Code of Conduct

Discus and support Code of Conduct in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have just gone over the Microsoft code of conduct and have discovered that nowhere in the code of conduct does it mention anything about the banning... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by TakingFrame, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. TakingFrame
    TakingFrame Guest

    Code of Conduct

    I have just gone over the Microsoft code of conduct and have discovered that nowhere in the code of conduct does it mention anything about the banning of profanities and swearing. It may mention things like no bullying others i.e. no sending them abusive
    messages that are intended to offend the person that will be receiving the message, however, I believe that the use of profanities is not mentioned in the code of conduct and should therefore not be a thing that should lead to the suspension of an Xbox live
    account. If for example you say to a person "WTF are you doing" because they have done something in a game that was intended to irritate or anger you, you are in no way trying to bully or intimidate the person you are simply questioning why exactly they are
    doing and trying to discover their intentions. Am I the only person who believes that what is occurring with people getting suspended for using profanities towards other players due to incidents that happen in some games, especially when the incident occurs
    in games from the fps genre, is seemingly a misuse of power from those in the enforcement team at Xbox?

    TakingFrame, Oct 25, 2017
  2. Dirty Loco
    Dirty Loco Guest
    Dirty Loco, Oct 25, 2017
  3. mikel76767
    mikel76767 Guest
    Code of conduct

    My sons account is harrycooter69 and he got a code of conduct violation can you tell me why? He has had that account for over a year.
    mikel76767, Oct 25, 2017
  4. Code of Conduct

    Hi there,

    Profanities are mentioned in the Code of Conduct, and they are not permitted on Live as Live is rated E for Everyone.

    You can find them

    "What are examples of content that is prohibited in Xbox Live?

    (Note: the examples below are just a few examples of Content prohibited by the Microsoft Code of Conduct. Just because something isn’t on this list doesn’t mean it’s OK.)\

    Content that could harm or harass a person, including yourself, or an animal. For example:

    • Profane words or phrases
    • Content that promotes, or sounds or looks like words, phrases, puns, images or imagery that refer to any prohibited content"
    Mistress Sara, Oct 25, 2017
  5. Profanities and swearing can be classed as abusive language. (and maybe reported)

    Remember the platform is open to all ages, something you may feel is appropriate, maybe inappropriate to someone else.

    I always live by the rule, would Grandma approve of this message Code of Conduct :)
    DIPDIP0TAT0CH1P, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Code of Conduct