3 bans in 3 days now

Discus and support 3 bans in 3 days now in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; This is getting beyond a joke now as my account has received 3 bans in 3 days and in the last case review it said because of what my other accounts... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by jameshinett97, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. 3 bans in 3 days now

    This is getting beyond a joke now as my account has received 3 bans in 3 days and in the last case review it said because of what my other accounts were doing which is bs. I'm getting really fed up because this is ruining my online experience because some
    sad people can't handle the fact I beat them on fifa so constantly report me to get me banned. I had a 100 day communication ban before and since then I haven't messaged people but the corrupt enforcement team just instantly ban me for yet another 100 days
    and 30 day ban from online and give me the same crap about how everyone should be welcome and made to feel safe which is the complete opposite of how I feel. I want to leave xbox for good now because of it

    jameshinett97, Oct 17, 2017
  2. Ban was lifted but I cannot do party chat

    My xbox one account got a communication ban about 2 weeks ago and it was followed by an xbox live ban 3 days later and now that the xbox live ban was lifted I am still communication banned and I've contacted someone at support and they didn't help me. I've
    been banned for 3 days now. Gamertag:
    AneurysmPhobia, Oct 17, 2017
  3. Brutboy999
    Brutboy999 Guest
    I got a coms ban 3 days ago now ive got a multiplayer ban today i want to appeal!

    I got a coms ban 3 days ago now ive got a multiplayer ban today i want to appeal!
    Brutboy999, Oct 17, 2017
  4. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest

    3 bans in 3 days now

    Doesn't matter how many people report you,you will only be suspended if you have violated the ToU/CoC.

    Any report is investigated before any action is taken.

    You were issued more suspensions because it sounds like the enforcement team found other offences you had committed while investigating your case.

    100 day suspensions don't show on the enforcement site
    so can't be appealed.

    You will have to wait out the suspension.

    I would also suggest reading the code of conduct so you know what is not acceptable on xbox live.
    Daft Badger, Oct 17, 2017
  5. I never even messaged them and had messages off the same people saying enjoy the ban and it is rather convenient that the ban came about 1 hour after the game I had played and beaten that person in. I didn't break the ToU/CoC but it's just because I have
    been banned before so just get insta banned every time in the future
    jameshinett97, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

3 bans in 3 days now