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- 28,751. Close Windows XBox account linked to Microsoft account
- 28,752. Will disk Xbox 360 games ever be able to offically run on PC?
- 28,753. Xbox one mic beeping on Xbox one windows 10 app
- 28,754. Audio does not work in control of xbox one s
- 28,755. Cable Micro USB Blackberry para mando Xbox One de PUBG en PC [Translation-Blackberry Micro...
- 28,756. Error code when signing in help!
- 28,757. Compatibilidad de cable usb del Play & Charge Kit [Play & Charge Kit USB cable Compatibility]
- 28,758. SOLVED - XBox One games publishing, development and console purchase in Malaysia.
- 28,759. How can I see my 360 games in my xbox account on pc? also that I have not used my account...
- 28,760. Xbox App on Windows 10 - Server Blocked - Teredo Filter
- 28,761. FORZA 7
- 28,762. I can t create or join a group on xbox windows 10
- 28,763. It says i have a child account and i cant sign up for halo insider
- 28,764. ¿Por que los ususarios de Xbox tenemos que pagar por jugar Oline y los que juegan en Xbox...
- 28,765. I can't message my friends and I don't know why!
- 28,766. The master cheif collection for PC
- 28,767. Проблема с геймпадом [Translation - The problem with the gamepad]
- 28,768. XBox One Controller won't connect to PC
- 28,769. Xbox One Game Streaming Over Internet No Longer Working!
- 28,770. 从new surface的xbox客户端试图登录 但是一直显示无法登录 [Try to sign in from new Surface's Xbox client but...
- 28,771. Xbox app
- 28,772. Friends on Xbox One will not receive game invites from Xbox App on Windows 10
- 28,773. Halo insider MCC for PC? verification
- 28,774. Jogo comprado na loja (Game purchased at the store)
- 28,775. Manette Xbox One filaire PDP non reconnue -[Translation - Xbox one wired PDP controller not...
- 28,776. XBox Live on Windows10
- 28,777. Xbox Adapter for Windows not connecting
- 28,778. Lost app by clicking diagonal double arrows at top right of screen
- 28,779. XBox One Controller am PC nicht als XBox Controller erkannt und nicht migriert [Translation...
- 28,780. Windows 10 xbox应用问题 [Translation-Windows 10 xbox app issues]
- 28,781. 안녕하세요 저번에 포르자 호라이즌4 온라인 기능 믄제로 질문드렸던 사람입니다. [Translation-Hello Forza Horizon 4 is the...
- 28,782. An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #30
- 28,783. Problème impossible de sauvegarder -[Translation - Unable to save problem]
- 28,784. Does XBOX Elite controller have Bluetooth support
- 28,785. Xbox One Controller Won't Connect via Bluetooth to PC
- 28,786. Recording on the Xbox App on PC
- 28,787. Xbox One pad update and crash!
- 28,788. Is windows 10 breaking my controller?
- 28,789. Retouren Beschwerde [Edit - Translation] - Returns complaint
- 28,790. What is with Microsoft xbox streaming settings they are ridiculous?
- 28,791. connexion en bluetooth d'une manette Xbox 360 a un pc *Mod Translation: Bluetooth...
- 28,792. 极限竞速地平线4,标准版下载出现问题 [Translation-Extreme Racing Horizon 4, Standard Edition download problem]
- 28,793. xbox app on pc wont log in
- 28,794. unjust permanent suspension
- 28,795. Windows 10 • Problema al cargar el DEMO del juego Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection....
- 28,796. Xbox Windows 10 PC App Headset Microphone Not Working
- 28,797. how to i chat with my freinds online on linux with out the xbox app
- 28,798. Xbox app on windows, mic not working
- 28,799. Microsoft Solitaire Levels
- 28,800. Erro de privacidade me impede de jogar [Edit - Translation] - Privacy error prevents me...
- 28,801. Hi when am i going to receive my Xbox on Windows 10???
- 28,802. Xbox One wireless adapter on Windows 10 keeps disconnecting
- 28,803. Xbox Gamertag
- 28,804. Forza Horizon 4 Nieskończony loading screen przy starcie gry zaraz po naduszeniu...
