
XBoX on Windows
  1. 29,751. Forza Horizon 4 Xbox bundle and Windows 10
  2. 29,752. my account banned
  3. 29,753. Rise of Nations - Offline settings not saving
  4. 29,754. Changing the email associated with my gamertag
  5. 29,755. can not pay for change my gamertag
  6. 29,756. Issues with sea of thieve purchase
  7. 29,757. Trying to hook up xbox 360 controller to pc for pc games
  8. 29,758. need help restoring banned account
  9. 29,759. Help to leave the xbox insider program
  10. 29,760. Retrieve an old Xbox 360 account
  11. 29,761. xbox 360 en pc [Translation - Xbox 360 on PC]
  12. 29,762. 마인트래프트 게임을 구매했는데 환불이나 변경해주세요. [Mod Translation: I purchased a Minecraft game and would like...
  14. 29,764. Can't use Xbox gamertag as forum profile
  15. 29,765. L'achat vbucks via microsoft Store, n'apparaissent pas dans le jeu PC.[The purchase vbucks...
  16. 29,766. Anthem on play anywhere
  17. 29,767. Can't login xbox store PC
  18. 29,768. Windows 10 and Xbox 360 Minecraft Crossplay?
  19. 29,769. Problem processing payment for Xbox Game Pass
  20. 29,770. Controller Xbox One - Windows 7 x64 - Wireless
  21. 29,771. I cant click on my XboxProfile
  22. 29,772. Не открываются достижения в играх (Forza horizon 3) в приложении Xbox для Windows 10Не...
  23. 29,773. PUBG
  24. 29,774. cant log in to xbox app on windows 10. "not connected to internet"
  25. 29,775. I just cant fix this stupid teredo problem....
  26. 29,776. Excutable file forzahorizon4.exe is looked
  27. 29,777. Xbox controller is crashing pc
  28. 29,778. Xbox One controller will not connect wirelessly
  29. 29,779. Can't access saves on PC version of ARK
  30. 29,780. xbox one s can i use my pc monitor like a tv
  31. 29,781. Xbox game bar does not show up in settings
  32. 29,782. disc problems on windows 10
  33. 29,783. PDP Xbox One Controller Not Button Mapped Properly For Games
  34. 29,784. Xbox 360 controller won't sync with receiver
  35. 29,785. Xbox broadcasting problem
  36. 29,786. Trouble signing in on Windows 10
  37. 29,787. Xbox on Windows
  38. 29,788. Speak to a agent
  39. 29,789. HUD
  40. 29,790. Многопользовательские игры xbox (Mod Translation: Xbox Multiplayer Games )
  41. 29,791. [Xbox no Windows 10] Problemas com o Editor de Avatar do Xbox [Translation - [Xbox on...
  42. 29,792. Changing gametag in the UK on pc.... this is impossible...
  43. 29,793. PC conectado a uma conta de xbox[PC connected to an xbox account]
  44. 29,794. Xbox NAT-type connection and serverconnectivity blocked, tried every solution
  45. 29,795. Play on PC with Xbox One players/Jouer sur PC avec des joueurs Xbox one
  46. 29,796. BEWARE! This person is using a hacker - using MY personal info to use Skype, XBox Live, and...
  47. 29,797. Xbox controller won't connect to my computer wireless
  48. 29,798. forza horizon 4 (pc)
  49. 29,799. Облачное хранилище [Translation-Cloud storage]
  50. 29,800. Reklam vereni şikayet etmek. [Edit - Translation] - To complain to the advertiser.
  51. 29,801. Ark: Survival Evolved
  52. 29,802. xbox windows 10
  53. 29,803. xbox connectivity is blocked and nat is strict, i can't play forza horizon 4 multiplayer.
  54. 29,804. Xbox 360 controller on PC is too sensitive
  55. 29,805. Xbox controller is too sensitive
  56. 29,806. Manette Xbox pour pc ne se détecte pas [Translation - Xbox Controller for PC does not detect]
  57. 29,807. cannot buy games at the marketplace - associated address failure
  58. 29,808. Fehlercode 0x803F8001 beim Starten von Forza Horizon 4 [Translation - Error code 0x803F8001...
  59. 29,809. Forza Horizon 4 not working
  60. 29,810. Aplikacja Forza Horizon 4 nie jest obecnie dostępna na Twoim koncie. Dołączamy kod błędu,...
