Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.

Discus and support Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have a question - if we find out what's causing the problem, would there be any way to send the information to Microsoft? @taidara I tried out your... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by X SNiP3r iR3 X, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest

    Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.

    I have a question - if we find out what's causing the problem, would there be any way to send the information to Microsoft?

    @taidara I tried out your suggestion, and I didn't disconnect. However, the xbox started glitching out. My friends list was, for lack of a better phrase, 'frozen in time' and I wasn't recieving any
    '[Gamertag] is online' notifications. Connecting in games was also extremely slow.

    I also have an idea of why my 'fix' works. I think it glitches the OS in some way, so I might try to use the packet sniffer again to find out why. I should also point out that I didn't use my 'fix' today, so I highly doubt that the frozen friends list was
    attributed to that.
    Dude99110, Dec 28, 2015
  2. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    I just captured another set of packets. At the exact moment of the disconnect, there were a lot of 'Multicast Listener Report Message v2'
    packets. The only other time these packets appeared was when I started playing the game, and only one appeared then.

    There were also a few 'DHCP request' packets at roughly the same time as the disconnect as well. The final 'DHCP Request' packet displays Bootstrap Protocol highlighted in blue, if that means anything.
    Dude99110, Dec 29, 2015
  3. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    The dashboard glitched on startup again.

    Also, my Xbox's device IP has changed since I tried the suggested fix. Is that normal? It is not the value I assigned it.
    Dude99110, Jan 1, 2016
  4. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest

    Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.

    Sorry if I seem impatient, but I am wondering if the 'Bootstrap Protocol' thing means anything, and I haven't had a response for a while.
    Dude99110, Jan 7, 2016
  5. taidara
    taidara Guest
    Sorry for the late reply!

    [quote user="Dude99110"]There were also a few 'DHCP request' packets at roughly the same time as the disconnect as well. The final 'DHCP Request' packet displays Bootstrap Protocol highlighted in blue, if that
    means anything.[/quote]The Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) have the same design goals as DHCP, but where BOOTP is designed prior to DHCP. BOOTP serves a mean to allocate IP information to client who wishes to become active IP hosts, as of yet, has no IP address.
    Even though, BOOTP and DHCP are two different protocols, where DHCP is the more common protocol of them two, DHCP is built on the foundation of BOOTP. The message type is almost identical between these two, and that is why you'll see the BOOTP section as the
    DHCP header and message.

    If you refer to "higlighted blue", as "light blue" it would be the UDP (connectionless) protocol, which is the layer 4 transport protocol and in this case, used for communication between client (BOOTPC) and DHCP server (BOOTPS).

    [quote user="Dude99110"]I just captured another set of packets. At the exact moment of the disconnect, there were a lot of 'Multicast Listener Report Message v2' packets.[/quote]'Multicast Listener Report Message
    v2' (MLD2) is a network discovery protocol, used in conjunction with the ICMPv6 protocol, to form group membership for IPv6 hosts (receivers). When the Xbox One is booting up, it sends out 'Report Message' to join a Multicast group. The Xbox One is signaling
    through the membership of this group its interest in receiving specific gameplay and video data. The Report Message is sent as raw data through the ICMPv6 protocol which operate in the IP layer (connectionless), and since there're no means for error detection
    and flow control (windowing), it's trial and error, trial and error, trial and... scenario.

    I'm not sure when you say "there were a lot of 'Multicast Listener Report Message v2' packets", where " a lot of" is how many packet/sec that would count?

    [quote user="Dude99110"]Also, my Xbox's device IP has changed since I tried the suggested fix. Is that normal? It is not the value I assigned it.[/quote]No, it's not normal for a device to have its IP address changed by a DHCP server, if the device has been
    configured with static IP information.

    What IP address has it changed to?

    It's clearly that your router and its currently running software is not compatible with the Xbox One's W10 based OS version (10.0.10586.1026).
    taidara, Jan 8, 2016
  6. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    @taidara - The light blue highlighting was only present on the third DHCP Request. Expanding it showed that the 'seconds elapsed' was also highlighted blue, with 4 seconds elapsed. (The other 2 DHCP requests took zero seconds).

    Six Multicast listener messages popped up immediately after the third DHCP request. Another three popped up while the console was reconnecting. The only other time I saw these multicast listener messages was when the console was turning on (which is normal,
    based on what you said in your last post.)

