Forced gamertag change

Discus and support Forced gamertag change in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; hi, my name's anaru and i earlier was on a support chat with 'Paul Andrew' he was very helpful and he suggested to post a request for a forced gamertag... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Im Triggs, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Im Triggs
    Im Triggs Guest

    Forced gamertag change

    hi, my name's anaru and i earlier was on a support chat with 'Paul Andrew' he was very helpful and he suggested to post a request for a forced gamertag change from you guys because latley I've been getting alot of hate and abuse message towards my gamertag
    because aparently i was posted in a youtube video anyway i have no money to pay for a new gamertag so as i said he directed me to you guys and guranteed me a succesful free of charge force gamertag thank you all for your help and happy 2014 Forced gamertag change :) i hope this
    is able to happen as i was guaranteed.

    Im Triggs, Jan 1, 2014
  2. EggsBoxJuan
    EggsBoxJuan Guest
    Gamer Tag change asap (refered via live chat)

    Hi, forced gamertag changes are only imposed under certain circumstances. Having your personal info, name etc isn't recommended but also isn't against the terms of use or code of conduct.



    The link above explains about forced gamertag changes and what circumstances they are imposed. Other than that you're looking at paying for the change I suspect. The link below explains the gamertag change process in detail.

    EggsBoxJuan, Jan 1, 2014
  3. xH4RD3Rx
    xH4RD3Rx Guest
    forced gamertag change

    to whom it may concern,

    ive had the same gamertag D0 M3 H4RD3R for a solid four years, and today when i go to sign on its telling me to change my gamertag. I play all my games on the hardest difficultly possible gow 1, 2, and 3 insane mow2 blackops and mow3 (was working on) veteran
    and all of the halo saga legendary. why after four and a half faithful years to xboxlive are they making me change my gamertag? i cannot believe that im being told to change my gamertag after nearly five years i was 16 when i created this account im 21 now
    how come just now someone thinks this is suggestive, the only thing that my gamertag suggests to me is a way of thinking give me everything you have play hard and ill play harder, ill give you 110% and i exspect the same so D0 M3 H4RD3R to take my gamertag
    out of context just shows how immature some people are... ive been told that my gamertag has a double meaning and proably offended someone, it offends me that someone would even think i created this gamertag for such a reason, and to force someone to change
    their gamertag bc of double meanings is ridiculous, if thats the case why not make evryone who has a gamertag with a 6 and a 9 consecutivly change their gamertag thats suggestive isn't it? where is the line drawn why did someone decide to draw it in front
    of my gamertag more importantly why if it is so sugestive did it take nearly five years for someone to say something? ive grownup with this gamertag it is special to me that may sound stupid, but u try going half a decade with the same name then have someone
    tell u to change it bc it offends someone who doesnt even know you... i want to know who i can talk too to resovle this issue, this means alot to me...

    sincerely, jacob taylor
    xH4RD3Rx, Jan 1, 2014
  4. Forced gamertag change

    First off this is a known scam.

    Second, support wouldn't send you here.

    Third, if a forced change occurs the PET generates a random tag with zero input from you.

    Fourth, lying to support is never a good idea.

    Fifth, Microsoft never gives out free anything.
    VisageOfAnAngel, Jan 1, 2014
  5. Im Triggs
    Im Triggs Guest
    First off i am not scamming i can copy and paste the messages.

    Second, you have no proof of this as a scam.

    Third, i was promised/guaranteed a forced gamer tag change from a support member.

    Fourth i didn't lie.

    and also as i said i was promised a forced gamer tag change so lying to a customer is never a good idea either and this is nor free but help to a customer who is being abused due to his XBL GT.
    Im Triggs, Jan 1, 2014
  6. There's at least a half dozen of these that get posted every day and it never works. So yes, it's a known scam it's just a poor one. Hey, look at that someone else just posted one a minute ago but this time it was "in a forum" which is more creative than
    the youtube version I admit. Point being these people--including you--never get a free switch to a name of their choosing. If you want to change your tag then pay the $10.
    VisageOfAnAngel, Jan 1, 2014
  7. Im Triggs
    Im Triggs Guest
    well maybe instead of accusing people of scamming etc, you should keep your nose out of peoples business when you have absolutely no proof whatsoever maybe if you could show me some proof i myself am lying (although i'm not) because unlike you i have proof
    of these abusive messages within my xboxlive message box, do you have access to my profile? no you don't therefor how could you know? you're just a rude person who makes false accusations of my and other peoples issues.
    Im Triggs, Jan 1, 2014
  8. Forced gamertag change

    Hello Killa Ma0ri Forced gamertag change :)

    I fully take on board that you have been told by chat support to come and post here and request a forced gamertag change. Unfortunately, it seems like you may have been mislead because the only way to get a forced change is from the Enforcement Team (PET)
    and they will only ever do that if your gamertag is deemed as offensive. You are offered the chance to change your gamertag for free during the initial sign up to Xbox LIVE and if you have used that free change or if its expired, then you would have to pay
    for the change yourself.

    If you are getting abuse from other users on the service, the best thing to do is to file a complaint, which will send a report off to the PET. Once they receive the complaint they will take any action necessary once they reach a conclusion. Further more,
    you can Block, Mute and Avoid other players. This will prevent any further communication and make it very less likely that you are placed in online gameplay with them again. You can find guidance for the above actions by clicking

    I hope this helps.

