False ban.... AGAIN

Discus and support False ban.... AGAIN in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; This is the second time I've been false banned on Xbox one by some salty, angry little kid. Now how come I can't be guaranteed to not get false banned... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by jackwilhoit, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. jackwilhoit
    jackwilhoit Guest

    False ban.... AGAIN

    This is the second time I've been false banned on Xbox one by some salty, angry little kid. Now how come I can't be guaranteed to not get false banned by an angry little kid. I'll tell you exactly what happened, I was playing Rainbow
    Six Siege on defense, I was attempting to kill an ash or a thatcher, I don't remember which, so I'm aiming down the hallway and the little kid who's completely new to the game comes running down the hall while I'm firing and I team kill him on accident, he
    joins my party and then trash talk me and crap and then he invites two of his friend. they all three trash talk me and then challenge me to a 1V3, and I win without a single loss. they the kid then invites a whole bunch of people to the party and they all
    report me, so I leave the party and make a new one with my friend and the night goes on and I don't get on until today and I've got the ban. so why didn't the kid get banned and not me? I don't know, so why is that? and how come multiple questions on the test
    thing for a review of the ban are wrong? It just doesn't make sense as to why I've been false banned twice now.

    jackwilhoit, Oct 23, 2017
  2. iisolution7
    iisolution7 Guest
    Fasle ban

    I had gotten a false ban 2 weeks ago. I haven't played since got on today and I was supposed to be unbanned, but no I have gotten yet again another false ban
    iisolution7, Oct 23, 2017
  3. Mikaya Hays
    Mikaya Hays Guest
    Account Banned Falsely

    So I've had a few issues with messaging on xbox but a couple months ago my account got banned for apparently Ddossing but that is completely false. As I do not know how nor do I have the equipment to Ddoss. I talked to support and they said my best bet would be to try to find an xbox ambassador on here since the enforcement team permanently banned my account and completely ignored what I had to say. What they do not know is they gave me the main reason I got banned and its completely false. So if there is an ambassador on here. Please help.
    Mikaya Hays, Oct 23, 2017
  4. OK Fowl
    OK Fowl Guest

    False ban.... AGAIN

    Xbox Enforcement | How Do IXbox Enforcement | How Do I

    Despite what some may claim, XBLPET will never ever ban anyone “for no reason”. Suspensions
    always occur as a result of a specific Code of Conduct violation.

    Xbox Enforcement | How Do I

    Prior to submitting a Case Review, you may be prompted to complete a short questionnaire designed to gauge your understanding of the Code of Conduct. Failure to pass this questionnaire will temporarily prevent you from submitting a review, during which time
    we recommend familiarizing oneself with the
    Code of Conduct
    OK Fowl, Oct 23, 2017
  5. OK Fowl
    OK Fowl Guest
    Sorry, but no one here on the forums can address issues dealing with enforcement actions. Also The Enforcement team no longer uses the forums.

    You will need to visit Xbox's enforcement page to find out any information about your current case.

    Here are some links that might be useful for future reference.

    Link 1:

    Link 2: Xbox Enforcement | How Do I

    Link 3: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/xbox-live/enforcement-on-xbox-live

    Link 4:

    Link 5:
    Xbox Enforcement | Stay Safe

    Link 6:
    OK Fowl, Oct 23, 2017
  6. jackwilhoit
    jackwilhoit Guest
    YAY the forums can't do anything anymore so the support was wrong to tell me to do this
    jackwilhoit, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

False ban.... AGAIN