
XBoX on Windows
  1. 28,251. Problems with not getting an option to download/install an app after purchasing it with a...
  2. 28,252. Botón A de mando de Xbox One parece rayado por el interior [Translation-Xbox One control...
  3. 28,253. Microsoft Store | Can't find majority of Xbox servers
  4. 28,254. Mouse & Keyboard or Controller??
  5. 28,255. Sigh in
  6. 28,256. 急,我的Minecraft Windows10 Edition突然变成了试用版![Translation-Urgent, my Minecraft Windows 10...
  7. 28,257. Virus
  8. 28,258. Forza Horizon 4 - Network issues
  9. 28,259. xbox app Windows 10 für Forza Horizon 4: Club beitreten nicht möglich, da angeblich noch in...
  10. 28,260. Teredo problem
  11. 28,261. Xbox360 Controller USB Incompatibility with PC
  12. 28,262. Xbox settings on Windows 10
  13. 28,263. FH4 E:f-0 Error Code
  14. 28,264. Xbox Profile Creation Showing Wrong Birthdate
  15. 28,265. Microsoft Solitaire Collection
  16. 28,266. Restringión de edad Xbox Live [Translate] Age restriction Xbox Live
  17. 28,267. [MINECRAFT] ¿Como puedo cambiar mi versión de Minecraft a una versión anterior?
  18. 28,268. 주문 번호 [Mod Removed - Personal Information] 환불 가능한지요? [Translation - Order Number [Mod...
  19. 28,269. error code 121010
  20. 28,270. How to change my Xbox Live avatar?
  21. 28,271. Forza 3 Horizon disappeared from my account on the Microsoft Store (PC)
  22. 28,272. My xbox app error code 0x404
  23. 28,273. Microsoft Solitaire Collection - Internet Connection Problem
  24. 28,274. i have some questions
  25. 28,275. Controller on PC
  26. 28,276. Games for Windows Live: Accessing Product Keys for Previous Purchases
  27. 28,277. HELP PLEASE with Minecraft Windows 10 achievements
  28. 28,278. Windows10 Xbox应用无法登陆 [Translate] Windows10 Xbox app can't log in
  29. 28,279. How to unmap xbox360 controller in Windows 10?
  30. 28,280. "Acquiring license" and the game doesn't start to download
  31. 28,281. Game Capture not working after "Alt-Tab"ing out of a game.
  32. 28,282. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Achievements
  33. 28,283. Xbox One Controller stops working Windows 10
  34. 28,284. XBOX APP Windows 10 - Problema con caricamento/invio messaggi [Translate] XBOX APP Windows...
  35. 28,285. Xbox Live na PC
  36. 28,286. Xbox Server connectivity: Blocked - Teredo doesn't show up in Device Manager
  37. 28,287. XBOX accessories app on windows 10 bricked my controller
  38. 28,288. club forza horizon 4
  39. 28,289. Windows 10 game clip sharing
  40. 28,290. How to disable xbox360 controller in Windows 10?
  41. 28,291. Connexion impossible au Xbox Live de Windows 10 (erreur 0x80090027) [Translation - Unable...
  42. 28,292. changeing computers
  43. 28,293. Stream
  44. 28,294. How do you create a server in Miencraft Windows 10 edition?
  45. 28,295. Problem: Gears of War 4 on PC.
  46. 28,296. xbox game pass not working for sea of thieves(PC)
  47. 28,297. Xbox on Windows 10
  48. 28,298. изображение с xbox 360 на ноутбук (Image with Xbox 360 on laptop)
  49. 28,299. AVG
  50. 28,300. [PC] Forza Horizon 4 - IPsec issue
  51. 28,301. Screentime Not Working
  52. 28,302. No puedo vincular mi cuenta de xbox a epic games en pc [Translation - I can not link my...
  53. 28,303. previous years of daily challenges
  54. 28,304. fortnite
  55. 28,305. Windows 10 Minecraft Download Problem
  56. 28,306. Error "ox406" xbox - no enter
  57. 28,307. foutcode 1170000 [Translation - error code 1170000]
  58. 28,308. Seguimiento de garantía [Translation-Warranty tracking]
  59. 28,309. Age authentication IPIN error
  60. 28,310. Xbox One controller
  61. 28,311. error 0x80070520 after i login in xbox live
  62. 28,312. Can't connect to internet service
  63. 28,313. how do I change
  64. 28,314. Bought movie, wheres my Apex pack
  65. 28,315. I cannot create a Xbox live account on website. An unexpected error occurred. Please try...
