
XBoX on Windows
  1. 5,501. Xbox Console Companion not working
  2. 5,502. oreo promotion code not sending to me
  3. 5,503. Microsoft store keeps spamming open when launching minecraft
  4. 5,504. Xbox Series X struggling to open games and run at desired FPS
  5. 5,505. Xbox Serie X with Amazon Prime Video
  6. 5,506. Is there any way to turn off the Xbox deleting my captures that are on my Xbox?
  7. 5,507. UPS for Xbox series S
  8. 5,508. How do I go about asking Microsoft to reimburse me?
  9. 5,509. I can't redeem my minecraft bedrock and java game code
  10. 5,510. I got a 15 day suspension for no reason
  11. 5,511. Is there any possible way to stream your gameplay from an xbox 360 to a discord channel
  12. 5,512. Why did Microsoft get rid of the support team?
  13. 5,513. When did Microsoft stop manufacturing games and accessories for the Xbox 360?
  14. 5,514. Unable to sign into xbox app on my android 13 tablet and phone , but I can on my old...
  15. 5,515. Does anyone know how to get live chat feed on your TV while streaming to twitch
  16. 5,516. Why can't I redeem Forza Horizon 3?
  17. 5,517. Xbox Console Companion app no longer able to stream?
  18. 5,518. How do I find the product key for Halo Combat Evolved on PC?
  19. 5,519. Xbox Game Pass Nitro Code
  20. 5,520. I cannot use the Minecraft Partner Program
  21. 5,521. Xbox one X makes "knocking" noise and update fails.
  22. 5,522. How do I get a refund if I didn't purchase something on my account but my refund request...
  23. 5,523. my xbox account got perm banned and it says i can submit a appeal but every time a submit...
  24. 5,524. How do I find Microsoft edge on Xbox series x? It just disappeared, now I can't find it!
  25. 5,525. Is this tv complatabe with xbox series x qn70b
  26. 5,526. Why when i have been bought a game that was gifted by a friend an it was message with a...
  27. 5,527. The screen cuts out when i record with xbox game bar.
  28. 5,528. i cant recording my screen
  29. 5,529. Refund a preorder
  30. 5,530. Need help!
  31. 5,531. who will reimburse us for the broken servers in Dayz XBox with nitrado
  32. 5,532. Why doesn't it let me type in the Microsoft help agent textbox
  33. 5,533. What do I do when i enter my card information and my account notifies me that the...
  34. 5,534. How can I contact someone?
  35. 5,535. Does anyone xbox one s need to factory reset at 97 percent?
  36. 5,536. Hi when playing games like Fortnite and war zone on the Xbox series a my fan sound quite...
  37. 5,537. I can't access to the Microsoft Rewards app on my Xbox console , there is a message pops up...
  38. 5,538. How to contact someone to get Xbox banned lifted
  39. 5,539. Why are my gift card purchases not showing up in my account?
  40. 5,540. video but no sound through xbox app
  41. 5,541. "Share" button on xbox one series S/X controller not working on windows 10
  42. 5,542. fortnite
  43. 5,543. Xbox Remote Play connects, then disconnects after a few seconds
  44. 5,544. Why is my xbox acting like this? (Look at details)
  45. 5,545. How do I contact Microsoft about using the Xbox logo
  46. 5,546. Forgot pin
  47. 5,547. Why can people message me “****” and “****” and “*****” and other insults, yet when I...
  48. 5,548. Microsoft rewards not working and asking for my updated location
  49. 5,549. Can't access Microsoft Rewards on the Xbox, anyone else have this issue?
  50. 5,550. I need help.
  51. 5,551. How can I limit download speeds is Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass (PC) App
  52. 5,552. Error message states that XL needs repair. I pressed Repair Space nothing appeared to happen.
  53. 5,553. Cannot redeem code because it’s from a different region.
  54. 5,554. Redeem code doesnt work
  55. 5,555. Audio lost using Microsoft recording (Control G and Microsoft button)
  56. 5,556. refund on purchases i didn't authorise
  57. 5,557. Xbox Series X All Access not including Ultimate Game Pass?
  58. 5,558. Xbox Game Bar will not open, how can I fix this?
  59. 5,559. Minecraft "Failed to log in: The authentication servers are currently not reachable"
  60. 5,560. Never received gift card code, I bought 3 days ago. No phone number to call.
  61. 5,561. Does hate speech report work?
