get away with

Discus and support get away with in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; [quote user="IceStorm III"] [quote user=""]Do you mean willingly sacrificing a certain amount of users?[/quote]No product is built to satisfy all... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. get away with

    [quote user="IceStorm III"]

    [quote user=""]Do you mean willingly sacrificing a certain amount of users?[/quote]No product is built to satisfy all users. It's not a question of "sacrifice".


    Well, in that case I don't agree with your interpretation...appreciate your thoughts though.

    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  2. InitiateTwo
    InitiateTwo Guest
    Can this guy get away with this?

    Maybe he's just lonely wanted to connect with someone. Anyway, social skills are hard!
    InitiateTwo, Jan 5, 2014
  3. Eggnogga
    Eggnogga Guest
    Why PC Gaming Gets Away With It

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there was a helluva lot of conjecture in @dudeskis01 post.
    Eggnogga, Jan 5, 2014
  4. get away with

    [quote user="NEWB 720"]

    [quote user="Dynamic Sausage"]

    As for hard copies disappearing, that won't happen until the 2nd hand market is somehow made obsolete and the majority of target market countries are running high speed broadband as a minimum. I quite like the idea of the SD card which could quite possibly
    come in the next generation when the prices of high storage really plummet. Even so, there will be a market for DVD and Blu-Ray for quite a few years to come yet as not everybody has even realised the potential of their Smart TVs and PCs so in that respect,
    disc drives have still got many years ahead of them to meet that demand.


    Tbere only exists a 2nd hand market because of cheap people who know that if they wait the price will come down on "USED" copies.


    BTW can any of you figure out why digital download prices are cheaper? They have to compete with the almost free prices of craiglist and ebay.

    If the physical copies can be completely done away with then the the used market will dissappear and prices can be allowed to finally rise on the digital games and remain at a stable $60 forever. A few people may get priced out
    of the market but think of the many cheap gamers will eventually give up and pay full price. Those that are priced out will still buy games, they will just have to save more money and buy fewer with the distributer getting all the money rather than some old
    guy at a flee market.


    The biggest difference between digital and physical is the licensing. The publishers and service providers can rightfully retain control over access and distributing of the content. Content that you are not intended to have now
    or in the future can become unavailable.


    I only wish there were something that can be done about all the physical media that is already being circulated in the used market. 100 different people reading the same copy of a book or playing the same copy of a movie or game.


    There are people that simply cannot afford to buy games at $60, it doesn't mean they are cheap. And why would you want prices to remain at a stable $60, as a consumer shouldn't you want competition to create lower prices? Unless you work for a game company
    I can't understand the logic behind this. Why does anything need to be done about all the physical media circulated in the used market? I don't even know where you could possibly be going with this line of thinking.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  5. Nobody complains about this crap with Steam.

    And as others have pointed out, OP is totally overthinking what Spencer said. I use that phrase all the time, and it's never because I'm trying to pull a fast one. It basically just means, "would it be practical?"
    JohnnyVonRotten, Jan 5, 2014
  6. Doesn't Steam have lower prices? I wouldn't mind going all digital if there was a dramatic decrease in the price of games. Even though you don't use it that way you acknowledge that it does usually indicate pulling a fast one so you should be able to see
    where I'm coming from. There are so many other ways to state "would it be practical" if that is indeed what he meant then it was a very poor choice of wording.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  7. Also idk how many people recently purchased a laptop, bot 90 % don't come with disc drives anymore.
    Upinya Slayin, Jan 5, 2014
  8. get away with

    I would have that conversation but in a laptop forum. Not trying to be rude.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  9. Maybe an all-digital Xbox ecosystem would've been able to duplicate the kinds of sales you see on Steam. That is, if the fanboys would dare let the thing exist in the first place.
    JohnnyVonRotten, Jan 5, 2014
  10. Upinya,

    But... but... what about kids in third world countries?! How will they be able to download games on their laptops w/out the internet?
    JohnnyVonRotten, Jan 5, 2014
  11. Nope, that's not how it's gonna work for me at least. I'm gonna have to see the price drop first, I do not trust MS enough at this point. Just look at the price of games on the Marketplace. I haven't checked because I have the disc but I bet Halo 4 is still
    sitting $60.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  12. How the hell do you expect to see price drops on games for a platform that doesn't exist yet?!?!
    JohnnyVonRotten, Jan 5, 2014
  13. get away with

    I don't, that would be impossible. If MS ever went all-digital I wouldn't invest until I saw a decrease in prices.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014
  14. Okay... so don't buy one. But don't throw a fit about their not including a dying technology
    JohnnyVonRotten, Jan 5, 2014
  15. LOL Don't buy what??? The platform you say doesn't exist yet? Okay, I won't. LOL Seriously though, the adults are having a conversation about the possibility of a disc-less console. Try and keep up.
    Sunburst Univox, Jan 5, 2014

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