
XBoX on Windows
  1. 751. If i get banned from my console on a smurf account could i put my main account on a...
  2. 752. Why won't the xbox app update properly when launched?
  3. 753. My brand new headset keeps powering down immediately after being turned on with a full...
  4. 754. What have Microsoft become? SCAMMING?
  5. 755. Is Atari: Game Over discontinued on Xbox 360? Remember how useless that Xbox 360 app is?
  6. 756. Everytime I make a group post on xbox I get kicked from my party, is there any fix I have...
  7. 757. Have a doubt about CPU and gpu of laptop.
  8. 758. question about xbox series s usb port
  9. 759. How to appeal my console is banned for no reason?
  10. 760. why aren’t my gift cards working?
  11. 761. how do i view my xbox screenshots and captures on my pc? the option for captures doesnt...
  12. 762. Refund denied
  13. 763. Xbox app not updating
  14. 764. Why wont R6 install through Pc Game Pass?
  15. 765. I cant redeem the minecraft twitch cape
  16. 766. Splatterhouse plus DLC's gone from 360 Store before it get's shut down anyway!
  17. 767. I have been charged $210 for gamepass and i have been trying to contact somebody
  18. 768. Xbox controller not connecting
  19. 769. Why did my Micro SD card randomly become write protected?
  20. 770. my Xbox one s is having missing resolutions and artifacts i tried factory reset and restart
  21. 771. Xbox infinte capture card circle gltich
  22. 772. Sign in button in Microsoft Store and Xbox doesn't work
  23. 773. Crop tool for Captures
  24. 774. i bought the xbox game pass for pc online from xbox official site but after installing the...
  25. 775. Minecraft Twitch Cape Code Redeemed But Content is Missing
  26. 776. How do I fix my Xbox series s from opening movies and tv randomly.
  27. 777. I bought Minecraft for friends abroad and they cant redeem it, now I want to refund it but...
  28. 778. How do I redeem Xbox rewards points for lower amount gift card?
  29. 779. twitch and tiktok cape microsoft error
  30. 780. How to contact Enforcement?
  31. 781. I'm from India and I have been playing Minecraft since 2016. In india Tiktok is banned. I...
  32. 782. Trying to play music via phone on my Xbox 360
  33. 783. I redeemed the Twitch Cape code on the microsoft redeem website but it's not showing up in...
  34. 784. Xbox App - Microsoft Rewards Daily/weekly task on iPhone
  35. 785. Unknown charged in my bank account.
  36. 786. How to disable messages from Xbox about MS Rewards when making purchases from the store?
  37. 787. Changing Back Home Screen Customizing
  38. 788. Xbox storage doesn’t add up..
  39. 789. Suspended for making a post looking for resources in a game with in game trading......
  40. 790. Xbox app and Microsoft Store app keeps crashing after upgrade of CPU and clean install
  41. 791. Bought a game for a friend and it can't be redeemed or refunded
  42. 792. Twitch cape didn't appear on my minecraft account after redeeming it, what i need to do?
  43. 793. I got scammed in minecraft and my email got changed
  44. 794. Xbox 360 cam cause consoles to overheat?
  45. 795. When the 360 store shuts down in July will get on disc still be able to be updated and...
  46. 796. Can I reset my microsoft rewards account
  47. 797. Error Code 0x8007426
  48. 798. I appealed my communications suspension but I'm still suspended
  49. 799. Blu-Ray won't install on Series X
  50. 800. BioShock 2 Avatar Marketplace Items missing
  51. 801. Minecraft tiktok and twitch capes
  52. 802. Xbox Rewards Hub App
  53. 803. Minecraft screen freezes while the game is still running
  54. 804. Where do I redeem Microsoft rewards points code
  55. 805. How can I update when I am receiving two error codes, 0x80073cf9 and 0x80070490?
  56. 806. microsoft store problems
  57. 807. Téléphone
  58. 808. Regarding my issue with streaming in gaming laptop
  59. 809. Why does minecraft 3ds not get updates
  60. 810. Problem with the Minecraft Twitch Cape
  61. 811. Xbox App Won't Update/Launch on PC
  63. 813. How long does it take for rewards to activate?
