Apphub pictures cut off

Discus and support Apphub pictures cut off in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi! I dont know if I am the only one with this problem or if this is allready known. On my console the pictures in the game hub sometimes cuts off.... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by b.ADO, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. b.ADO
    b.ADO Guest

    Apphub pictures cut off


    I dont know if I am the only one with this problem or if this is allready known.

    On my console the pictures in the game hub sometimes cuts off. This can also happen in the EA Vault App or directly on the Xbox one startpage.

    It looks like the pictures stop loading so for example there is a 50px to 50px rectangle for the picture but just the 20px from top are filled the left 30px are just empty and the picture is just cut apart.

    Is this a known bug or is there maybe allready a solution available for this?

    (It is not very important cause everthing works it just looks ugly when here and there the pictures are cut off apart)

    b.ADO, Dec 19, 2015
  2. chintu
    chintu Guest
    tv pictures

    the tv pictures look like cut off or zoom in it on native?
    chintu, Dec 19, 2015
  3. Tony72495
    Tony72495 Guest
    plz help my tv screen wont fit my xbox one

    When you say it doesn't fit, do you mean it's not taking up the whole screen? Or do you mean that part of the picture is cut off?
    Tony72495, Dec 19, 2015
  4. {Parity}
    {Parity} Guest

    Apphub pictures cut off

    Try the hard reset and see if it resolves the issue. Hold the power button on the console for 10 seconds or until it shuts down completely. Wait a couple of minutes and power it back up. Let us know. Good Luck!
    {Parity}, Dec 19, 2015
  5. {Parity} Win User

    Apphub pictures cut off

    Try the hard reset and see if it resolves the issue. Hold the power button on the console for 10 seconds or until it shuts down completely. Wait a couple of minutes and power it back up. Let us know. Good Luck!
  6. Starkiller_007 Win User

    Picture cut off

    Its a sylvania and thanks for responding

  7. Frathos Win User

    Picture cut off

    Looks like it may be the Sylvania LC321SSX 32-Inch HD Flat Panel LCD TV. That model has a resolution of 720P. Check here for information about changing picture size (Screen Mode button on remote - set to Full):

    Unfortunately, even in Full mode, you may still find screen edges cut off (I experienced this a bit with my older Sharp Aquos 720P HDTV) and the only thing you can do if this is the case is use in game settings to set your visible display area and/or UI
    safe zone.

    Good luck!
  8. Frathos Win User

    Picture cut off

    What kind of TV are you using? Some TV's have a button on the remote called Aspect or something like that (I'll need to know what brand you are using to be able to look it up). Try pressing that button to see if your TV is stuck in Stretch or Zoom instead
    of Normal mode.

    If your TV doesn't include that feature then you will have to use the game video settings to set your viewable screen size. Unfortunately, not all games include this feature but the majority of AAA titles do have it.

    Good luck!
  9. Mister Fitzer Win User

    picture cutting off in skyrim

    Hey Evil, sorry to hear about the video cutoff! Do you have issues with any other games? Also, have you tried cycling through the video setting options in the settings hub? if you're not sure now, let us know, and we'll be glad to give you a walkthrough.

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