    I used your example when I assigned static IP information. The IP ended in .8 before I made it static, but changed to .4 after an unspecified period of time (After making it static).

    In short, I'm guessing that the only true fix is to get a newer Internet device. Although I'm still questioning how my 'fix' works, and why my PC running Windows 10 isn't having the same issues.
    Dude99110, Jan 10, 2016
  7. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    Also, the console disconnects exactly one hour after turning it on. Other people having the same issue have different time periods between DCs.
    Dude99110, Jan 10, 2016
  8. StevenBM
    StevenBM Guest

    Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.

    StevenBM, Jan 10, 2016
  9. taidara
    taidara Guest
    [quote user="Dude99110"]I used your example when I assigned static IP information. The IP ended in .8 before I made it static, but changed to .4 after an unspecified period of time (After making it static).[/quote]As in If so, this makes me
    wonder if you've actually configured this address to be excluded from the DHCPs pool of addresses. Or did you exclude addresses from the lower range? For example, - where the DHCP server will assign addresses from -

    Let's assume your DHCP server can lease a range of addresses that begins with and ends with What I initially wanted you to do was to lower this range to:

    IP pool starting address:

    IP pool ending address:

    Then assign your console with a fixed IP address outside of this range. For example,, or any value between .50 - .254
    taidara, Jan 10, 2016
  10. Bu5hranger
    Bu5hranger Guest
    I'm still getting disconnected every 1 hour. It starts at different times depending on what time I first login, but yes every 1 hour almost exactly it will disconnect. Sometimes it won't do it for a day or 2, then it happens all day and night for a few days

    There was a recent system update, didn't fix a single thing. Actually made it worse.

    Sad Face.
    Bu5hranger, Jan 11, 2016
  11. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    @Bu5hranger Yeah. I'm starting to wonder if MS are even aware of this issue, let alone trying to fix it.

    @taidara I understood what you were saying, and I did lower the DHCP range to an ending address of, and set the Xbox's DHCP at (This was the example of yours that I was referring to).

    Also, on the day I installed the latest system update, I didn't DC at all. (Problem still continues the next day). This is the same scenario that happened the last time a system update was installed.

    At least my 'fix' still seems to be working, but I don't want to have to keep glitching the OS to stay connected to the internet for the rest of the day.
    Dude99110, Jan 12, 2016
  12. StevenBM
    StevenBM Guest
    Sign your profile out and then sign back in, that should get everything back to normal. If that doesn't fix it try the next step.

    2.Go to network settings disconnect your WiFi, making sure that the xbox forgets your WiFi password and then set it back up as if it is a brand new connection.

    (3. Some have said going into network and clicking go offline and then clicking go online afterwards fixes this too, it was unsuccessful for me but might be worth a try)
    StevenBM, Jan 12, 2016
  13. taidara
    taidara Guest

    Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.

    [quote user="Dude99110"]@ I understood what you were saying, and I did lower the DHCP range to an ending address of, and set the Xbox's DHCP at (This was the example of yours that I was referring to).[/quote]So,
    what you're basically saying is that even with a fixed IP outside of the DHCP's pool of addresses, your console is allocated an address from the DHCP server every now and then?
    taidara, Jan 12, 2016
  14. StevenBM
    StevenBM Guest
    @Dude not sure if you're still going through a switch I had terrible speed, latency, packet loss going through my asus ac2400 rt-ac87u to a Linksys gigabit switch. To the point where my wireless connected Xbox One console was performing better than the
    ethernet connected one. I took the switch out of the equation and just went router to console. That seemed to fix the issue for me. Other than a few tweaks on the router I'm not port forwarding and don't have reserved DHCP. Everything is working great now.
    I hope this suggestion offers some help and doesn't look pathetic or ridiculous. I sometimes find the solution is lot simpler than the complexity I find in some of these threads.
    StevenBM, Jan 13, 2016
  15. Dude99110
    Dude99110 Guest
    @TitanFeller The console is connected directly to the netgear.

    @taidara Yes, that is what I am saying. It was only automatically allocated an address once though, and that was after I allocated a static address. I'm getting a technician to look at it at the weekend, as I'm pretty sure that's not normal.
    Dude99110, Jan 15, 2016

Frequently disconnecting from xbox live after system update.