  64. 814. pc xbox app stuck launching and can't remove gaming services
  65. 815. How to fix game pass games uninstalling themselves after I shutdown my laptop
  66. 816. How do I sign in to sea of thieves on ps5
  67. 817. linking xbox to epic
  68. 818. Can see both mine craft capes in my Microsoft order history but not in my actual account.
  69. 819. Can Minecraft Dungeons be transfered?
  70. 820. My xbox one wont fully update and won't let me turn it on
  71. 821. Steering wheel
  72. 822. Do 100 robux digital gift cards even work?
  73. 823. microsoft deny refund for item i never received
  74. 824. can't redeem twitch Minecraft cape
  75. 825. Call of Duty 4 and Fortnight Updates
  76. 826. Homefront the revolution can't connect to resistance mode. I keep getting error message...
  77. 827. microsoft account hacked and email changed but password still the same
  78. 828. Microsoft store stuck on pending and downloading 0% when downloading Sea of Thieves.
  79. 829. I ordered my xbox Mastercard on may 1st and it’s now may 17th and I still haven’t gotten a...
  80. 830. How do I get around the admin username and password?
  81. 831. Why can’t I see and purchase from a Microsoft rewards gift card?
  82. 832. Beeping noise coming from wireless headset when on microsoft edge
  83. 833. how do i remove unauthorized charges from xbox
  84. 834. what to do when i have claimed a digital card but cant find the code
  85. 835. Refund denied on a purchase I wasn't aware of
  86. 836. How do i change my goal ???
  87. 837. May 11th update broke capture feature once again, unable to record anything since April...
  88. 838. Xbox One power box making a buzzer noise
  89. 839. How many xbox refunds do we get per year?
  90. 840. Region locked gift
  91. 841. Why are the controllers such a scam and does Microsoft plan on fixing them?
  92. 842. Billing
  93. 843. I get the error 0x80070490 and 0x80073CF9 and I also can't install the gaming services. I...
  94. 844. What to do if my identity of my face, Private information is exposed on a YouTube channel...
  95. 845. School eSports account creation issues
  96. 846. When will you take Xbox 360 games down off from the Microsoft store Will I still be able to...
  97. 847. my light is blinking
  98. 848. How much does a user have to steal before they are permanently banned?
  99. 849. Is there an email address that I can use to contact Microsoft support
  100. 850. Device Portal Help
  101. 851. Anyone experiencing intermittent sound stutter when using YouTube App on Series X?
  102. 852. I have been getting email from *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen...
  103. 853. Developer Portal Link not working
  104. 854. Stuck Account Credit
  105. 855. Can't Launch the xbox app on PC
  106. 856. Why didn't I get my reward?
  107. 857. cant connect wireless rockband 4 xbox one controller to pc
  108. 858. Confusion when trying to buy Guilty Gear 2: Overture on Xbox 360 marketplace
  109. 859. Owning an Xbox console in Serbia
  110. 860. Why isn't my headest connecting to my Xbox via wireless and wire
  111. 861. I have ordered a controller i selected the pay on 3 instalments and it’s taken the money...
  112. 862. I've got a Xbox one s that won't say turned on in 1 second it will shut off again...
  113. 863. Constant black screen of death
  114. 864. Microsoft rewards totally gone?
  115. 865. I keep getting error code 0x8007007E in the Xbox app
  116. 866. how can I play jurassic world Evolution 2 on my pc?
  117. 867. Why can’t I see my gift card when I try to buy something through my Xbox?
  118. 868. How do I delete from cloud when xbox doesn't give me the option to delte everything?
  119. 869. Is there a way with Game Bar, to Record at a different resolution than the Desktop or Game...
  120. 870. The "0xc000007b" error keeps showing up when I try to play Borderlands 2 or The Pre-Sequel.
  121. 871. Xbox series x wont turn on
  122. 872. Xbox Services Are Missing In My Services App.
  123. 873. Is The Xbox App Bad?
  124. 874. how do I get my account back?
  125. 875. How to get Horizontal split screen
  126. 876. Why doesnt the xbox login window when launching Forza Horizon 5
  127. 877. Is there a way to see the status of past redeemed points?
