Banned for no reason

Discus and support Banned for no reason in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Xbox is the worst they banned me at 3 am when I wasn’t even on Xbox and said I was playing then and there is no way to fix it cause it’s a broken... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by HenryOxford, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. HenryOxford
    HenryOxford Guest

    Banned for no reason

    Xbox is the worst they banned me at 3 am when I wasn’t even on Xbox and said I was playing then and there is no way to fix it cause it’s a broken system it’s so annoying too because of the amount of money u payed to have the Xbox and they just ban u like
    that for nothing considerdering switching to ps4

    HenryOxford, Oct 12, 2017
  2. banned for no reason.

    It doesn't matter if you had nothing there when the suspension was issued, it all depends what was there when someone filed a complaint about your Gamertag. So you're going to Sony because you couldn't be bothered to the read the Code of Conduct when you
    joined. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
    Obsessive Power, Oct 12, 2017
  3. voteDC
    voteDC Guest
    banned for no reason.

    If you want the people who issue the bans to see your post, you will have to do so here
    voteDC, Oct 12, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    Banned for no reason

    The enforcement team don't use the forums.

    Any report filed is investigated first which takes time.You would of been suspended for something you did weeks ago.

    The suspension was issued at 3am your time,that is not when the offence took place.

    For more info & to file for a case review if eligible you can go to the enforcement site

    The rules are the same on PS4/PSN
    Daft Badger, Oct 12, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Banned for no reason