GamerTag Change

Discus and support GamerTag Change in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello, When I'm logged into my email account associated with my Xbox Live account, under change Gamertag tag it says I can change it once for free. I... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Iron Dr Bamboo, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. GamerTag Change


    When I'm logged into my email account associated with my Xbox Live account, under change Gamertag tag it says I can change it once for free. I pick a new tag and when I click Claim It, it goes to a screen where it says it cost $9.99....??


    Iron Dr Bamboo, Dec 31, 2015
  2. mk30001
    mk30001 Guest
    Xbox one followers privacy/spam concerns. END IT

    Even if you change your Gamertag, you purchases and saves are still locked to your account. I could change my gamertag right now and I still have everything. It stays with the email address you signed up with, not gamertag.
    mk30001, Dec 31, 2015
  3. Damnlag
    Damnlag Guest
    Need your opinion about a couple of gamer profiles

    It cost 800 Microsoft Points to change a gamertag, $10. Change your gamertag of the one you like to something else, and then change the other one to the gamertag you like. $20 investment and your playing on the gamertag you want to play on, and you have the achievements to show off your progression of games.
    Damnlag, Dec 31, 2015
  4. geekfather
    geekfather Guest

    GamerTag Change

    You can only use the free Gamertag change when you let the Xbox Live assign you a random generated name. Since this is one that you created (all auto-generated names have numbers at end) you are not entitled to a free change so would have to pay the 9.95
    to change it
    geekfather, Dec 31, 2015
  5. {Parity}
    {Parity} Guest
    As axemator says, when you selected your custom name that was actually your free selection and anything after that will be charged a fee. Happy Gaming!
    {Parity}, Oct 31, 2018
  6. DrifterX22 Win User

    Gamer tag

    I received a forced Gamertag change. Can XBLPET let me choose a new Gamertag for free?
    Some rumors give the impression that XBLPET will provide a free Gamertag change to accounts that have received a forced Gamertag change. This is not the case.

    In the past, a forced Gamertag change gave users the opportunity to change the offending Gamertag free of charge. Unfortunately, this gesture was prone to abuse, and many people simply chose new, equally offensive Gamertags. As a result,
    the Gamertag enforcement process changed. A forced Gamertag change now automatically assigns a new Gamertag to the account, much in the same way a system-generated Gamertag is provided when you first sign up for Xbox Live.

    If a player is unhappy with the assigned Gamertag and wishes to change it, he or she may purchase a new Gamertag through the

    standard Gamertag change process
  7. WPAK Win User

    Dellaphonttii, trying to get my old game tag back that I had switched for my godson who didn't like

  8. OK Fowl Win User

    Gamertag Removed
    I received a forced Gamertag change. Can XBLPET let me choose a new Gamertag for free?
    Some rumors give the impression that XBLPET will provide a free Gamertag change to accounts that have received a forced Gamertag change. This is not the case.

    In the past, a forced Gamertag change gave users the opportunity to change the offending Gamertag free of charge. Unfortunately, this gesture was prone to abuse, and many people simply chose new, equally offensive Gamertags. As a
    result, the Gamertag enforcement process changed. A forced Gamertag change now automatically assigns a new Gamertag to the account, much in the same way a system-generated Gamertag is provided when you first sign up for Xbox Live.

    If a player is unhappy with the assigned Gamertag and wishes to change it, he or she may purchase a new Gamertag through the

    standard Gamertag change process
  9. WPAK Win User

    gamertag change

    Hi there,

    I'm afraid there are no free gamertag changes, if a gamertag was deemed to break the CoC/ToU then you will given a generated one and if you want to change the gamertag into something chosen by yourself it will have the fee like any gamertag change.

    See this link for the steps:
  10. ISirProdigy007 Win User



    Everything you need to know about forced gamertag changes

    And I quote

    " I received a forced Gamertag change. Can XBLPET let me choose a new Gamertag for free?

    Some rumors give the impression that XBLPET will provide a free Gamertag change to accounts that have received a forced Gamertag change. This is not the case.

    In the past, a forced Gamertag change gave users the opportunity to change the offending Gamertag free of charge. Unfortunately, this gesture was prone to abuse, and many people simply chose new, equally offensive Gamertags. As a result, the Gamertag enforcement
    process changed. A forced Gamertag change now automatically assigns a new Gamertag to the account, much in the same way a system-generated Gamertag is provided when you first sign up for Xbox Live.

    If a player is unhappy with the assigned Gamertag and wishes to change it, he or she may purchase a new Gamertag through the standard Gamertag change process."

    Source link:

    You will need to pay for the change unfortunately!.

    Happy Gaming!

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