  62. 5,562. How to contact Xbox Enforcement?
  63. 5,563. Xbox Design Lab won't load the controller configurator
  64. 5,564. If I upgrade from forza horizon 4 to forza horizon 4 ultimate, will my progress save?
  65. 5,565. about guarantee situation
  66. 5,566. Screen turns black after turning on 120hz ( Xbox Series S
  67. 5,567. Why wont my deadspace download
  68. 5,568. Can’t transfer game saves to the cloud on Xbox 360
  69. 5,569. Problem redeeming xbox gift card
  70. 5,570. Your Xbox app is absolute ****. A billion dollar company should be able to create an app...
  71. 5,571. does buying from aaron's oe rent-a-center mean i wont have a valid warranty?
  72. 5,572. Hello, I cant use game bar because "your pc doesnt meet the hardwer req. for captures"
  73. 5,573. How to have the chat mixer work.
  74. 5,574. GTA shark card purchased from an actual store doesn’t work?
  75. 5,575. Video player on Youtube is flickering
  76. 5,576. Xbox Series X Audio Lag
  77. 5,577. The chime on my Xbox one S stopped working out of nowhere today. How do I resolve this issue?
  78. 5,578. Can I use the Xbox app and Xbox mobile app in Thailand?
  79. 5,579. Contacting customer service by text
  80. 5,580. Por que o meu controle não da sinal?
  81. 5,581. How can I get my Ultimate Xbox game pass on my gaming laptop?
  82. 5,582. I can't capture clips on roblox, but on other games I can.
  83. 5,583. Help me with my account
  84. 5,584. can i get a virus on my xbox
  85. 5,585. I cannot access my console. Keep getting asked to go to but that does not...
  86. 5,586. How do I know if a permanent suspension will end if it says indefinite
  87. 5,587. How do I appeal an enforcement decision until I win?
  88. 5,588. (PC) Install button missing in Store, can't install XBox app on child's account
  89. 5,589. Why isn’t my Xbox game pass dynamic duo redeemed even though I have completed it?
  90. 5,590. Xbox 360: How can I change the region without taking the console online?
  91. 5,591. If im paying for something and for example i use my microsoft balance and my card to pay...
  92. 5,592. Rumble Verse Refunds
  93. 5,593. Error code 0x803f8007 i cant play any of my games
  94. 5,594. Microsoft rewards Overwatch 2 coins disappeared
  95. 5,595. Target Gift Card-Wong Xbox
  96. 5,596. How to get free robux?
  97. 5,597. Digital bundle options did not pop up when setting up my new series s
  98. 5,598. Xbox app party chat not working windows 11
  99. 5,599. How do I update Minecraft
  100. 5,600. If I were to switch off my Xbox app notifications on 1 device, would it turn them off on...
  101. 5,601. Deleted captures.. Reappear!
  102. 5,602. There is a problem for a Looking For Group
  103. 5,603. Why is there no Paramount+ app available in the Microsoft Store on my Xbox One here in...
  104. 5,604. "false positive" xbox ET SHELLCODE Possible UDP x86 JMP to CALL Shellcode Detected?
  105. 5,605. I reset my PC and lost MSFS 2020. How can I get a replacement download?
  106. 5,606. Microsoft flight simulator insert disc?
  107. 5,607. Roblox Card
  108. 5,608. 0xe06d7363 Error
  109. 5,609. Why was I charged by NNT Microsoft $59.00 to a card I do not have linked to my account
  110. 5,610. Can i make a new account without my account being locked just to play a game
  111. 5,611. If I'm entering a sweepstakes by mail does the envelope need to be handwritten?
  112. 5,612. I forgot my Email to my account
  113. 5,613. The Xbox reporting systems confuses me…
  114. 5,614. Two Xbox’s same account & live play each other ?
  115. 5,615. email adress lost for minecraft
  116. 5,616. Cannot sign into Microsoft store or Xbox app on windows 10
  117. 5,617. Problem with Xbox
  118. 5,618. Strange bug no one seems to be able to fix. ****.
  119. 5,619. Does anyone know how to fix xbox gamebar randomly closing after sending a message?
  120. 5,620. Error Code 0x80070005
  121. 5,621. Roblox not in Microsoft Rewards
  122. 5,622. What is this app?
  123. 5,623. How Xbox support treats there community and the players in it
  124. 5,624. High packet loss I don't know how to fix it
  125. 5,625. I unistalled the Xbox app from my computer and now the microsoft store doesnt give me the...