- 28,805. Xbox app on Windows
- 28,806. Регистрация учетной записи ребенка с подтверждением по электронной почте родителя. (Mod...
- 28,807. Error 0x406 xbox app
- 28,808. XBOX One controller problem
- 28,809. Cant seam to get the teredo conncetion to work.
- 28,810. Turning off Xbox controller for Windows desktop?
- 28,811. Sorry, the requested page can not be found. The URL may be misspelled or the page you are...
- 28,812. MS Bingo?
- 28,813. why i can play only 12 game on game pass
- 28,814. xbox games on pc
- 28,815. Xbox 360 Controller to PC Connection???
- 28,816. help
- 28,817. Wordament Answer Recognition
- 28,818. Is there issues on publishing games on XBOX ONE in a none XBOX ONE listed country - Malaysia ?
- 28,819. Recording CSGO Video
- 28,820. Parental Controls?
- 28,821. Clear Xbox cloud for WAindows 10 Xbox games.
- 28,822. hello i one problem to minecraft windows 10 edition me connected to my account xbox live...
- 28,823. Xbox One controller doesn't work with Windows 7 laptop
- 28,824. Manette Xbox One sur PC[Xbox One Controller on PC]
- 28,825. Wireless Displace App
- 28,826. XBOX Live sign in
- 28,827. fifa 19 points
- 28,828. Xbox App on Windows 10 not allowing me to send or receive messages
- 28,829. Project xcloud on windows 10?
- 28,830. Accessories App not available and Elite controller not working properly (connected via USB)
- 28,831. How can I record multi-screen with Game DVR?
- 28,832. Cannot stream Xbox one by internet
- 28,833. Meu Minecraft Windows 10 Edition não está contabilizando as conquistas (My Minecraft...
- 28,834. Can you separate your xbox account from your microsoft account?
- 28,835. Message d'erreur : "Impossible de vous connecter, réessayer plus ****" (Error Message: "Can...
- 28,836. Error n°2184327175
- 28,837. Hack gamertag
- 28,838. No puedo hacer login [I can't login]
- 28,839. 연령확인 페이지에서 로그인이 안되는 오류 [Translation - No sign-in error on the Age verification page]
- 28,840. wot blitz game
- 28,841. Геймпад Xbox не работает в Fortnite на Windows 10 [Translation-Xbox gamepad does not work...
- 28,842. Auto login issue.
- 28,843. Xbox App spying on Steam/GoG/Blizzard activity on Windows 10
- 28,844. A family frustration - Repeated Account suspensions and blocked phone numbers
- 28,845. Can't Change Windows 10/Online Safety Privacy Settings
- 28,846. Transferring account from 360 to Windows 10
- 28,847. Chute de FPS avec manette Xbox Elite[FPS drop with Xbox Elite gamepad]
- 28,848. Error in game pass games
- 28,849. Xbox app on windows 10
- 28,850. Xbox Live Status when playing a Steam game through Xbox App
- 28,851. Using other Microsoft accounts
- 28,852. Xbox live says no internet connection but there is one
- 28,853. Why can I not send or recieve messages through the Xbox App?
- 28,854. Xbox Game pass
- 28,855. cant stream to my pc
- 28,856. Minecraft W10 Beta Opting Out Problems
- 28,857. USB mic not working when streaming Xbox to window 10 laptop
- 28,858. I want to remove settings app from my games. Please tell how to do that.
- 28,859. The game Ark cannot be removed, installed, or re-installed
- 28,860. Error Code 0x80070520 Signing In
- 28,861. GFWL on windows 10
- 28,862. Erro ao logar na xbox live windows 10 *Mod Translation: Error logging in Xbox Live Windows 10)
- 28,863. Gamertag
- 28,864. Can't move or install Forza Horizon 4 to my SSD
- 28,865. Can't log in to
- 28,866. Minecraft Bedrock Windows 10 Edition
- 28,867. Conta desapareceu [Translation-Bill disappeared]
- 28,868. Sims 4
- 28,869. FH4 club limit reached
- 28,870. Brak szukanego produktu Forza Horizon 4 [Translation-Not looking for Forza Horizon 4]
- 28,871. Xbox wireless controller can't connect to PC
- 28,872. Parental control
- 28,873. Teredo Hatası [Translation-Teredo error]
- 28,874. how to uninstall xbox from new laptop
- 28,875. Problema con controller xbox per Windows [Problem with Xbox Controller for Windows]
- 28,876. Xbox Party Chat on Windows 10
- 28,878. My Xbox app game captures aren't loading
- 28,879. I cannot change my account privacy
- 28,880. Xbox on Windows 10 won't Connect
- 28,881. Sea Of Thieves Safety settings
- 28,882. Transfer Microsoft XBOX Settings
- 28,883. Kinect 1 not connecting or recognized by pc.
