
XBoX on Windows
  1. 28,751. Close Windows XBox account linked to Microsoft account
  2. 28,752. Will disk Xbox 360 games ever be able to offically run on PC?
  3. 28,753. Xbox one mic beeping on Xbox one windows 10 app
  4. 28,754. Audio does not work in control of xbox one s
  5. 28,755. Cable Micro USB Blackberry para mando Xbox One de PUBG en PC [Translation-Blackberry Micro...
  6. 28,756. Error code when signing in help!
  7. 28,757. Compatibilidad de cable usb del Play & Charge Kit [Play & Charge Kit USB cable Compatibility]
  8. 28,758. SOLVED - XBox One games publishing, development and console purchase in Malaysia.
  9. 28,759. How can I see my 360 games in my xbox account on pc? also that I have not used my account...
  10. 28,760. Xbox App on Windows 10 - Server Blocked - Teredo Filter
  11. 28,761. FORZA 7
  12. 28,762. I can t create or join a group on xbox windows 10
  13. 28,763. It says i have a child account and i cant sign up for halo insider
  14. 28,764. ¿Por que los ususarios de Xbox tenemos que pagar por jugar Oline y los que juegan en Xbox...
  15. 28,765. I can't message my friends and I don't know why!
  16. 28,766. The master cheif collection for PC
  17. 28,767. Проблема с геймпадом [Translation - The problem with the gamepad]
  18. 28,768. XBox One Controller won't connect to PC
  19. 28,769. Xbox One Game Streaming Over Internet No Longer Working!
  20. 28,770. 从new surface的xbox客户端试图登录 但是一直显示无法登录 [Try to sign in from new Surface's Xbox client but...
  21. 28,771. Xbox app
  22. 28,772. Friends on Xbox One will not receive game invites from Xbox App on Windows 10
  23. 28,773. Halo insider MCC for PC? verification
  24. 28,774. Jogo comprado na loja (Game purchased at the store)
  25. 28,775. Manette Xbox One filaire PDP non reconnue -[Translation - Xbox one wired PDP controller not...
  26. 28,776. XBox Live on Windows10
  27. 28,777. Xbox Adapter for Windows not connecting
  28. 28,778. Lost app by clicking diagonal double arrows at top right of screen
  29. 28,779. XBox One Controller am PC nicht als XBox Controller erkannt und nicht migriert [Translation...
  30. 28,780. Windows 10 xbox应用问题 [Translation-Windows 10 xbox app issues]
  31. 28,781. 안녕하세요 저번에 포르자 호라이즌4 온라인 기능 믄제로 질문드렸던 사람입니다. [Translation-Hello Forza Horizon 4 is the...
  32. 28,782. An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #30
  33. 28,783. Problème impossible de sauvegarder -[Translation - Unable to save problem]
  34. 28,784. Does XBOX Elite controller have Bluetooth support
  35. 28,785. Xbox One Controller Won't Connect via Bluetooth to PC
  36. 28,786. Recording on the Xbox App on PC
  37. 28,787. Xbox One pad update and crash!
  38. 28,788. Is windows 10 breaking my controller?
  39. 28,789. Retouren Beschwerde [Edit - Translation] - Returns complaint
  40. 28,790. What is with Microsoft xbox streaming settings they are ridiculous?
  41. 28,791. connexion en bluetooth d'une manette Xbox 360 a un pc *Mod Translation: Bluetooth...
  42. 28,792. 极限竞速地平线4,标准版下载出现问题 [Translation-Extreme Racing Horizon 4, Standard Edition download problem]
  43. 28,793. xbox app on pc wont log in
  44. 28,794. unjust permanent suspension
  45. 28,795. Windows 10 • Problema al cargar el DEMO del juego Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection....
  46. 28,796. Xbox Windows 10 PC App Headset Microphone Not Working
  47. 28,797. how to i chat with my freinds online on linux with out the xbox app
  48. 28,798. Xbox app on windows, mic not working
  49. 28,799. Microsoft Solitaire Levels
  50. 28,800. Erro de privacidade me impede de jogar [Edit - Translation] - Privacy error prevents me...
  51. 28,801. Hi when am i going to receive my Xbox on Windows 10???
  52. 28,802. Xbox One wireless adapter on Windows 10 keeps disconnecting
  53. 28,803. Xbox Gamertag
  54. 28,804. Forza Horizon 4 Nieskończony loading screen przy starcie gry zaraz po naduszeniu...
  55. 28,805. Xbox app on Windows
  56. 28,806. Регистрация учетной записи ребенка с подтверждением по электронной почте родителя. (Mod...