  61. 29,811. controlers
  62. 29,812. Forza Horizon 4 Install on Windows 10
  63. 29,813. Forza Horizon 4 0x803F8001 error
  64. 29,814. Unable to install Forza Horizon 4
  65. 29,815. Microsoft Bingo
  66. 29,816. When are we going to get Server Connection on XBox Bingo on PC Windows fixed
  67. 29,817. cannot login to xbox app on pc, gives error code 0x80070520
  68. 29,818. Xbox1X Will Not Connect To Xbox App
  69. 29,819. How to report someone I recently played with
  70. 29,820. Connected Accounts
  71. 29,821. Privacy & Online settings
  72. 29,822. XBox Insider Hub App
  73. 29,823. sea of thieves
  74. 29,824. Ark cant load saves after Extinction release
  75. 29,825. Xbox Windows app doesn't scale screenshots correctly
  76. 29,826. Mistake gamertag
  77. 29,827. Xbox wirefree for win 7 not detected in joy.cpl
  78. 29,828. Meu Xbox One não conecta no App Xbox [My Xbox One Does Not Connect in the Xbox App]
  79. 29,829. Youth Restriction on adult account?
  80. 29,830. sklep windows [Edit - translation] - windows Store
  81. 29,831. Game doesn't receive controller input after windows update (Wireless with adapter)
  82. 29,832. Party Chat Audio Stops Working Suddenly in Xbox App on Windows 10
  83. 29,833. Misunderstanding about XBOX and Robux
  84. 29,834. Xbox 360 wired controller with windows
  85. 29,835. xbox 360
  86. 29,836. Windows Store Cache
  87. 29,837. Kupno Forzy horizon 4 pomoc [Translation - Buying Forzy Horizon 4 Help]
  88. 29,838. Xbox One Controller FREEZING in Windows 10
  89. 29,839. Forza Horizon 4 crash tout le temps [Translation - Forza Horizon 4 crash all the time]
  90. 29,840. Xbox Avatar Editor on Windows 10 saying there is a problem loading my avatar
  91. 29,841. Cant apply the changes to my xbox account
  92. 29,842. Weird system of doing things
  93. 29,843. Forza Horizon 4 Verbindung bricht ständig im Spiel ab [Forza Horizon 4 connection is...
  94. 29,844. Xbox connectivity
  95. 29,845. How can i change the Gamertag without pay?
  96. 29,846. Cannot sign into
  97. 29,847. xbox다른계정으로로그인 버튼이 안보입니다 (Mod Translation: Xbox is not a security login with another account...
  98. 29,848. i-pin으로 나이 인증과 계정 옵션을 성인으로 바꾸어도 게임 진입 로그인 시도시 0x8015DC0D 에러코드 송출 (I-pin to change the age...
  99. 29,849. Teredo broken after using a vpn
  100. 29,850. Can't send message
  101. 29,851. How to verify without a phone?
  102. 29,852. 로그인이 불가합니다. [ login is not possible.]
  103. 29,853. Xbox
  104. 29,854. Xbox
  105. 29,855. Xbox
  106. 29,856. Problem with signing in
  107. 29,857. Cant buy with debit card
  108. 29,858. 연령인증을 해도 계속 그대로여서 게임 진입조차 불가합니다.[Translation-Even if you are an age-certified, you will...
  109. 29,859. can't select custom profile picture.
  110. 29,860. Forza Horizon 4 Stuttering
  111. 29,861. Microsoft Solitaire Free Premium trial
  112. 29,862. Problem With Recording
  113. 29,863. Teredo/Nat Issue
  114. 29,864. Not being able to send messages in xbox windows app
  115. 29,865. Can't use any app.
  116. 29,866. xbox one wireless cotroller drivers
  117. 29,867. Microsoft Ultimate Word Games
  118. 29,868. Can't log in to games for windows live gta iv on windows 7
  119. 29,869. Parental control
  120. 29,870. Controle xbox one fica piscando e não conecta ao console nem ao PC (Mod Translation:Xbox...
  121. 29,871. Xbox Live Gold V-Bucks
  122. 29,872. Age of Empires Defintive edition & Support not calling me back
  123. 29,873. Xbox app Crackling sound
  124. 29,874. Satın Alma [Translation-Buy]
  126. 29,876. Xbox nedir ? [Translation - What is Xbox?]