- 28,884. DVR IN PC
- 28,885. Xbox One won't stream on PC
- 28,886. Снялись средства за ошибочно купленные 7 одномесячных подписок, хотел бы попросить вернуть...
- 28,887. Sound in Xbox App
- 28,888. Xbox Game Pass
- 28,889. How to move jigsaw from PC 1 to PC 2 in Windows 10
- 28,890. Xbox game bar on windows 10 has very loud buzzing instead of microphone input on recording
- 28,891. Como para vincular mi cuenta de xbox live a epic games [To link my Xbox Live account to...
- 28,892. transmision de juego de xbox one a windows 8 (game transmission from xbox one to windows 8)
- 28,893. Problem z zainstalowanie gry na PC na Microsoft store [Translation - Problem with...
- 28,894. How to add my old xbox 360 gamertag account to my current windows 10 account
- 28,895. Flight simulator & Xbox One X
- 28,896. xbox game pass windows 10
- 28,897. Screenshots size changed automatically
- 28,898. Party chat through Xbox App on windows 10
- 28,899. 5 Totally Unauthorised Transactions on my Microsoft Account.
- 28,900. Can't change Privacy settings
- 28,901. je ne peux pas jouer à des jeux multijoueurs en ligne [Translate] I can not play...
- 28,902. A little accident with gamertag
- 28,903. Problème de compte sur Sea Of Thieves [Translate] Account problem on Sea Of Thieves
- 28,904. DVR z gry, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, kiedyś działało. [Translation-Game DVR, Intel (R) HD...
- 28,905. minecraft for windows 10
- 28,906. 录屏失败?????录制不工作?????重置了XBOX也不行 [The recording failed????? Recording does not work????? You...
- 28,907. 录屏为什么只有声音没有图像 (Screen recording why only sound has no image)
- 28,908. Xbox Wireless Adapter does not work on laptop
- 28,909. How to edit which Player a Xbox controller is? Windows 10 Home, wired controller,
- 28,910. microsoft jigsaw problem
- 28,911. I can't join on the Forza Team.
- 28,912. Connecting an xbox to a laptop screen
- 28,913. patrocinio [Translate] Sponsorship
- 28,914. Adicionar outras contas no Xbox Windows 10 [Translation - Add other accounts on Xbox...
- 28,915. XBox One Controller Serial Number
- 28,916. Xbox One S controller will lose Bluetooth pairing as soon as it is plugged into a device...
- 28,917. Xbox one on windows 10 lag
- 28,918. 마이크로소프트 계정로그인후 XBOX계정 로그인이 안되요 [Translate] I can't sign in to my Xbox account after signing...
- 28,919. Xbox Not working. Error (0x409) 0x80080005
- 28,920. Problems with xbox live (Teredo) / Problemas con Xbox Live (teredo)
- 28,921. Issue with Xbox One Controller buttons
- 28,922. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition - I can't join realms but I can join multiplayer games
- 28,923. xbox 홈페이지 로그인 오류[xbox homepage login error]
- 28,924. Xbox controller connects but wont work
- 28,925. xbox one controller on PC
- 28,926. Problemas con Minecraft windows 10[Problems with Minecraft windows 10]
- 28,927. Xbox controller driver
- 28,928. Forza Horizon 4 - problem
- 28,929. Xbox One Controller Does Not Connect to PC
- 28,930. Please let hyperuniverse play on win10
- 28,931. Xbox App Teredo is unable to qualify
- 28,932. my xbox does not appear in streaming.
- 28,933. X box controller windows 10
- 28,934. XBox One Profile
- 28,935. Xbox App is no finding my Xbox
- 28,936. Anyone else has problems when logging in with xbox in games?