  57. 28,807. Error 0x406 xbox app
  58. 28,808. XBOX One controller problem
  59. 28,809. Cant seam to get the teredo conncetion to work.
  60. 28,810. Turning off Xbox controller for Windows desktop?
  61. 28,811. Sorry, the requested page can not be found. The URL may be misspelled or the page you are...
  62. 28,812. MS Bingo?
  63. 28,813. why i can play only 12 game on game pass
  64. 28,814. xbox games on pc
  65. 28,815. Xbox 360 Controller to PC Connection???
  66. 28,816. help
  67. 28,817. Wordament Answer Recognition
  68. 28,818. Is there issues on publishing games on XBOX ONE in a none XBOX ONE listed country - Malaysia ?
  69. 28,819. Recording CSGO Video
  70. 28,820. Parental Controls?
  71. 28,821. Clear Xbox cloud for WAindows 10 Xbox games.
  72. 28,822. hello i one problem to minecraft windows 10 edition me connected to my account xbox live...
  73. 28,823. Xbox One controller doesn't work with Windows 7 laptop
  74. 28,824. Manette Xbox One sur PC[Xbox One Controller on PC]
  75. 28,825. Wireless Displace App
  76. 28,826. XBOX Live sign in
  77. 28,827. fifa 19 points
  78. 28,828. Xbox App on Windows 10 not allowing me to send or receive messages
  79. 28,829. Project xcloud on windows 10?
  80. 28,830. Accessories App not available and Elite controller not working properly (connected via USB)
  81. 28,831. How can I record multi-screen with Game DVR?
  82. 28,832. Cannot stream Xbox one by internet
  83. 28,833. Meu Minecraft Windows 10 Edition não está contabilizando as conquistas (My Minecraft...
  84. 28,834. Can you separate your xbox account from your microsoft account?
  85. 28,835. Message d'erreur : "Impossible de vous connecter, réessayer plus ****" (Error Message: "Can...
  86. 28,836. Error n°2184327175
  87. 28,837. Hack gamertag
  88. 28,838. No puedo hacer login [I can't login]
  89. 28,839. 연령확인 페이지에서 로그인이 안되는 오류 [Translation - No sign-in error on the Age verification page]
  90. 28,840. wot blitz game
  91. 28,841. Геймпад Xbox не работает в Fortnite на Windows 10 [Translation-Xbox gamepad does not work...
  92. 28,842. Auto login issue.
  93. 28,843. Xbox App spying on Steam/GoG/Blizzard activity on Windows 10
  94. 28,844. A family frustration - Repeated Account suspensions and blocked phone numbers
  95. 28,845. Can't Change Windows 10/Online Safety Privacy Settings
  96. 28,846. Transferring account from 360 to Windows 10
  97. 28,847. Chute de FPS avec manette Xbox Elite[FPS drop with Xbox Elite gamepad]
  98. 28,848. Error in game pass games
  99. 28,849. Xbox app on windows 10
  100. 28,850. Xbox Live Status when playing a Steam game through Xbox App
  101. 28,851. Using other Microsoft accounts
  102. 28,852. Xbox live says no internet connection but there is one
  103. 28,853. Why can I not send or recieve messages through the Xbox App?
  104. 28,854. Xbox Game pass
  105. 28,855. cant stream to my pc
  106. 28,856. Minecraft W10 Beta Opting Out Problems
  107. 28,857. USB mic not working when streaming Xbox to window 10 laptop
  108. 28,858. I want to remove settings app from my games. Please tell how to do that.
  109. 28,859. The game Ark cannot be removed, installed, or re-installed
  110. 28,860. Error Code 0x80070520 Signing In
  111. 28,861. GFWL on windows 10
  112. 28,862. Erro ao logar na xbox live windows 10 *Mod Translation: Error logging in Xbox Live Windows 10)
  113. 28,863. Gamertag
  114. 28,864. Can't move or install Forza Horizon 4 to my SSD
  115. 28,865. Can't log in to
  116. 28,866. Minecraft Bedrock Windows 10 Edition
  117. 28,867. Conta desapareceu [Translation-Bill disappeared]
  118. 28,868. Sims 4
  119. 28,869. FH4 club limit reached
  120. 28,870. Brak szukanego produktu Forza Horizon 4 [Translation-Not looking for Forza Horizon 4]
  121. 28,871. Xbox wireless controller can't connect to PC
  122. 28,872. Parental control
  123. 28,873. Teredo Hatası [Translation-Teredo error]
  124. 28,874. how to uninstall xbox from new laptop
  125. 28,875. Problema con controller xbox per Windows [Problem with Xbox Controller for Windows]
  126. 28,876. Xbox Party Chat on Windows 10
  127. 28,877. ERROR WINDOWS 10 LTSB
  128. 28,878. My Xbox app game captures aren't loading
  129. 28,879. I cannot change my account privacy
  130. 28,880. Xbox on Windows 10 won't Connect
  131. 28,881. Sea Of Thieves Safety settings
  132. 28,882. Transfer Microsoft XBOX Settings
  133. 28,883. Kinect 1 not connecting or recognized by pc.