  126. 5,626. Why does my YouTube video keep unsyncing
  127. 5,627. Unknown charge of $16.23
  128. 5,628. Flight Simulator use in a classroom
  129. 5,629. need to ask for refund.
  130. 5,630. Buying games to play on cloud gaming
  131. 5,631. What if you owned Minecraft Bedrock and Java before the 2022 giveaway?
  132. 5,632. How do I connect the Xbox app to my Xbox 360, is it even possible?
  133. 5,633. Refunds
  134. 5,634. Game
  135. 5,635. Reset family setting passcode
  136. 5,636. I get error 0x80246007
  137. 5,637. How do I transfer the Fortnite Pack I bought from Microsoft Store into Fortnite?
  138. 5,638. My account email got changed without my consent.
  139. 5,639. How can I type accented characters using a physical keyboard on Xbox One?
  140. 5,640. Problem with the Xbox app on Windows 10. Can you help me?
  141. 5,641. Why is the Xbox app not installing games where I directed it to?
  142. 5,642. Why can't I download Minecraft on my Huawei p40 Lite?
  143. 5,643. Why is my Home xbox not sharing gold with gamepass ultimate?
  144. 5,644. When I plug my head set in it doesn’t let me change the audio or the mix between my game...
  145. 5,645. When are you going to ban Modders/Hackers?
  146. 5,646. I'm scared
  147. 5,647. I always have to reconnect the Xbox console to the xbox app on my phone.
  148. 5,648. Hello, my both controllers of xbox one doesn't turn on...
  149. 5,649. Roblox High ping
  150. 5,650. This is a scam
  151. 5,651. Is it possible to have the Xbox in its usual spot down stairs, but play the games sat in...
  152. 5,652. Need help with refund
  153. 5,653. I need help solving my audio issue
  154. 5,654. reporting....
  155. 5,655. Microsoft Rewards on Xbox failure
  156. 5,656. Does anyone know what is happening with the winners for the Cyberpunk edgerunners...
  157. 5,657. Anyone else's Rewards totally broken?
  158. 5,658. xbox app wont sign me in
  159. 5,659. Microsoft address for shipping for replacement Xbox Controller?
  160. 5,660. Add Youtube Streaming For Xbox to Live Stream directly on Xbox to Youtube.....
  161. 5,661. I'm having trouble using my thrustmaster TX Ferrari Italia edition 45B racing will with my...
  162. 5,662. It ain't showing up my friend's account how do I find it If it ain't showing up
  163. 5,663. Is it not allowed to add cosmetic files to games?
  164. 5,664. Hello my problem is my sync button is broken so I can’t connect my controller to my Xbox...
  165. 5,665. How do I send a formal complaint about the Xbox Support Team let alone contact them directly?
  166. 5,666. Hey anyone know how to redeem a gift from a friend
  167. 5,667. Oh hi, I bought 12 month membership and $50 Xbox gift card but got a message saying ''This...
  168. 5,668. Can't install or play installed games on Xbox app, telling me to download 'Gaming Services'
  169. 5,669. XBox series X can’t switch to 4K
  170. 5,670. Whenever I play a game for 5mins-1h the game closes automatically after that time stamp how...
  171. 5,671. My xbox x series isn't putting sound out
  172. 5,672. [BUG] Missions are not completing properly!
  173. 5,673. Sweepstakes keeps getting pushed back
  174. 5,674. Xbox PC app won't open
  175. 5,675. Microsoft sweepstakes
  176. 5,676. Xbox Twitch App no longer the same version after verifying phone number.
  177. 5,677. Billed each month, no subscription and can not talk to microsoft. What can I do
  178. 5,678. Game captures (videos) showing green square instead of video, but sound is correct
  179. 5,679. Prime Video App Update?
  180. 5,680. Xbox 360 Marketplace update
  181. 5,681. xbox app opens and closes
  182. 5,682. does anyone know what to do?
  183. 5,683. Whenever I try to connect to my console on the xbox app it says there is an issue
  184. 5,684. How to install epix to Xbox one
  185. 5,685. Is there a way to unlink my xbox account from a ubisoft account?
  186. 5,686. Minecraft Java no longer working after account merge :(
  187. 5,687. So when I'm in a game let's a black ops 4 when someone is talking but I can't hear there...