- 28,937. Can't play game without a parent's permission
- 28,938. Can`t play Forza horizon 4 on my Pc
- 28,939. Windows 10 and Xbox One
- 28,940. Xbox File Explorer
- 28,941. Verification charge still hasn't been refunded. (India)
- 28,942. I can't join official clubs on the xbox app.
- 28,943. Ark Survival
- 28,944. adding friends
- 28,945. wireless xbox360 for windows
- 28,946. Xbox App: Cannot read or send messages
- 28,947. Xbox Windows 10 Achievements does not work
- 28,948. Teredo problems
- 28,949. Fable 3 physical version
- 28,950. Xbox Game Pass Renewal
- 28,951. Submitting privacy and online settings greys out button and doesn’t submit
- 28,952. Microsoft bringing native Xbox Games on your PC? Looks like it may be happening
- 28,953. Xbox apps
- 28,954. MS Solitaire Games
- 28,955. Account Promotion
- 28,956. the sign in button doesn't work on
- 28,957. Probleme carte graphique pour lancer forza horizon 4 sur pc windows 10 .*Probleme graphics...
- 28,958. conpras nao fuciona ja faz 5 messes [Translate] Conpras does not run already 5 messes
- 28,959. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Crashes Upload Loading
- 28,960. win10 screen record can't hear the voice I made
- 28,961. How can I connect an old gamertag to my account?
- 28,962. Troubles logging into our Live account
- 28,963. Xbox Streaming Lags With very good Internet connection
- 28,964. Freezes when streaming
- 28,965. Never used xbox live, but somehow have a screen name, and 2 people in my contacts list. Why?
- 28,966. Microsoft Play Anywhere games support is getting worse instead of better
- 28,967. Xbox broadcast for windows 10
- 28,968. Problem with Xbox recording / Problema com a Gravação de jogos do Xbox
- 28,969. Forza Horizon 4 game crash
- 28,970. Weird issue with streaming to a Win10 laptop
- 28,971. Cant screen record on PC. Error code:2184327175
- 28,972. Problem with connection on laptop
- 28,973. Xbox Windows 10 background recording/record the last 30 seconds feature
- 28,974. cant joina a group on xbox (PC)
- 28,975. LFG not WORKING any more
- 28,976. Microsoft Word Games lost my stats somehow, is there anyway to get the back?
- 28,977. Multiplayer on State of Decay 2 Cross Platform
- 28,978. Control Edición Limitada PUBG en PC [Translation - Control Limited edition PUBG on PC]
- 28,979. XBOX 홈페이지에서 로그인 버튼이 눌러지지 않습니다. (Login button is not pressed on XBOX homepage.)
- 28,980. Windows10 使用游戏栏录制游戏剪辑、屏幕截图和广播 无法设置为 开 总是会变为 关
- 28,981. Game stats
- 28,982. Using my laptop screen as a monitor for my xbox one
- 28,983. (PC) We couldn't sign you in to Xbox Live (0x80070520)
- 28,984. Privacy & Online Saftey
- 28,985. Cant connect my xbox one s to my pc
- 28,986. Xbox Elite Controller's Wireless not working
- 28,987. Detailed Xbox App NAT problem
- 28,988. xbox windows doesnt use my micro
- 28,989. 使用xobx进行录制显示“目前无法进行录制,请稍后再试”[Recording with xobx "Unable to record at this time, please try...
- 28,990. Minecraft do windows 10 aparece a janela com o Logo da Mojang e logo em seguida fecha...
- 28,991. Minecraft windows 10 edition
- 28,992. 엑스박스 나이인증 아이핀오류 [Translate - Xbox Age Certification Ipin Error]
- 28,993. Xbox One Streaming
- 28,994. Mando XBO ONE no funciona [Translated] Mando Xbo ONE No works
- 28,995. Windows 10 - Xbox One controller triggers do not work
- 28,996. Xbox app blocks game audio during chat
- 28,997. Xbox one wireless controller issues.
- 28,998. Windows 10 Edition of Minecraft Crashes on Start
- 28,999. Xbox one accessories app won’t create profile
- 29,000. Child Error
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