  134. 28,884. DVR IN PC
  135. 28,885. Xbox One won't stream on PC
  136. 28,886. Снялись средства за ошибочно купленные 7 одномесячных подписок, хотел бы попросить вернуть...
  137. 28,887. Sound in Xbox App
  138. 28,888. Xbox Game Pass
  139. 28,889. How to move jigsaw from PC 1 to PC 2 in Windows 10
  140. 28,890. Xbox game bar on windows 10 has very loud buzzing instead of microphone input on recording
  141. 28,891. Como para vincular mi cuenta de xbox live a epic games [To link my Xbox Live account to...
  142. 28,892. transmision de juego de xbox one a windows 8 (game transmission from xbox one to windows 8)
  143. 28,893. Problem z zainstalowanie gry na PC na Microsoft store [Translation - Problem with...
  144. 28,894. How to add my old xbox 360 gamertag account to my current windows 10 account
  145. 28,895. Flight simulator & Xbox One X
  146. 28,896. xbox game pass windows 10
  147. 28,897. Screenshots size changed automatically
  148. 28,898. Party chat through Xbox App on windows 10
  149. 28,899. 5 Totally Unauthorised Transactions on my Microsoft Account.
  150. 28,900. Can't change Privacy settings
  151. 28,901. je ne peux pas jouer à des jeux multijoueurs en ligne [Translate] I can not play...
  152. 28,902. A little accident with gamertag
  153. 28,903. Problème de compte sur Sea Of Thieves [Translate] Account problem on Sea Of Thieves
  154. 28,904. DVR z gry, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, kiedyś działało. [Translation-Game DVR, Intel (R) HD...
  155. 28,905. minecraft for windows 10
  156. 28,906. 录屏失败?????录制不工作?????重置了XBOX也不行 [The recording failed????? Recording does not work????? You...
  157. 28,907. 录屏为什么只有声音没有图像 (Screen recording why only sound has no image)
  158. 28,908. Xbox Wireless Adapter does not work on laptop
  159. 28,909. How to edit which Player a Xbox controller is? Windows 10 Home, wired controller,
  160. 28,910. microsoft jigsaw problem
  161. 28,911. I can't join on the Forza Team.
  162. 28,912. Connecting an xbox to a laptop screen
  163. 28,913. patrocinio [Translate] Sponsorship
  164. 28,914. Adicionar outras contas no Xbox Windows 10 [Translation - Add other accounts on Xbox...
  165. 28,915. XBox One Controller Serial Number
  166. 28,916. Xbox One S controller will lose Bluetooth pairing as soon as it is plugged into a device...
  167. 28,917. Xbox one on windows 10 lag
  168. 28,918. 마이크로소프트 계정로그인후 XBOX계정 로그인이 안되요 [Translate] I can't sign in to my Xbox account after signing...
  169. 28,919. Xbox Not working. Error (0x409) 0x80080005
  170. 28,920. Problems with xbox live (Teredo) / Problemas con Xbox Live (teredo)
  171. 28,921. Issue with Xbox One Controller buttons
  172. 28,922. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition - I can't join realms but I can join multiplayer games
  173. 28,923. xbox 홈페이지 로그인 오류[xbox homepage login error]
  174. 28,924. Xbox controller connects but wont work
  175. 28,925. xbox one controller on PC
  176. 28,926. Problemas con Minecraft windows 10[Problems with Minecraft windows 10]
  177. 28,927. Xbox controller driver
  178. 28,928. Forza Horizon 4 - problem
  179. 28,929. Xbox One Controller Does Not Connect to PC
  180. 28,930. Please let hyperuniverse play on win10
  181. 28,931. Xbox App Teredo is unable to qualify
  182. 28,932. my xbox does not appear in streaming.
  183. 28,933. X box controller windows 10
  184. 28,934. XBox One Profile
  185. 28,935. Xbox App is no finding my Xbox
  186. 28,936. Anyone else has problems when logging in with xbox in games?