  127. 29,877. steam hesabımda para
  128. 29,878. xbox one controller several keys appeared to be pressed without actually being pressed
  129. 29,879. Microsoft Account No longer Logging In To Windows 10 Xbox Apps EXCLUSIVELY (only)
  130. 29,880. xbox cloud from win10
  131. 29,881. Xbox one s controller тарахтит
  132. 29,882. xbox message won't load
  133. 29,883. 윈10 전용 xbox 패드 무선 어댑터가 고장난거 같은데 수리 가능한가요? [Edit - Translation] - Win10 only xbox pad...
  134. 29,884. Game pass: Nothing works on pc ?
  135. 29,885. error 0x80090010
  136. 29,886. Cant join clubs or make them on pc.
  137. 29,887. Streaming from Xbox One to PC via hotspot connection
  138. 29,888. Audio passthrough on xbox one s controller windows 10
  139. 29,889. Minecraft Product Code for PC
  140. 29,890. Can't buy a Minecraft Realm - unable to connect to store
  141. 29,891. network diagnostics ;( ! 0X000000 Please and me! Forza horizon 4 PC
  142. 29,892. Controller stopped working; tried everything, support not working
  143. 29,893. Minecraft Windows 10 Privacy & online safety settings on Xbox.xom
  144. 29,894. Xbox One controller wire not lit when plugged into PC
  145. 29,895. Changing Others can communicate with voice text or invites to Everybody on PC
  146. 29,896. Receiving messages in SmartGlass with Xbox privacy settings set to friends only. How do I...
  147. 29,897. MIc doesnt work
  148. 29,898. I cannot connect my xbox account to minecraft windows 10 edition
  149. 29,899. Windows 10 XBox Games Crashing
  150. 29,900. network diagnostics ;( ! 0X000000 Please and me!
  151. 29,901. I can't play with friend on Minecraft Windows 10
  152. 29,902. Xbox on WIndows 10 shows Teredo is unable to quailfy
  153. 29,903. Gears of war 4 PC « connection status changed »
  154. 29,904. How to update Xbox Game Pass payment
  155. 29,905. Forza 3 with playanywhere code from xbox to pc without having the physical code?
  156. 29,906. Xbox app on Windows 10 displays Just Cause 3 achievements in Japanese
  157. 29,907. Microsoft Mahjong-Daily Challenges will not load
  158. 29,908. xbox privacy settings
  159. 29,909. Microsoft Solitaire timing
  160. 29,910. Win10上XBOX网络连接问题 [Edit - Translation] - XBOX network connection problem on Win10
  161. 29,911. Xbox 360 wireless adapter drivers for pc and xbox one controller drivers for pc windows 10
  162. 29,912. Xbox app game captures not recording properly
  163. 29,913. LOST GAMETAG?!
  164. 29,914. Redeem Code for Minecraft for Windows 10
  165. 29,915. Xbox one controller only identified as controller in devices and printers
  166. 29,916. Two accounts, told they can't be merged, For some reason one uses my friend's Gamertag
  167. 29,917. Can't change gamertag from UK
  168. 29,918. Subscription
  169. 29,919. Why is'nt Minecraft on Xbox Play Anywhere?
  170. 29,920. Sea of Thieves on Pc with Xbox disc
  171. 29,921. Problem of loud sound for my friends
  172. 29,922. xbox wireless adapters compatibility (360 one) with xbox controllers (one 360)
  173. 29,923. Game Dvr
  174. 29,924. Forza Horizon 4 in game
  175. 29,925. Lagging while streaming games from xb1 to windows 10 pc
  176. 29,926. Why has my xbox app stopped working since the recent windows 10 update?
  177. 29,927. when my X-box controller is pluged into my PC it has no volume.
  178. 29,928. i still have microsoft family restrictions even though i have been kicked out of the family
  179. 29,929. Xbox One BT Controller Not Automatically Connecting to PC Bluetooth After Unplugging From ...
  180. 29,930. microsoft solitair game
  181. 29,931. Family control problem
  182. 29,932. Windows 10 and xbox games problems.
  183. 29,933. Teredo not working and not showing up
  184. 29,934. Moblie hot spot
  185. 29,935. game recording
  186. 29,936. Error 0x8015DC0B
  187. 29,937. Windows mixed reality test shows bt 4.0 not supported.
  188. 29,938. fifa 19 demo
  189. 29,939. Unable To Log Into Sudoku On Windows 10
  190. 29,940. Privacy Settings
  191. 29,941. Asphalt 9 Legends. Error de inicio de sesión [Translation - Asphalt 9 Legends. Logon failed]
  192. 29,942. Геймпад xbox 360
  193. 29,943. como desinstalar definitivamente o XBOX do windows 10. [How to definitely uninstall the XBOX ...