  188. 5,688. i cant install a game because it says the file is corrupt but its on gamepass how do i fix it
  189. 5,689. Xbox Series S doesn't let me stream on twitch
  190. 5,690. Just signed up for Game Pass (PC) it worked until I downloaded and installed a game, Stuck...
  191. 5,691. I just lost my save data for wwe2k22 n I put so much into the game is there.l. Way to get...
  192. 5,692. Gift card was hacked.
  193. 5,693. I have reset all my passwords and keep getting this message. It is not me. Passed security...
  194. 5,694. If someone uses the account connect code on xbox to use one account on another xbox can...
  195. 5,695. Club?
  197. 5,697. Warzone 2 Mouse and Keyboard stop working all of a sudden
  198. 5,698. I have been charged £10.99 for no reason that i am aware of
  199. 5,699. Unable to reach Xbox call support.
  200. 5,700. Is it normal for an Xbox one to make sound when you eject a disc for no reason?
  201. 5,701. Minecraft online
  202. 5,702. HDR not working in Apple TV App-Xbox Series X
  203. 5,703. Xbox party text chat doesn't work. Anything I type won't show up.
  204. 5,704. How do I display Xbox 360 screen on my laptop?
  205. 5,705. Forza Horizon 5 won't launch.
  206. 5,706. When my console boots up none of the games/apps work at all. I've tried resetting it...
  207. 5,707. My power a pro fusion 2
  208. 5,708. Stuck on connecting screen with loading icon when trying to join discord through xbox
  209. 5,709. Is My Account/Console Safe?
  210. 5,710. Vertical split screen for call of duty advance warfare
  211. 5,711. I can't buy game as a gift on my Xbox
  212. 5,712. I have a problem with microsoft Rewards!
  213. 5,713. Microsoft store
  214. 5,714. unable to download valorant
  215. 5,715. I have purchased Minecraft Java edition, but I don’t seem to be able to install/run it on...
  216. 5,716. Roblox (windows 10) will not allow my kids to ask for my permission to play it
  217. 5,717. I have a gift card the code is not readable
  218. 5,718. No buttons besides play button shows up on Xbox app
  219. 5,719. Hi, my account get hacked and i lost minecraft a sea of thieves.
  220. 5,720. I've been charged fraudulently for xbox gift card via PayPal
  221. 5,721. My minecraft partner program is still in review
  222. 5,722. When you got a refund on Gears 5 it was removed from your device. on pc i owned it
  223. 5,723. The screen has turned into inverted colors on minecraft
  224. 5,724. Can’t connect with remote play. Please help!
  225. 5,725. Who do I need to contact about this?
  226. 5,726. Xbox One - News, Events & More
  227. 5,727. How do you contact Xbox/Microsoft when the virtual agent, web chat or call options don't work
  228. 5,728. i just lost my items in fortnite due to a refund but i think i ran out but i was wondering...
  229. 5,729. need to know why there is a $33.89 charge on my credit card
  230. 5,730. Mw2 Sys_ error 19-1374 i did. Everything what you explaind But still the Same Problem
  231. 5,731. Why does it say “oops” when I try to purchase store content ?
  232. 5,732. Can I swap email address that kids are linked too?
  233. 5,733. My PC XBox app is not working. HELP!!
  234. 5,734. Microsoft Rewards
  235. 5,735. Your windows update made me alt tab out of league of legends and die
  236. 5,736. Hello guys, need some help here with Xbox phone App
  237. 5,737. Why are the rewards not available in my country?
  238. 5,738. Why did fortnight take vbuck from me
  239. 5,739. Mis juegos desaparecieron.
  240. 5,740. Pay Pall Transaktion of € 9.99
  241. 5,741. How do I contact Microsoft about a refund that got rejected
  242. 5,742. [Mod remove]- Fraudulent Charge Follow-up - DoNotEdit:[Mod remove]
  243. 5,743. Pourquoi Spotify a un problème de son
  244. 5,744. Disney+ for Xbox one is it available?
  245. 5,745. Mensaje chat Xbox estás jugando erroneo
  246. 5,746. I was wondering if there's any way at all I could rejoin the ambassador program?
  247. 5,747. Can anyone help me ban these hackers I have proof of them cheating ?
  248. 5,748. Changed gamer tag, lost gta game data
  249. 5,749. Where can I find the 10 digits code in Xbox series X required for remote play?? been hours...
  250. 5,750. How do i fix rewards points app on xbox one