  66. 28,316. Windows 10 Parties
  67. 28,317. Cant log in on Win 10 App "0x80860010 "
  68. 28,318. los juegos de game pass en PC ya no abren[Translation-Game Pass games on PC no longer open]
  69. 28,319. Twin Moons Does Not Load
  70. 28,320. X BOX
  71. 28,321. Gamertag ändern[Change gamertag]
  72. 28,322. controlers
  73. 28,323. Why Doesn't Clock Suspend When Play Suspends
  74. 28,324. Xbox live parental settings bug in forza horizon 4?
  75. 28,325. I want a refund but i cant find how
  76. 28,326. xbox live issues
  77. 28,327. What is "Xbox overlay" when streaming and how can I fix it?
  78. 28,328. Getting a Sign In Error [1170000]
  79. 28,329. fifa
  80. 28,330. Can the X Box One Wireless Controller with Bluetooth also be used with the X Box One...
  81. 28,331. Xbox on Window 10
  82. 28,332. Xbox One Controller on Windows 10 PC failed firmware update! The controller is now bricked!!!
  83. 28,333. xbox controller no longer works
  84. 28,334. Xbox Scammed me!
  85. 28,335. Gametag scammed
  86. 28,336. Xbox one s controller issue
  87. 28,337. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition achievements do not work
  88. 28,338. X box game pass sharing for Play anywhere games
  89. 28,339. How do i change language in ARK windows app
  90. 28,340. Xbox 360 Controller for Windows Issue
  91. 28,341. Xbox App doesn't allow me to signin to another account
  92. 28,342. Windows 10/ Xbox / das Spiel Pinball FX2 (Windows 10 / Xbox / the game Pinball FX2)
  93. 28,343. Xbox 360 wireless controller not working in Crackdown 3
  94. 28,344. Xbox Game Pass
  95. 28,345. consulta (query)
  96. 28,346. I can't make an Akaunt at X-Box Live on my PC
  97. 28,347. Cannot change Xbox Live Privacy Settings and cannot log into Xbox on Xbox Site
  98. 28,348. Ark: Survival Evolved for Windows 10, find in the evening no servers.
  99. 28,349. cant chat in clubs
  100. 28,350. Cuting clips while playing Rocket League
  101. 28,351. Foza Horizon 4 Perte de niveau de prouesses [Translation - Foza horizon 4 loss of level of...
  102. 28,352. Xbox app stream button not showing up
  103. 28,353. Connection problems with the Xbox application under windows 10
  104. 28,354. I was banned from using the xbox app chat, and i'm not so sure why I have been.
  105. 28,355. Achievements
  106. 28,356. en el forza horizon 4 perdi el progreso y los puntos que tengo en muchos de los autos (I...
  107. 28,357. joystick xbox one adapter (error xbox acc)
  108. 28,358. xbox one da satın aldığım minecraft oyunu açılmıyor [Translate] The Minecraft game I bought...
  109. 28,359. X BOX
  110. 28,360. I can't chat on Minecraft bedrock
  111. 28,361. Xbox无法录制 Translation: [Xbox can't record]
  112. 28,362. Xbox One Controller to pc using USB cable
  113. 28,363. Push to talk?
  114. 28,364. How do I change my gamertag via browser?
  115. 28,365. How do I stop Xbox from going to My PC
  116. 28,366. Xbox Streaming Mode
  117. 28,367. I can't receive achievements in Minecraft For Windows 10 on xbox
  118. 28,368. Xbox app on windows 10
  119. 28,369. Xbox One App Server Blocked in Network connections
  120. 28,370. Forza Horizon 4 Fechando Sozinho [Translate] Forza Horizon 4 closing alone
  121. 28,371. WIreless Xbox 360 controller won't connect to Windows 10 PC
  122. 28,372. Can't play Forza Horizon 4 online
  123. 28,373. Gamer Tag Changed automatically
  124. 28,374. Gamertag change Issue
  125. 28,375. Xbox app crashes hard
  126. 28,376. Progress in Microsoft Solitaire game
  127. 28,377. Windows 10 Xbox app will not let me send messages to friends.
