Discus and support BILLING ERROR, NON CORRECTABLE. "Please Halp" -Lilu Dallas in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Since November I have not been able to purchase items on Xbox live. Xbox has no problem charging for Xbox Live Gold. Nothing stops that :P. I... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by tinmenbrigade, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. BILLING ERROR, NON CORRECTABLE. "Please Halp" -Lilu Dallas

    Since November I have not been able to purchase items on Xbox live. Xbox has no problem charging for Xbox Live Gold. Nothing stops that BILLING ERROR, NON CORRECTABLE.  "Please Halp" -Lilu Dallas :p.

    I originally called and through the discussion nothing was wrong with my account. I was told to call my banks and check it out and also update my addresses.. I have 4 different methods of payment on file. Two separate cards, and two separate PayPals (one
    being a friends just to see if it would work). I called my bank and my bank checked out just fine. I confirmed my address on Xbox as well as my bank. My bank had let me know that Xbox was authorization was accepted, just no money was being charged. Meaning
    the bank had accepted the possible incoming charge. Nothing wrong with the bank.

    I called back, Xbox had told me this time I had "Risk Lock" on my account and it needed to be turned off. I went through the steps and was told to try to buy something in a few days.

    Didn’t work. I call back to Xbox support and I was informed that the last person didn’t actually turn it off. They then attempted to shut it off.. same process. Wait 24-48 hours.

    Tried again. Did not work.

    I tried the IM feature on Xbox Support. I was a completely different reason why my account was not working. I was told that I had an outstanding balance from 02-20-2011 three years ago. And that this charge three years ago was why my account is not working.
    Logically, I’ve been actively using my account for three years…with no trouble… and it stop full functionality 11-2013. This make absolutely no sense. I had the IM archived and emailed to me.

    I then immediately called Xbox support. This was the worst experience I’ve had with phone support in recent memory. The associate did not fully understand the Xbox product and she didn’t really listen at all to what I was saying. I mentioned the above story
    and she basically “skimmed” what through my words. She wasn’t listening to me at all, till I got upset. After she came to a new conclusion. That back in April of 2013 my card was declined and this is why my account in November stopped working.

    After a conversation that went in circles about how that makes perfect sense, I brought up “Risk Lock” she wasn’t sure what that was. That’s really not a problem, but why not ask a supervisor for help at this point?

    She escalated it, I receive an email saying its been fixed. I tried to buy something. Didn’t work.

    Please help.

    tinmenbrigade, Jan 4, 2014
  2. NDWest14
    NDWest14 Guest
    HALP!!! "Wireless Network Hardware" Error

    Run a cord if possible, you're speed will increase 10 fold and you'll never have a wireless problem again.
    NDWest14, Jan 4, 2014
  3. General.Mig
    General.Mig Guest
    HALP!!! "Wireless Network Hardware" Error

    May sound stupid, but did you try a hard reset?

    This has fixed every issue I've ever had.
    General.Mig, Jan 4, 2014
  4. uait Win User

    App non trovata

    Direi che non puoi fare niente: quello che c'è nel marketplace è indipendente dalla tua volont .
  5. Isonnazzo Win User

    Xbox 360 games with gold!

    No buga, il plus lascialo fuori dalla questione è tutta un'altra storia....

    Non mischiare un servizio a pagamento con un'iniziativa per farsi pubblicit positiva e coprire quella negativa scaturita dalla One (almeno la One del 21)
  6. DrStrangeL0ve19 Win User

    Have not received my 5 free games after acting on a promotion

    yeah, I check all my email's and non of them have anything, and I checked my billing information and the email is correct
  7. marxcam75 Win User

    Not-Free Game Whit Gold

    purtroppo anche a me lo da a pagamento invece di essere gratis. Sia dalla console che dal browser. Non so cosa fare. La cosa strana è che mi indirizzava sul sito in giapponese non in italiano. Speriamo che risolvano.
  8. luchador67 Win User

    Problema con la XBox Kinnet ...

    Assolutamento no. Non devi ricomprare niente. Basta riscaricare tutto quanto con il profilo di tuo marito dalla "coda dei download" e (se la vecchia xbox non la usi più) spostare le licenze.

    Bisognerebbe avere qualche informazione in più.


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