  187. 28,937. Can't play game without a parent's permission
  188. 28,938. Can`t play Forza horizon 4 on my Pc
  189. 28,939. Windows 10 and Xbox One
  190. 28,940. Xbox File Explorer
  191. 28,941. Verification charge still hasn't been refunded. (India)
  192. 28,942. I can't join official clubs on the xbox app.
  193. 28,943. Ark Survival
  194. 28,944. adding friends
  195. 28,945. wireless xbox360 for windows
  196. 28,946. Xbox App: Cannot read or send messages
  197. 28,947. Xbox Windows 10 Achievements does not work
  198. 28,948. Teredo problems
  199. 28,949. Fable 3 physical version
  200. 28,950. Xbox Game Pass Renewal
  201. 28,951. Submitting privacy and online settings greys out button and doesn’t submit
  202. 28,952. Microsoft bringing native Xbox Games on your PC? Looks like it may be happening
  203. 28,953. Xbox apps
  204. 28,954. MS Solitaire Games
  205. 28,955. Account Promotion
  206. 28,956. the sign in button doesn't work on
  207. 28,957. Probleme carte graphique pour lancer forza horizon 4 sur pc windows 10 .*Probleme graphics...
  208. 28,958. conpras nao fuciona ja faz 5 messes [Translate] Conpras does not run already 5 messes
  209. 28,959. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Crashes Upload Loading
  210. 28,960. win10 screen record can't hear the voice I made
  211. 28,961. How can I connect an old gamertag to my account?
  212. 28,962. Troubles logging into our Live account
  213. 28,963. Xbox Streaming Lags With very good Internet connection
  214. 28,964. Freezes when streaming
  215. 28,965. Never used xbox live, but somehow have a screen name, and 2 people in my contacts list. Why?
  216. 28,966. Microsoft Play Anywhere games support is getting worse instead of better
  217. 28,967. Xbox broadcast for windows 10
  218. 28,968. Problem with Xbox recording / Problema com a Gravação de jogos do Xbox
  219. 28,969. Forza Horizon 4 game crash
  220. 28,970. Weird issue with streaming to a Win10 laptop
  221. 28,971. Cant screen record on PC. Error code:2184327175
  222. 28,972. Problem with connection on laptop
  223. 28,973. Xbox Windows 10 background recording/record the last 30 seconds feature
  224. 28,974. cant joina a group on xbox (PC)
  225. 28,975. LFG not WORKING any more
  226. 28,976. Microsoft Word Games lost my stats somehow, is there anyway to get the back?
  227. 28,977. Multiplayer on State of Decay 2 Cross Platform
  228. 28,978. Control Edición Limitada PUBG en PC [Translation - Control Limited edition PUBG on PC]
  229. 28,979. XBOX 홈페이지에서 로그인 버튼이 눌러지지 않습니다. (Login button is not pressed on XBOX homepage.)
  230. 28,980. Windows10 使用游戏栏录制游戏剪辑、屏幕截图和广播 无法设置为 开 总是会变为 关
  231. 28,981. Game stats
  232. 28,982. Using my laptop screen as a monitor for my xbox one
  233. 28,983. (PC) We couldn't sign you in to Xbox Live (0x80070520)
  234. 28,984. Privacy & Online Saftey
  235. 28,985. Cant connect my xbox one s to my pc
  236. 28,986. Xbox Elite Controller's Wireless not working
  237. 28,987. Detailed Xbox App NAT problem
  238. 28,988. xbox windows doesnt use my micro
  239. 28,989. 使用xobx进行录制显示“目前无法进行录制,请稍后再试”[Recording with xobx "Unable to record at this time, please try...
  240. 28,990. Minecraft do windows 10 aparece a janela com o Logo da Mojang e logo em seguida fecha...
  241. 28,991. Minecraft windows 10 edition
  242. 28,992. 엑스박스 나이인증 아이핀오류 [Translate - Xbox Age Certification Ipin Error]
  243. 28,993. Xbox One Streaming
  244. 28,994. Mando XBO ONE no funciona [Translated] Mando Xbo ONE No works
  245. 28,995. Windows 10 - Xbox One controller triggers do not work
  246. 28,996. Xbox app blocks game audio during chat
  247. 28,997. Xbox one wireless controller issues.
  248. 28,998. Windows 10 Edition of Minecraft Crashes on Start
  249. 28,999. Xbox one accessories app won’t create profile
  250. 29,000. Child Error