    Many thanks,

    Mark Sherwood, Jan 1, 2014
  9. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    The only time you get a free name change now is when you first set up your account.You only get a forced name change if your gamertag breaks the code of conduct,yours does not.Even then,you are issued a random name & will have to pay if you want a personal

    Support often send people to the forums when thy can't help but they shouldn't as it will achieve nothing.

    Block comms with anyone sending abusive messages & report them via your console,you can even set up comms to friends only.

    If your tag has been posted on youtube without your permission then you will have to contact youtube to get it removed.

    Edit: Noooo,Ninja'd by Cloud.
    Daft Badger, Jan 1, 2014
  10. Klokkwork
    Klokkwork Guest
    Asking for forced Gamertag changes as a means of dodging the responsibility of paying for it like everyone else is rather akin to asking the police to give you a ride home from work because you don't want to pay for a cab. A Gamertag change isn't that expensive,
    but if you really don't want to spend cash on it, I might recommend Bing Rewards. has a rewards program wherein regular use of the search engine yields reward points, which can be redeemed for a variety of things in their catalogue, among which
    is Xbox Live Gift Cards. Wouldn't take long to earn enough points to afford a Gamertag change at no out-of-pocket cost. And as an added bonus, unlike the Forced Gamertag Change, you get to pick your own new Gamertag.
    Klokkwork, Jan 2, 2014
  11. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    Bing rewards is U.S. only as far as i know so it's not an option for everyone.
    Daft Badger, Jan 2, 2014
  12. Klokkwork
    Klokkwork Guest
    That's true, Daft. I'd like to see similar programs run in other regions, or the Bing Rewards program opened up to other regions. Probably issues with a company in the US providing gifts of any monetary value to people in another economic market. But
    I don't see what's stopping partners in other countries working with Microsoft to provide similar benefits to users around the world.
    Klokkwork, Jan 2, 2014
  13. Anarchy x 21
    Anarchy x 21 Guest

    Forced gamertag change

    hi, my name's kevin and i earlier was on a support chat with ''Nice'' he was very helpful and he suggested to post a request for a forced gamertag change from you guys because latley I've been getting alot of hate and abuse message towards my gamertag
    Anarchy x 21, Oct 12, 2014
  14. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Read the previous posts instead of Moder forums

    If you want read the moderforum end of the thread of the template you are using they disavowed it and actually says it's fraudulent

    You are better off spending more time with life then shaddy things and the above steps actually solves the "problem' just not give you the free change you want
    ngocphi, Oct 31, 2018
  15. Klokkwork Win User


    The Xbox Policy Enforcement Team only issues forced Gamertag changes to Gamertags that violate the ToU and Code of Conduct. When a Forced Gamertag Change is issued, your Gamertag is converted to a randomly generated tag. I'd recommend just gathering up
    the $9.99 and paying for a change, since your Gamertag does not seem to be in violation of the rules, and I do not foresee a Forced Gamertag Change being issued for it.
  16. DrifterX22 Win User

    Gamer tag

    I received a forced Gamertag change. Can XBLPET let me choose a new Gamertag for free?
    Some rumors give the impression that XBLPET will provide a free Gamertag change to accounts that have received a forced Gamertag change. This is not the case.

    In the past, a forced Gamertag change gave users the opportunity to change the offending Gamertag free of charge. Unfortunately, this gesture was prone to abuse, and many people simply chose new, equally offensive Gamertags. As a result,
    the Gamertag enforcement process changed. A forced Gamertag change now automatically assigns a new Gamertag to the account, much in the same way a system-generated Gamertag is provided when you first sign up for Xbox Live.

    If a player is unhappy with the assigned Gamertag and wishes to change it, he or she may purchase a new Gamertag through the

    standard Gamertag change process
  17. EggsBoxJuan Win User

    Gamer Tag change asap (refered via live chat)

    Hi, forced gamertag changes are only imposed under certain circumstances. Having your personal info, name etc isn't recommended but also isn't against the terms of use or code of conduct.



    The link above explains about forced gamertag changes and what circumstances they are imposed. Other than that you're looking at paying for the change I suspect. The link below explains the gamertag change process in detail.

  18. PeteAshby Win User

    Gamertag help

    If you were forced to change the gamertag, it would have been forced by the Product Enforcement Team. If the gamertag was reported as being offencive, and the PET decided that it was, then the gamertag is forced to change. Chances of getting the old gamertag
    back is slim to none, as once a gamertag is used, it remains unavailable for something like 5 or 7 years. Plus, there is a good chance that, even if you were able to change it back, that the PET would simply force you to change it again. And beyond that, the
    more you are forced to change your gamertag for ToU violations, the more chance you have of getting suspended. I would just chalk the old gamertag up as gone, and go from there.

    Hope this helps!
  19. Fl0ydPinkert0n Win User


    Possibly a forced gamertag change?

    Forced Gamertag Changes

    When a forced Gamertag change is imposed, the system automatically assigns a new Gamertag to the affected account, much in the same way a system-generated Gamertag is provided when you first sign up for Xbox Live.

    If a player is unhappy with the assigned Gamertag and wishes to change it, he or she may purchase a new Gamertag through the standard Gamertag change process. However, the Gamertag that received the forced change will remain unobtainable.

    A forced Gamertag change may be issued if a Gamertag visually resembles, sound likes, represents, hints at, abbreviates, or otherwise insinuates any of the following:

    • Profane words or phrases
    • Topics or content of a sexual nature
    • Hate speech
    • Controversial religious topics
    • Notorious people or organizations
    • Sensitive current or historical events

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