  128. 28,378. Xbox wireless controller not recognized by Windows
  129. 28,379. MS Solitaire Collection friend list is empty
  130. 28,380. Kinect camera issue with windows 10
  131. 28,381. Forza 7 - Win10 - Jugenschutz
  132. 28,382. Auto reboots on Windows 10 with Xbox One Controller
  133. 28,383. At my wits end with the Xbox Windows 10 App not loading my messages...
  134. 28,384. pq Não consigo me conectar ao mundo dos meus amigos no Minecraft? [Translation - Can not...
  135. 28,385. xbox 360
  136. 28,386. Gamepass not working, but i payd.
  137. 28,387. child account
  138. 28,388. Connecting an XBox 360 to a windows 10 PC
  139. 28,389. I bought State of Decay 2 ultimate edition DLC not working.
  140. 28,390. Cars bought at the auction are gone [Forza Horizon 3]
  141. 28,391. Minecraft Lags If Logged Into Xbox
  142. 28,392. what's the refresh rate xboxone support when i use Xbox App on Windows 10 to play game
  143. 28,393. AGE verification in korea
  144. 28,394. Apple headphone on xbox app windows 10 not working
  145. 28,395. Change account data
  146. 28,396. não consigo logar no site [I can not login on the site]
  147. 28,397. Dr Who Series 12 Tom Baker incorrect content
  148. 28,398. Troubles synchronizing
  149. 28,399. 포르자호라이즌4 게임 실행 [Translation-Play Forza Horizon 4 game]
  150. 28,400. ¿Cómo instalo juegos en GamePass? [How do I install games on GamePass?]
  151. 28,401. Loud audio chopping sound in Xbox app for W10 party
  152. 28,402. Forza 7 being installed on a non boot drive
  153. 28,403. Microsoftストアで有料ゲームを購入できない年齢はありますか? (Is there an age when I can't buy a paid game in the...
  154. 28,404. Forza Horizon indirdim ama yükleme yapmıyor ve hata alıyorum. [Translation - I downloaded...
  155. 28,405. Xbox Chat Shuts off internet on my Wi-Fi extender, but not my entire router.
  156. 28,406. XBox Error Code
  157. 28,407. kinect on windows 10
  158. 28,408. Wireless adapter pro Xbox One se nenainstaluje automaticky[Translation-Wireless adapter pro...
  159. 28,409. Xbox won't turn on through the Xbox app
  160. 28,410. Problemas com o ping do app xbox no windows 10[Translation-Problems with the ping of the...
  161. 28,411. Crash Forza Horizon 4 PC
  162. 28,412. XBOX on Windows 10 - Microphone does not work
  163. 28,413. Microsoft Store issues with Xbox Game Pass
  164. 28,414. Problems with XBox One on Windows 10 Er Message 0x80090016 not recognised
  165. 28,415. Please Help Game pass On Window Store PC Gear of war 4 can't download.
  166. 28,416. Forza horizon 4 indiremiyorum [Translation - Forza horizon 4 can not download]
  167. 28,417. Thread "auto-lock?"
  168. 28,418. Ошибка при входе в Game For Windows [Error signing in to Game For Windows]
  169. 28,419. Windows 10용 Gears of War Ultimate Edition 로딩중 강제종료 현상 [Force shutdown during Gears of War...
  170. 28,420. where have all my leader board friends gone?
  171. 28,421. Xbox无法录制 [Translation - Xbox can't record]
  172. 28,422. Can't renew my Game Pass using Paypal
  173. 28,423. Killer Instinct on Win10 - Refreshing DLC Timeout
  174. 28,424. xbox windows 10 app
  175. 28,425. SEA OF THIEVES NÃO ABRE[Translation-Sea of thieves does not open]
  176. 28,426. forza horizon 4
  177. 28,427. Change the region on Xbox Account
  178. 28,428. XBox One Controller stuck in DFU Mode
  179. 28,429. Cannot turn off vibration on a Bluetooth Xbox controller
  180. 28,430. Xbox App wont connect to my Xbox One
  181. 28,431. Sea of thieves Tenue Sea Dogs -[Translation - Sea of thieves sea dogs outfit]
  182. 28,432. Recording isn't working error 2184327190
  183. 28,433. Forza Horizon 4 auf PC spielen [Play Forza Horizon 4 on PC]
  184. 28,434. Update to Game Bar Beta - Looking for Group and images in chat!
