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- 28,251. Problems with not getting an option to download/install an app after purchasing it with a...
- 28,252. Botón A de mando de Xbox One parece rayado por el interior [Translation-Xbox One control...
- 28,253. Microsoft Store | Can't find majority of Xbox servers
- 28,254. Mouse & Keyboard or Controller??
- 28,255. Sigh in
- 28,256. 急,我的Minecraft Windows10 Edition突然变成了试用版![Translation-Urgent, my Minecraft Windows 10...
- 28,257. Virus
- 28,258. Forza Horizon 4 - Network issues
- 28,259. xbox app Windows 10 für Forza Horizon 4: Club beitreten nicht möglich, da angeblich noch in...
- 28,260. Teredo problem
- 28,261. Xbox360 Controller USB Incompatibility with PC
- 28,262. Xbox settings on Windows 10
- 28,263. FH4 E:f-0 Error Code
- 28,264. Xbox Profile Creation Showing Wrong Birthdate
- 28,265. Microsoft Solitaire Collection
- 28,266. Restringión de edad Xbox Live [Translate] Age restriction Xbox Live
- 28,267. [MINECRAFT] ¿Como puedo cambiar mi versión de Minecraft a una versión anterior?
- 28,268. 주문 번호 [Mod Removed - Personal Information] 환불 가능한지요? [Translation - Order Number [Mod...
- 28,269. error code 121010
- 28,270. How to change my Xbox Live avatar?
- 28,271. Forza 3 Horizon disappeared from my account on the Microsoft Store (PC)
- 28,272. My xbox app error code 0x404
- 28,273. Microsoft Solitaire Collection - Internet Connection Problem
- 28,274. i have some questions
- 28,275. Controller on PC
- 28,276. Games for Windows Live: Accessing Product Keys for Previous Purchases
- 28,277. HELP PLEASE with Minecraft Windows 10 achievements
- 28,278. Windows10 Xbox应用无法登陆 [Translate] Windows10 Xbox app can't log in
- 28,279. How to unmap xbox360 controller in Windows 10?
- 28,280. "Acquiring license" and the game doesn't start to download
- 28,281. Game Capture not working after "Alt-Tab"ing out of a game.
- 28,282. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Achievements
- 28,283. Xbox One Controller stops working Windows 10
- 28,284. XBOX APP Windows 10 - Problema con caricamento/invio messaggi [Translate] XBOX APP Windows...
- 28,285. Xbox Live na PC
- 28,286. Xbox Server connectivity: Blocked - Teredo doesn't show up in Device Manager
- 28,287. XBOX accessories app on windows 10 bricked my controller
- 28,288. club forza horizon 4
- 28,289. Windows 10 game clip sharing
- 28,290. How to disable xbox360 controller in Windows 10?
- 28,291. Connexion impossible au Xbox Live de Windows 10 (erreur 0x80090027) [Translation - Unable...
- 28,292. changeing computers
- 28,293. Stream
- 28,294. How do you create a server in Miencraft Windows 10 edition?
- 28,295. Problem: Gears of War 4 on PC.
- 28,296. xbox game pass not working for sea of thieves(PC)
- 28,297. Xbox on Windows 10
- 28,298. изображение с xbox 360 на ноутбук (Image with Xbox 360 on laptop)
- 28,299. AVG
- 28,300. [PC] Forza Horizon 4 - IPsec issue
- 28,301. Screentime Not Working
- 28,302. No puedo vincular mi cuenta de xbox a epic games en pc [Translation - I can not link my...
- 28,303. previous years of daily challenges
- 28,304. fortnite
- 28,305. Windows 10 Minecraft Download Problem
- 28,306. Error "ox406" xbox - no enter
- 28,307. foutcode 1170000 [Translation - error code 1170000]
- 28,308. Seguimiento de garantía [Translation-Warranty tracking]
- 28,309. Age authentication IPIN error
- 28,310. Xbox One controller
- 28,311. error 0x80070520 after i login in xbox live
- 28,312. Can't connect to internet service
- 28,313. how do I change
- 28,314. Bought movie, wheres my Apex pack
- 28,315. I cannot create a Xbox live account on website. An unexpected error occurred. Please try...
