Fable Anniversary 1080p?

Discus and support Fable Anniversary 1080p? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Read a few articles stating that it has 1080p visuals, but I thought that wasnt possible? 96b86eb7-61f1-4fdf-8e36-bbcd3e51cdfc Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by UnchargedTerror, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Fable Anniversary 1080p?

    Read a few articles stating that it has 1080p visuals, but I thought that wasnt possible?

    UnchargedTerror, Jan 2, 2014
  2. IngameInstincts, Jan 2, 2014
  3. Bl4ckSh33p
    Bl4ckSh33p Guest
    Bl4ckSh33p, Jan 2, 2014
  4. Fable Anniversary 1080p?

    Direct from Game.co.uk's Description:



    Graphically updated to 1080P HD to unlock the power of Xbox 360

    “Fable Anniversary” is without a doubt a major leap visually over the original “Fable” with stunning graphics and audio remastered for the Xbox 360. The development team has devoted enormous resources into remaking the adventure, breathing new life into
    the beloved classic with advancements such as improved fidelity, lighting, special effects and more. The result is a stunning re-imagination of the original game that will delight fans old and new.
    UnchargedTerror, Jan 2, 2014
  5. The1337gamer
    The1337gamer Guest
    Why would it not be possible?
    The1337gamer, Jan 2, 2014
  6. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    You realise there were games on the XBox 360 that ran at a native 1080p right?

    "Darkstar One" for example.

    Which brings me to my next point.

    You realise there were lower res games that looked better than "Darkstare One" right?
    Azrael008uk, Jan 2, 2014
  7. ShaunPerry
    ShaunPerry Guest
    Darkstar One was a cracking game. As Az said though, it didn't look the best even at 1080p.
    ShaunPerry, Jan 2, 2014
  8. Lofty Who
    Lofty Who Guest

    Fable Anniversary 1080p?

    Darkstar One was a brilliant game.

    As for all this 1080p, I really don't care but just look at Ryse Son of Rome, doesn't run at 1080 but looks better than a lot of games that do.
    Lofty Who, Jan 2, 2014
  9. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    Darkstar One was awsome & like you've said,graphics weren't brilliant.Proof that fancy graphics don't make a game good.

    Don't really care what Fable Anniversary runs at,i shall be buying it,still the best Fable game in my opinion.
    Daft Badger, Jan 2, 2014
  10. GRAW, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Virtua Tennis 3 were native 1080p as well I think....
    MetalGearFloppy, Jan 3, 2014
  11. It will be 1080p (upscaled) but we all know Xbox fanboys can't tell the difference between upscaled and native, right? Fable Anniversary 1080p? :)


    Microsoft just use that horrendous upscaler that oversharpens everything which in turn looks worse than setting the console to 720p.
    TROLL OF HORROR, Jan 3, 2014
  12. Azrael008uk
    Azrael008uk Guest
    [quote user="TROLL OF HORROR"]

    It will be 1080p (upscaled) but we all know Xbox fanboys can't tell the difference between upscaled and native, right? Fable Anniversary 1080p? :)


    Microsoft just use that horrendous upscaler that oversharpens everything which in turn looks worse than setting the console to 720p.


    I take it "Horrible Troll" was already taken?
    Azrael008uk, Jan 3, 2014
  13. Fable Anniversary 1080p?

    [quote user="TROLL OF HORROR"]

    It will be 1080p (upscaled) but we all know Xbox fanboys can't tell the difference between upscaled and native, right? Fable Anniversary 1080p? :)


    Microsoft just use that horrendous upscaler that oversharpens everything
    which in turn looks worse than setting the console to 720p.


    Unless you've actually got a decent TV of course.....

    Back under thy bridge you foul creature!!!
    MetalGearFloppy, Jan 3, 2014
  14. voteDC
    voteDC Guest
    [quote user="UnchargedTerror"]re-imagination[/quote]And there's the word that scares me.

    I hate remakes on the general rule that they aren't going to be able to resist tweaking things, making little changes that often result in removing the very things that people liked about the game in the first place.
    voteDC, Jan 4, 2014
  15. Don't blame me the Xbone is underpowered. Look on every comparison site and they will tell you an upscaled Xbone game looks aliased, jaggy and oversharpened since you are obviously blind and insecure about this basic fact.


    The only way to get round that is to set it at 720p which looks blurry.
    TROLL OF HORROR, Jan 4, 2014

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