a really poor seat then you are going to see everything just fine. If you
    are installing a 3d system in your home just take the time to install it becomes a non issue. Oh dang glasses got broken? Just bring home the pair you wore at the movies and they work! they are like again $2 each CHEAP!

    3d blue ray players? Non issue...almost every blue ray player except for the low low end are 3d compliant now. Expensive 3d blue rays yeah I agree there but it really hasn't prevented me from buying the ones I want in 3d.

    Hollywood continues to pump out 3d Movies in fact more then ever....doesn't it suck that unless you have 3d on your TV that you will NEVER again see it as the director intended? And what if you missed it at the theater...then you are just screwed you will
    NEVER see it as the director intended. Maybe that doesn't matter to some but it matters to me.

    The reality is most people just haven't experienced home 3d in its current gen. But time after time when friends/family visit and we switch it to 3d they are blown away. Most of them just hadn't seen it before. More then once they have gone out and got
    their own after experiencing it.

    Oh one misconception for a lot of people is that if you have a 3d TV it's on 3d ALL the time....not only enable that feature when you care to take advantage.

    On the way out? I hope not! Slow and steady growth from here on out. By the way Costco is now selling 80inch 3d TV's. DROOL.

    AGAIN US GAMERS WANT 3D gaming. It's the biggest visual improvement since HD. We need to just collectively ask for it.

    Truth to be told I was lined up to purchase Xbox ONE UNTIL i found out there was a lack of 3d support...if it doesn't materialize then I wont buy, that is sad to say because it seems pretty great in other ways... But there are other options and I want to
    financially support those who are creating the experience that I want to have.
  12. John H._07 Win User

    Question: Will the Xbox One have any 3D video games made for it?

    While I won't get into the "3D is a gimmick" argument, I do want to touch on the "3D is natural" argument here. The depth perception our eyes allow us is completely natural, and completely different than the "3D" that is being discussed here. Our eyes
    are able to perceive depth naturally because of how they are structured. 3D in film and gaming is a technological trick we play on our eyes by forcing our eyes to separate an image we are seeing, thus creating the illusion of depth.

Give us our 3d Gaming.

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