Dear Microsoft

Discus and support Dear Microsoft in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Dear Microsoft, [Mod Removed: Please don't include personal informations on a public forum] I have always been a fan of Microsoft and its many forms... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Player032631847, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Dear Microsoft

    Dear Microsoft,

    [Mod Removed: Please don't include personal informations on a public forum] I have always been a fan of Microsoft and its many forms of hardware and software. Until 2015. I own two Xbox 360's, a windows laptop, a windows phone and you guessed
    it an Xbox One. How many of the systems work properly? Just the Xbox 360's. Ever since the Xbox One came out, that has been all I've wanted. So of course, at the top of my Christmas list, your prized machine sat. Now, my mom did buy me an Xbox One for Christmas
    and I was then the happiest kid on the planet. Until I plugged it in. The Xbox immediately gave me a black screen with a big ERROR message, and a code. So, I proceeded to head to your fancy Microsoft website. Which is quite a pain to navigate, until I made
    it to the support for my Xbox One. Then, wouldn't you know, I waited for quite sometime before I was able to talk with someone from your support. Who after much time and of course reassurance I was informed my Xbox would be working great in no time. But what
    am I given, a link, to another web page, to another support tab. Which after all it's steps failed, with multiple attempts at Offline System Updates, and further reboots, asked me again if I wanted to speak with support. I don't want to drag it out, I don't
    want to seem like I am winning, or even expecting this to be read. However, if I were Microsoft, I would be upset with myself. I am planning to go to college and learn to program software, to work with computers, and have dreamed of working for Microsoft.
    But after today, after I spent hours of my Christmas trying to get my present to work, then dealing with a computer that hardly works and a support page as handy as desk chair. I am reconsidering that. Microsoft, I still love you. I will still play my Xbox,
    I will get it fixed. I will still use the phone, and laptop. But I just wish that such a great company would release products, that WORK.

    Sincerely, [Mod Removed]

    Player032631847, Dec 25, 2015
  2. onyxishere
    onyxishere Guest
    Dear Microsoft,

    Do others use this controller? You may not be aggressive when you play but perhaps others are.

    I know that when my son plays he has his own controller because he pushes a little too hard on the sticks.
    onyxishere, Dec 25, 2015
  3. Tufty94
    Tufty94 Guest
    Dear Microsoft,

    It's not that I'm aggressive, I take very good care of my things, I don't think I've ever been angry at a game in the past three years, I've never thrown my controller and I usually try to clean them too. It just won't connect. Tried multiple battery packs,
    tried re-syncing, the thing just doesn't want to connect.
    Tufty94, Dec 25, 2015
  4. S0813 ONE Win User

    Dear Microsoft

    Xbox One is awful. I'm gonna have to buy a Chromebook just to surf the net :(
  5. leahnnovash Win User

    Dear Microsoft

    The exclusives, actually. Thank you. This is very much what I needed to hear.
  6. pteslate Win User

    Dear Microsoft ...

    And you think someone, somewhere that matters is going to read this and care?

    What a joke and a waste of time. Thanks for coming out.
  7. Xuxiis Win User

    Dear Microsoft!!!

    First of all I’m sorry that you’re having the issue with your account and hope that you can get it resolved. I’ve looked around for the error code you reported and there is no error code 8007ee2 but there is an error code 80072ee2. Status code 80072EE2
    occurs when you try to buy content on Xbox LIVE and refers to error code 80072746 which occurs when you’re trying to download an update to your Xbox 360 console. If you’re seeing this message and error code, it means that the update failed to download to your
    Xbox 360 console.

    There are solutions. Since you are convinced your connection is good you can skip testing your connection, although this is a good way to prompt any missed updates. Make sure you have enough storage space. The latest console software update requires at
    least 190 megabytes (MB) of storage space. If you do not have enough free space, you need to move or delete some items. If you decide to try to download the update again try connecting directly to your modem, resetting the modem, and then prompting the update
    by testing your connection. If you have tried those steps, then please try clearing the latest update, and give a direct-modem connection a try. To clear the latest update, follow these steps: 1.Press the Guide button on your controller, go to Settings, and
    select System Settings. 2.Select Storage or Memory. Highlight any storage device, and then press Y on your controller. (It doesn't matter which storage device you select; the cache will be cleared for all storage devices.) 4.Select Clear System Cache. 5.When
    prompted to confirm storage device maintenance, select Yes. Test your connection again in order to prompt the latest update. If the update is successful log out of your account, turn off the Xbox and restart it.

    Additional solutions are available at the following link and include a solution to manually updating your console:

    I’m sorry you’re considering leaving due to this issue and hope your issue is resolved and that you do reconsider.
  8. DESERT EAGLE 58 Win User

    Dear Microsoft

    NO Final Fantasy 14 = angry rant.

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