- 28,316. Windows 10 Parties
- 28,317. Cant log in on Win 10 App "0x80860010 "
- 28,318. los juegos de game pass en PC ya no abren[Translation-Game Pass games on PC no longer open]
- 28,319. Twin Moons Does Not Load
- 28,320. X BOX
- 28,321. Gamertag ändern[Change gamertag]
- 28,322. controlers
- 28,323. Why Doesn't Clock Suspend When Play Suspends
- 28,324. Xbox live parental settings bug in forza horizon 4?
- 28,325. I want a refund but i cant find how
- 28,326. xbox live issues
- 28,327. What is "Xbox overlay" when streaming and how can I fix it?
- 28,328. Getting a Sign In Error [1170000]
- 28,329. fifa
- 28,330. Can the X Box One Wireless Controller with Bluetooth also be used with the X Box One...
- 28,331. Xbox on Window 10
- 28,332. Xbox One Controller on Windows 10 PC failed firmware update! The controller is now bricked!!!
- 28,333. xbox controller no longer works
- 28,334. Xbox Scammed me!
- 28,335. Gametag scammed
- 28,336. Xbox one s controller issue
- 28,337. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition achievements do not work
- 28,338. X box game pass sharing for Play anywhere games
- 28,339. How do i change language in ARK windows app
- 28,340. Xbox 360 Controller for Windows Issue
- 28,341. Xbox App doesn't allow me to signin to another account
- 28,342. Windows 10/ Xbox / das Spiel Pinball FX2 (Windows 10 / Xbox / the game Pinball FX2)
- 28,343. Xbox 360 wireless controller not working in Crackdown 3
- 28,344. Xbox Game Pass
- 28,345. consulta (query)
- 28,346. I can't make an Akaunt at X-Box Live on my PC
- 28,347. Cannot change Xbox Live Privacy Settings and cannot log into Xbox on Xbox Site
- 28,348. Ark: Survival Evolved for Windows 10, find in the evening no servers.
- 28,349. cant chat in clubs
- 28,350. Cuting clips while playing Rocket League
- 28,351. Foza Horizon 4 Perte de niveau de prouesses [Translation - Foza horizon 4 loss of level of...
- 28,352. Xbox app stream button not showing up
- 28,353. Connection problems with the Xbox application under windows 10
- 28,354. I was banned from using the xbox app chat, and i'm not so sure why I have been.
- 28,355. Achievements
- 28,356. en el forza horizon 4 perdi el progreso y los puntos que tengo en muchos de los autos (I...
- 28,357. joystick xbox one adapter (error xbox acc)
- 28,358. xbox one da satın aldığım minecraft oyunu açılmıyor [Translate] The Minecraft game I bought...
- 28,359. X BOX
- 28,360. I can't chat on Minecraft bedrock
- 28,361. Xbox无法录制 Translation: [Xbox can't record]
- 28,362. Xbox One Controller to pc using USB cable
- 28,363. Push to talk?
- 28,364. How do I change my gamertag via browser?
- 28,365. How do I stop Xbox from going to My PC
- 28,366. Xbox Streaming Mode
- 28,367. I can't receive achievements in Minecraft For Windows 10 on xbox
- 28,368. Xbox app on windows 10
- 28,369. Xbox One App Server Blocked in Network connections
- 28,370. Forza Horizon 4 Fechando Sozinho [Translate] Forza Horizon 4 closing alone
- 28,371. WIreless Xbox 360 controller won't connect to Windows 10 PC
- 28,372. Can't play Forza Horizon 4 online
- 28,373. Gamer Tag Changed automatically
- 28,374. Gamertag change Issue
- 28,375. Xbox app crashes hard
- 28,376. Progress in Microsoft Solitaire game
- 28,377. Windows 10 Xbox app will not let me send messages to friends.
