Forum to Ambassadors/Enforcement Team

Discus and support Forum to Ambassadors/Enforcement Team in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello Xbox Ambassador. Sorry if my my paragraphs and my sentences aren't that good. I'm speaking to you via my phone. I'm writing a forum about an... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Rerh, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Rerh
    Rerh Guest

    Forum to Ambassadors/Enforcement Team

    Hello Xbox Ambassador.

    Sorry if my my paragraphs and my sentences aren't that good. I'm speaking to you via my phone.

    I'm writing a forum about an account that was banned near enough 3 years ago. I do not remember the exact date but I was banned for inappropriate conduct of content. Which i would like say that's I don't think that ban woas true/fair Im not tying to make
    up some story to get me unbanned. When I use to play on that account I was a young kid people were aggressive towards me because my voice. I use to play Black Ops 2 and people sometimes "Filed complaint's" on me as jokes. Which I didnt mind sometimes i taunted
    them because i thaight it wouldn't do anything. I don't think that was the reason I was banned. But i use to get a lot of hate messages. But i always replied cussing and being aggressive. I remember once getting a messsage saying "your bad at cod" so i relpied
    Swearing since I was angry that day. If that's not the case i dont know what if it is I'd like like to apoligise and tell you I've matured a lot Since then then. My gamertag was DCG Stamina and my mail is [Mod Removed] please let me know of what I can do
    can do to get my account unbanned Thank You -Sandy

  2. voteDC
    voteDC Guest
    Unwanted Xbox Live Gamertag Change

    It only escalates to the Enforcement Team if there isn't consensus among the Ambassadors taking part in Enforcement United.

    As the section I bolded points out, if the Ambassadors do agree then the Enforcement Team never becomes involved.
    voteDC, Oct 14, 2017
  3. MissyQ
    MissyQ Guest
    [REPORT/COMPLAINT] Game Hacking Issue + Flaws

    Well, this forum is mostly seen by Ambassadors, not really Enforcement team. But Official Support do look at the posts, and I hope they get you sorted out!
    MissyQ, Oct 14, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Forum to Ambassadors/Enforcement Team

    Nothing you can do.

    There is a 12 month time limit to file for a case review.

    As your account was banned 3 years ago you are way past that time limit & not eligible for a case review.

    The account is gone & will not be unbanned.
    Daft Badger, Oct 14, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Forum to Ambassadors/Enforcement Team