  194. 29,944. Xbox One Wireless Controller Firmware Update Failed (Win 10) -- Light Flashing, Now Unusable
  195. 29,945. Buy games at Windows and xbox
  196. 29,946. Error 0x409 0x80131509
  197. 29,947. pobranie pieniędzy z kary - gra nie pojawiła sie na koncie [Edit - Translation] - ...
  198. 29,948. Juego que compré en la Windows Store no se guardó en mi biblioteca [Translation - Game I ...
  199. 29,949. Xbox One S Controller - After turning on won't reconnect to PC bluetooth (stays paired)
  200. 29,950. Forza 4 / XBox App Multiplayer Fehler
  201. 29,951. Xboxのサポートは日本では受けられないのでしょうか?[Translation - Japan ...
  202. 29,952. parent kontroll issue
  204. 29,954. Forza Horizon 4 problems with parental control on Xbox on Windows PC's
  205. 29,955. Games for Windows Live - Account Recovery.
  206. 29,956. Xbox live athinication problem
  207. 29,957. Cannot connect to Xbox Live in Windows 10
  208. 29,958. My microsoft account doesn't exist?
  209. 29,959. Microsoft Punch Cards.
  210. 29,960. 0x8015DC0C error (can't identify age at ROK)
  211. 29,961. Forza Horizon 4 says I have parental controls when my Microsoft account says I have none. I ...
  212. 29,962. xbox sign in error
  213. 29,963. 2段階認証について (Mod Translation: About two-step verification)
  214. 29,964. Xbox game DVR on windows 10. Can I upload captures that were caught from 3rd party software?
  215. 29,965. Compte adulte avec fonctionalités enfant -[Translation - Adult account with child features]
  216. 29,966. No inicia Cities Skylines [Edit - Translation] - Do not start Cities Skylines
  217. 29,967. Minecraft on Windows 10
  218. 29,968. my controler move alone
  219. 29,969. Controle parentale xbox live [Xbox live parental control]
  220. 29,970. Juego age of empire definitive edition no funciona
  221. 29,971. nie działająca aplikacja xbox komputer pc
  222. 29,972. Cobrança [Edit - Translation] - Collection
  223. 29,973. windows 10 xbox app - last 2 weeks, no message support
  224. 29,974. Xbox streaming video is blank green screen. Help!
  225. 29,975. Xbox Game Pass: Halo Wars Definitive Edition (Play Anywhere) **Unable to download on pc**
  226. 29,976. Forza Horizon 3 DLC Missing
  227. 29,977. Left rumble motor on an Xbox one wireless controller causing the entire controller to jostle ...
  228. 29,978. Minecraft server adding
  229. 29,979. I can't configure my privacy parameters for my xbox account
  230. 29,980. Xbox Controller'ı bağlanma hatası veriyor. Nasıl çözerim ? (Xbox Wireless Conroller ...
  231. 29,981. Onecast (Mac) to stream Xbox One to Mac
  232. 29,982. Echec de sauvegarde sur forza horizon 4 [Translation-Failed to save on forza horizon 4]
  233. 29,983. нету включить или выключить игровой режим [Do not turn the ...
  234. 29,984. Xbox App Windows 10
  235. 29,985. 엑스박스 연령확인 왜 안됩니까? (Mod Translation: Why is Xbox Age verified? )
  236. 29,986. Cant change my microsoft settings
  237. 29,987. æˆ‘的世界WIN10版,这次更新1.7.100后,我的账号就停留在94%的成就,还有7ä...
  238. 29,988. In the PC verison of XBOX is there a way to reset scores
  239. 29,989. i lost my email and passward
  240. 29,990. Forza Horizon 4 Clubbeitritt
  241. 29,991. Super annoying bugged Xbox One Elite Controller on Windows 10
  242. 29,992. Teredo cannot qualify
  243. 29,993. necesito ayuda para cambiar el correo de mi cuenta [Edit - Translation] - I need help to ...
  244. 29,994. Payment does not pass for the purchase of a Game Pass
  245. 29,995. Forgot email with which i logged in
  246. 29,996. Network Quality Problems
  247. 29,997. Why Forza Horizon 4 doesn't work...
  248. 29,998. La manette doit être jumelée en bluetooth à chaque utilisation [Translation-The controller ...
  249. 29,999. Can't install app. "It looks like you don't have any applicable devices linked to your ...
  250. 30,000. Microsoft Solitaire timing