  128. 878. Does anybody know what can be done about trying to get back refunds for charges that are...
  129. 879. Warrenty information is showing as incorrect for my xbox x controller which I purchased on...
  130. 880. xbox 360 still getting updates in 2024
  131. 881. There is no option for even 200 robux or 400 robux!!!
  132. 882. Is there a way to turn off mouse acceleration on xbox?
  133. 883. I would like to know how to bar unauthorized charges made to my credit card for xbox games...
  134. 884. Windows keeps creating folders from Xbox App
  135. 885. Why does roblox not allow the user to log back into the same account after Disconnecting by...
  136. 886. How do i log another console of my xbox account?
  137. 887. Regarding Shipment Service issue
  138. 888. About the GCUR relating to that of art on commision
  139. 889. Gamesharing DLC
  140. 890. How do I uninstall Xbox from 10
  141. 891. How do I get a refund/replacement on a customized controller that I never received?
  142. 892. Can I disable “Minecraft” invites
  143. 893. Cannot reinstall game because of several errors
  144. 894. What does it mean by this?
  145. 895. Hello my elite 2 had warranty tell 2025 after repairing it i checked the warranty but the...
  146. 896. Any Informational Website for Complete Troubleshooting for XBOX
  147. 897. Why do my Ubisoft games crash when i open them through steam?
  148. 898. How to download Xbox clips on PC? [Windows 11 & The New Xbox App]
  149. 899. Fraud payment
  150. 900. Ive redeemed my code for vbucks.
  151. 901. Why does Microsoft ban people for the most dumbest reasons?
  153. 903. I bought Yugioh on sale and want to watch it on my phone. I downloaded the movies anywhere...
  154. 904. Black Screen of Death.
  155. 905. why are my buttons not working?
  156. 906. I am trying to connect my Xbox One s to my Windows 8 with a hdmi
  157. 907. When my Xbox 360 S is connected to the Internet, will some installed Xbox 360 apps no...
  158. 908. Can I get unbanned.It was a typo for what I got banned for
  159. 909. The Game Bar shuts off immediately after
  160. 910. I cant open the xbox app. Error 0x80070422
  161. 911. I cannot run specific games
  162. 912. My Xbox One will not receive new update, latest status says update failed with this number...
  163. 913. X-Box One Blu-Ray issue
  164. 914. Can you figure out the date a code I have was redeemed?
  165. 915. Gift card code 3 got erased
  166. 916. I was billed the same amount (R129.00) twice on 4 May 2024. This is for an XBox Game Pass...
  167. 917. Can't add visa to Xbox360
  168. 918. Why?
  169. 919. On 1 document only, I cannot get rid of caps lock.
  170. 920. On xbox while on mircosft edge and on keyboard how do you get rid of the text box on the screen
  171. 921. Is it possible to transfer DLC and games bought digitally from my Xbox 360 to my Xbox One?
  172. 922. I have been experiencing intermittent issues trying to record games on my Xbox Series X....
  173. 923. Contact Customer Service
  174. 924. Guide: How to remove my gamepass from my riot account that i dont have access anymore
  175. 925. The card info you have entered doesn’t match this card yet I’ve used it for the past 4...
  176. 926. I keep Blue screening when I try to launch any game.
  177. 927. MSFS Crashes on start, anyone know why?
  178. 928. Hello, I can't where is the OW2 season 10 perk bundle code, and I play on xbox and I have...
  179. 929. My Xbox series x is overheating can you help me
  180. 930. Why isn't my mic working
  181. 931. How can infind my xbox that was stolen?
  182. 932. How to solve error code 0x8007000E which occurs when launching xbox app on pc after...
  183. 933. Wondering how to fix the failed to Xbox live on a 360
  184. 934. What do I do if a game was refunded and I didnt know
  185. 935. Microsoft rewards not redeeming
  186. 936. What do I do when my bo2 says’’The current profile is not allowed to play Xbox live’’ I...
  187. 937. I was Wondering when the next Marketplace application round is opening or when it would...
  188. 938. My xbox 360 e blue and green edition 500 gb was stolen and i want to find it and i have...