  185. 28,435. The Gamertag doesn´t work !
  186. 28,436. error 0x406 when starting the xbox App on Windows 10
  187. 28,437. Minha Barra de jogos não esta abrindo no jogo [Translation - My Game Bar is not opening in...
  188. 28,438. Infection virale[Viral infection]
  189. 28,439. Mój komputer laptop ma mieć IP konsol game? [My laptop computer has to have an IP console...
  190. 28,440. Can't get a Play Anywhere game on my PC
  191. 28,441. Xbox Insider Hub Unenrolling
  192. 28,442. Linking my old xbox account to my new email??
  193. 28,443. Xbox Game Pass on PC
  194. 28,444. xbox
  195. 28,445. Cant download Sea of Thieves
  196. 28,446. 极限竞速7无法打开,直接闪退 [Limit Race 7 cannot be opened, direct flashback]
  197. 28,447. Why can't I change my username?
  198. 28,448. Issues with Game Bar
  199. 28,449. pas de bouton pour inviter des amis -[Translation - No button to invite friends]
  200. 28,450. Problème manette xbox one forza horizon 4 [Edit - Translation] - Problem xbox one forza...
  201. 28,451. xbox
  202. 28,452. Xbox App issue
  203. 28,453. Can't transfer from PC to Xbox?
  204. 28,454. Hi
  205. 28,455. Начала вылетать игра[Start to fly out game]
  206. 28,456. Xbox doesn't connect to my PC, missing controller driver in the device manager
  207. 28,457. How can i connect my xbox 360 to my hp all in one computer (windows 10) using a HDMI cord?
  208. 28,458. One xbox, 3 persons in a family account (a father with 2 children), 2 PCs and xbox live...
  209. 28,459. Xbox app wont open windows 10
  210. 28,460. Xbox game pass problem
  211. 28,461. Playing Dowloaded Game with my kids on multiple computers
  212. 28,462. ip adres for console
  213. 28,463. World War Z (Microsoft Store)
  214. 28,464. Cannot reconnect xbox controller to Windows 10 PC
  215. 28,465. Can't access multiplayer because of non-existing parent account
  216. 28,466. Xbox One Game Streaming Over Internet No Longer Working!
  217. 28,467. EON
  218. 28,468. EON
  219. 28,469. Enforcement misjudged my content
  220. 28,470. Xbox One S controller for Windows 10
  221. 28,471. Gamertag alterations
  222. 28,472. Xbox gamertag change error.
  223. 28,473. Controller completely unresponsive after firmware update (Xbox Accessories App)
  224. 28,474. Can you connect this Xbox 360 controller to a PC?
  225. 28,475. fenêtres intempestives [Translation - unwanted windows]
  226. 28,476. Problems with Kinect V2
  227. 28,477. HUGE error with no solutions so far
  228. 28,478. I can't send messages
  229. 28,479. Problema con micrófono en aplicación Xbox para Windows 10 (Problem with microphone in Xbox...
  230. 28,480. i cant sign in xbox app on pc
  231. 28,481. Can't send messages through the xbox website.
  232. 28,482. Changing membership from monthly to annual
  233. 28,483. I play xbox on my pc.
  234. 28,484. How do i uninstall athe xbox features
  235. 28,485. xbox internet connection on windows 10
  236. 28,486. 엑스박스 로그인 오류? [Translation -Xbox login error? ]
  237. 28,487. I can´t play my game fable 3
  238. 28,488. Xbox App
  239. 28,489. Problema con Zoo Tycoon ultimate animal collection Windows 10 [Translation-Problem with Zoo...
  240. 28,490. astorneer crashing
  241. 28,491. Reembolso por cobro a mi tarjeta de débito (Reimbursement for payment to my debit card)
  242. 28,492. Problem z zmianą nazwy. [Translate] Problem with renaming.
  243. 28,493. Privacy Help
  244. 28,494. Why can't I download Minecraft from the Microsoft Store? (I use a Surface Pro)
  245. 28,495. Minecraft Windows 10 trotz Kauf nur Demo version (Minecraft Windows 10 despite buying...
  246. 28,496. Vratenie
  247. 28,497. Missing Ebon Flintlock reward
  248. 28,498. Backup error
  249. 28,499. Xbox controller with Bluetooth won’t connect to my PC now
  250. 28,500. State of Decay 2 PC, can't invite friend, troubleshooting help