- 28,378. Xbox wireless controller not recognized by Windows
- 28,379. MS Solitaire Collection friend list is empty
- 28,380. Kinect camera issue with windows 10
- 28,381. Forza 7 - Win10 - Jugenschutz
- 28,382. Auto reboots on Windows 10 with Xbox One Controller
- 28,383. At my wits end with the Xbox Windows 10 App not loading my messages...
- 28,384. pq Não consigo me conectar ao mundo dos meus amigos no Minecraft? [Translation - Can not...
- 28,385. xbox 360
- 28,386. Gamepass not working, but i payd.
- 28,387. child account
- 28,388. Connecting an XBox 360 to a windows 10 PC
- 28,389. I bought State of Decay 2 ultimate edition DLC not working.
- 28,390. Cars bought at the auction are gone [Forza Horizon 3]
- 28,391. Minecraft Lags If Logged Into Xbox
- 28,392. what's the refresh rate xboxone support when i use Xbox App on Windows 10 to play game
- 28,393. AGE verification in korea
- 28,394. Apple headphone on xbox app windows 10 not working
- 28,395. Change account data
- 28,396. não consigo logar no site [I can not login on the site]
- 28,397. Dr Who Series 12 Tom Baker incorrect content
- 28,398. Troubles synchronizing
- 28,399. 포르자호라이즌4 게임 실행 [Translation-Play Forza Horizon 4 game]
- 28,400. ¿Cómo instalo juegos en GamePass? [How do I install games on GamePass?]
- 28,401. Loud audio chopping sound in Xbox app for W10 party
- 28,402. Forza 7 being installed on a non boot drive
- 28,403. Microsoftストアで有料ゲームを購入できない年齢はありますか? (Is there an age when I can't buy a paid game in the...
- 28,404. Forza Horizon indirdim ama yükleme yapmıyor ve hata alıyorum. [Translation - I downloaded...
- 28,405. Xbox Chat Shuts off internet on my Wi-Fi extender, but not my entire router.
- 28,406. XBox Error Code
- 28,407. kinect on windows 10
- 28,408. Wireless adapter pro Xbox One se nenainstaluje automaticky[Translation-Wireless adapter pro...
- 28,409. Xbox won't turn on through the Xbox app
- 28,410. Problemas com o ping do app xbox no windows 10[Translation-Problems with the ping of the...
- 28,411. Crash Forza Horizon 4 PC
- 28,412. XBOX on Windows 10 - Microphone does not work
- 28,413. Microsoft Store issues with Xbox Game Pass
- 28,414. Problems with XBox One on Windows 10 Er Message 0x80090016 not recognised
- 28,415. Please Help Game pass On Window Store PC Gear of war 4 can't download.
- 28,416. Forza horizon 4 indiremiyorum [Translation - Forza horizon 4 can not download]
- 28,417. Thread "auto-lock?"
- 28,418. Ошибка при входе в Game For Windows [Error signing in to Game For Windows]
- 28,419. Windows 10용 Gears of War Ultimate Edition 로딩중 강제종료 현상 [Force shutdown during Gears of War...
- 28,420. where have all my leader board friends gone?
- 28,421. Xbox无法录制 [Translation - Xbox can't record]
- 28,422. Can't renew my Game Pass using Paypal
- 28,423. Killer Instinct on Win10 - Refreshing DLC Timeout
- 28,424. xbox windows 10 app
- 28,425. SEA OF THIEVES NÃO ABRE[Translation-Sea of thieves does not open]
- 28,426. forza horizon 4
- 28,427. Change the region on Xbox Account
- 28,428. XBox One Controller stuck in DFU Mode
- 28,429. Cannot turn off vibration on a Bluetooth Xbox controller
- 28,430. Xbox App wont connect to my Xbox One
- 28,431. Sea of thieves Tenue Sea Dogs -[Translation - Sea of thieves sea dogs outfit]
- 28,432. Recording isn't working error 2184327190
- 28,433. Forza Horizon 4 auf PC spielen [Play Forza Horizon 4 on PC]
- 28,434. Update to Game Bar Beta - Looking for Group and images in chat!
- 28,435. The Gamertag doesn´t work !
- 28,436. error 0x406 when starting the xbox App on Windows 10
- 28,437. Minha Barra de jogos não esta abrindo no jogo [Translation - My Game Bar is not opening in...
- 28,438. Infection virale[Viral infection]
- 28,439. Mój komputer laptop ma mieć IP konsol game? [My laptop computer has to have an IP console...
- 28,440. Can't get a Play Anywhere game on my PC
- 28,441. Xbox Insider Hub Unenrolling
- 28,442. Linking my old xbox account to my new email??
- 28,443. Xbox Game Pass on PC
- 28,444. xbox
- 28,445. Cant download Sea of Thieves
- 28,446. 极限竞速7无法打开,直接闪退 [Limit Race 7 cannot be opened, direct flashback]
- 28,447. Why can't I change my username?
- 28,448. Issues with Game Bar
- 28,449. pas de bouton pour inviter des amis -[Translation - No button to invite friends]
- 28,450. Problème manette xbox one forza horizon 4 [Edit - Translation] - Problem xbox one forza...
- 28,451. xbox
- 28,452. Xbox App issue
- 28,453. Can't transfer from PC to Xbox?
- 28,454. Hi
- 28,455. Начала вылетать игра[Start to fly out game]
- 28,456. Xbox doesn't connect to my PC, missing controller driver in the device manager
- 28,457. How can i connect my xbox 360 to my hp all in one computer (windows 10) using a HDMI cord?
- 28,458. One xbox, 3 persons in a family account (a father with 2 children), 2 PCs and xbox live...
- 28,459. Xbox app wont open windows 10
- 28,460. Xbox game pass problem
- 28,461. Playing Dowloaded Game with my kids on multiple computers
- 28,462. ip adres for console
- 28,463. World War Z (Microsoft Store)
- 28,464. Cannot reconnect xbox controller to Windows 10 PC
- 28,465. Can't access multiplayer because of non-existing parent account
- 28,466. Xbox One Game Streaming Over Internet No Longer Working!
- 28,467. EON
- 28,468. EON
- 28,469. Enforcement misjudged my content
- 28,470. Xbox One S controller for Windows 10
- 28,471. Gamertag alterations
- 28,472. Xbox gamertag change error.
- 28,473. Controller completely unresponsive after firmware update (Xbox Accessories App)
- 28,474. Can you connect this Xbox 360 controller to a PC?
- 28,475. fenêtres intempestives [Translation - unwanted windows]
- 28,476. Problems with Kinect V2
- 28,477. HUGE error with no solutions so far
- 28,478. I can't send messages
- 28,479. Problema con micrófono en aplicación Xbox para Windows 10 (Problem with microphone in Xbox...
- 28,480. i cant sign in xbox app on pc
- 28,481. Can't send messages through the xbox website.
- 28,482. Changing membership from monthly to annual
- 28,483. I play xbox on my pc.
- 28,484. How do i uninstall athe xbox features
- 28,485. xbox internet connection on windows 10
- 28,486. 엑스박스 로그인 오류? [Translation -Xbox login error? ]
- 28,487. I can´t play my game fable 3
- 28,488. Xbox App
- 28,489. Problema con Zoo Tycoon ultimate animal collection Windows 10 [Translation-Problem with Zoo...
- 28,490. astorneer crashing
- 28,491. Reembolso por cobro a mi tarjeta de débito (Reimbursement for payment to my debit card)
- 28,492. Problem z zmianą nazwy. [Translate] Problem with renaming.
- 28,493. Privacy Help
- 28,494. Why can't I download Minecraft from the Microsoft Store? (I use a Surface Pro)
- 28,495. Minecraft Windows 10 trotz Kauf nur Demo version (Minecraft Windows 10 despite buying...
- 28,496. Vratenie
- 28,497. Missing Ebon Flintlock reward
- 28,498. Backup error
- 28,499. Xbox controller with Bluetooth won’t connect to my PC now
- 28,500. State of Decay 2 PC, can't invite friend, troubleshooting help
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