  189. 939. How do I fix this problem?
  190. 940. My experience as series s user from Iran
  191. 941. Why I can't send gifts
  192. 942. Hi
  193. 943. what is wrong with the xbox 360 backward section in the website?
  194. 944. how to unlink a Microsoft account from a Minecraft account without logging into the...
  195. 945. Why can't I install minecraft on my Samsung galaxy A14 even though I do all the comon ways...
  196. 946. Xbox point redeem problem
  197. 947. is Back for blood free or no, on the pc game pass?
  198. 948. Farming sim 22 Game pass version not up to date, game pass stuck on when everyone...
  199. 949. I accidentally refunded my 1000 vbucks i would like them back
  200. 950. How do I get a code for xbox on Microsoft
  201. 951. Lost progress of several hours of Another Crabs adventure, twice
  202. 952. Please explain regarding hacked accounts
  203. 953. Error Code 0x800700E9
  204. 954. Minecraft got banned
  205. 955. Green and link screen when watching 4k films ?!!!
  206. 956. Xbox app is broken.
  207. 957. Cloud Gaming issues. Cloud Gaming doesn’t recognise Game Pass Ultimate subscription
  208. 958. So it seems this got deleted this was anyone else annoyed with Xbox,
  209. 959. Trouble Signing into Xbox App on PC Windows 11
  210. 960. Why is my gift redeem not working?
  211. 961. Xbox One Will Not Read discs!
  212. 962. My Xbox is stuck on the capture screen when I try to screen record, I can exit out of it...
  213. 963. Need actual person or phone# 2call 4issues with gift cards? I bought2 cards for each of my...
  214. 964. Are you going to bring back the achieve more, earn more quest? Where we can earn any...
  215. 965. I’m having issues creating a Developer Account, would anyone be able to help me?
  216. 966. Did not get robux i redeemed
  217. 967. Linking accounts
  218. 968. I'm trying to play backwards compatible games on my xbox series S, but it keeps saying...
  219. 969. Why won't Microsoft let me launch Fortnite?
  220. 970. Not getting what I paid for
  221. 971. Microsoft sotre : install button is greyed out when clicking it, fallout 76 is not installling
  222. 972. Why is my Xbox 360 saying “When conneected to Xbox Live, the clock is set automatically and...
  223. 973. Copy clip from console to HDD and back to console again
  224. 974. How do I get youtube to work on my Xbox? Keeps blackscreening and crashing to dashboard. No...
  225. 975. Well Microsoft support Lebanon for Microsoft rewards
  226. 976. Here why I think Microsoft should acquire Warner bros Discovery, inc.
  227. 977. Is anyone elses youtube app turning black and going back to the xbox home screen
  228. 978. Microsoft Store on Xbox One not working.
  229. 979. Permission to resell on amazon
  230. 980. unable to sugn in on X Box 360 nor X Box One.
  231. 981. Xbox infinte capture card circle gltich
  232. 982. xbox rewards is not giving me my additional 250 point weekly console bonus for owning game...
  233. 983. Where are my vehjvles?
  234. 984. Hi i have an Xbox series X only 6 months old, i have direct fibre broad band, im hanging in...
  235. 985. Xbox App crashing/closing (windows 10)
  236. 986. Got this pop when linking my PlayStation to my Microsoft account
  237. 987. Cant change pin settings?
  238. 988. I have lost all of my forza horizon 5 progress. I think its overritten
  239. 989. Constant various BSODs on a newly reset PC build
  240. 990. Overwatch 2 Season 10 Perks Bundle claimed but not showing in game
  241. 991. Why won’t my headset connect?
  242. 992. please help me
  243. 993. Where can I find figment save files?
  244. 994. How do I get past the aspect ratio/ length part on the ai video editor on clipchamp?
  245. 995. Games won’t play external SSD Xbox series s
  246. 996. Xbox controller warranty
  247. 997. where is the other amounts in the Xbox rewards
  248. 998. Contacting an Agent and Remote Play on Mac
  249. 999. Unable to install Minecraft Launcher
  250. 1,000. when you complete a task in minecraft but does not give a code what do you do?