
Discus and support bannissement in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; jai etait banni a cause de communication alor que hier jetait avec mon amis et je nes rien fait dautre donc jaimerai savoir si vous pouvez me debannir... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by terminator8970, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. bannissement

    jai etait banni a cause de communication alor que hier jetait avec mon amis et je nes rien fait dautre donc jaimerai savoir si vous pouvez me debannir


    I was banned because of communication so yesterday threw with my friends and I do not do anything else so I would like to know if you can debannir me

    terminator8970, Oct 27, 2017

    Bonjour, un bannissement est définitif. Si tu veux les raisons de ce bannissement tu peux poster ici :

    Normalement un mail a été envoyé ton adresse de contact.
    METHOD BLUNT, Oct 27, 2017
  3. Dirty Loco
    Dirty Loco Guest
    Dirty Loco, Oct 27, 2017
  4. Mister Maka
    Mister Maka Guest


    Heya terminator8970.

    I'm afraid we aren't able to help out with Enforcement actions here on the forums and the Enforcement team does not provide communication here. For information on your suspension please check out, thanks for your understanding and patience.
    Mister Maka, Oct 27, 2017
  5. Dadwhite
    Dadwhite Guest
    The case review process is the only way to communicate with the enforcement team. To file the case review you will be required to take a quiz on the code of conduct and if you fail you will have to wait 24 hr before trying again. The link given to you
    earlier has a tab to the code of conduct.
    Dadwhite, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused
