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- 27,751. ゲームパッドが使えない [Translation-I can not use the game pad]
- 27,752. Whats going on with saved data? Xbox game pass PC
- 27,753. Game Pass Issue
- 27,754. How do I reset (or restore to just after the first mission) Forza Horizon 3 game progress?
- 27,755. How do deinstall unfinished GameFiles?
- 27,756. XBOX game pass PC beta
- 27,757. Compartilhar conta / Share account
- 27,758. Unable to sign into the xbox game pass app, help
- 27,759. (PC) Game Pass Xbox (Beta) app, We couldn't sign you in to Xbox Live Authentication target...
- 27,760. Cannot sign in to Xbox App
- 27,761. Xbox live game pass pc
- 27,762. Microsoft Solitaire, Can't Login
- 27,763. Region Lock
- 27,764. Problema ao jogar com teclado no Forza Horizon 4 [Translate] Problem playing with keyboard...
- 27,765. XBOX game pass game save location issue ?
- 27,766. Metro Exodus (windows)
- 27,767. Is there going to be a fix to this beta in the short term?
- 27,768. Remap triggers buttons in Xbox One Controller on Windows 10
- 27,769. NAT OPEN but, the Server Connectivity is still blocked...
- 27,770. 0x803F8001 hatası [Translate] Error 0x803F8001
- 27,771. Teredo is unable to Qualify and Server Connectivity Blocked
- 27,772. Xbox Beta app
- 27,773. Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection Installation Problem
- 27,774. Kontroler xbox one&windows wired controller [Translation - Xbox One & Windows Wired Controller]
- 27,775. Подключение геймпада через ресивер к ноутбуку [Translate] Connect the controller via a...
- 27,776. Can't play Sea of Thieves
- 27,777. [Xbox no Windows 10] Por que não é mais possível jogar o mesmo jogo em dispositivos...
- 27,778. Resident Evil Operation Racoon City GFWL Error Codes and Now the Game Refuses to Run at all.
- 27,779. Flight Simulator for PC Add-on Aircraft
- 27,780. Xbox (beta) causing computer not to sleep
- 27,781. Sea of thieves deneme sürümü [Translate] "Sorry, an error has occurred from us, please try...
- 27,782. Unable to Download Games Xbox Game Pass for PC
- 27,783. Bought the game pass, but unable to download games
- 27,784. stuck in no mans land???
- 27,785. Change folder when installing games on Win 10 using Xbox (Beta) app
- 27,786. Error code: 0x80070005 pc gamepass when trying to download games requiring administrator...
- 27,787. Duvida sobre Game Pass para Pc
- 27,788. Save-game location for XBOX Game pass for Windows games.
- 27,789. Xbox App Crash
- 27,790. My Metro Exodus download disappeared on the Xbox app for PC.
- 27,791. Beta Issues
- 27,792. Gamepass for PC. No Games work for me
- 27,793. change gamertag in win 10
- 27,794. I can't download the installer for game pass PC.
- 27,795. Brak panelu logowania po naciśnięciu Zaloguj się
- 27,796. Xbox (beta) app UI
- 27,797. Trouble Installing Xbox (Beta)
- 27,798. I am trying to download games from the Xbox beta app but keep getting an error when...
- 27,799. Teredo on Windows 10
- 27,800. Wolfenstein 2: New Colossus Crashes on Start - Using Xbox (Beta) app on Win 10
- 27,801. xbox companion app chat noise gate
- 27,802. GAME PASS BETA
- 27,803. Cant download dlc
- 27,804. 0x8007005 Error when installing Surviving Mars on Xbox Beta
- 27,805. Je ne peut pas me connecter sur l'application Xbox (bêta) problème de...
- 27,806. xbox one games for windows 10 xbox one saves aren't working for the pc game
- 27,807. PC Game Pass Sync Question
- 27,808. Got xbox game pass for PC and unable to download Wolfenstein II.
- 27,809. Xbox (Beta) - PC game pass app save/achievements problem
- 27,810. Can't Login at the Xbox (beta) App
- 27,811. Charge me twice for the same content I already purchased?
- 27,812. Forza horizon 4 無法連線至多人!!!
- 27,813. Cannot play ASTRONEER with friend on Xbox Game Pass PC (NOT JOINABLE)
- 27,814. Metro Exodus crashes on launch on Windows 10 Xbox
- 27,815. Game Pass (Für PC) | Metro Exodus
- 27,816. Connexion aux serveurs Xbox sur windows 10 [Translation - Connect to Xbox servers on...
- 27,817. Error code: 0x80070005 Can't download games (USING GAME PASS FOR PC)
- 27,818. XBOX Game pass (beta)
- 27,819. HELP: Issues connecting Xbox one controller to Xbox wireless adapter for windows
- 27,820. Microsoft Solitaire Collection displaying right to left
- 27,821. I cant login in my Xbox Live
- 27,822. Can't open the Xbox application for the game pass
- 27,823. Cant download games with Xbox Game pass
- 27,824. Xbox acount
- 27,825. Xbox PC game pass
- 27,826. Xbox Game Pass PC
- 27,827. Power A xbox one controller not working on pc
- 27,828. Xbox Game Pass PC
- 27,829. Unable to Sign into the Xbox Console Companion Error (0x409) 0x80080300
- 27,830. Got Xbox Game Pass on PC but the Xbox (beta) app's store just does not work.
- 27,831. My Xbox One X controller isn't working on Windows 7 (wired)
- 27,832. Can't connect to Xbox Live (So can't play)
- 27,833. I dont receive invites
- 27,834. Servers on Minecraft Windows 10
- 27,835. Metro Exodus - Launch nothing happens PC
- 27,836. Solitaire collection
- 27,837. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate not working on PC
- 27,838. Problème son Forza Horizon 4 PC ![Translation-Forza horizon 4 PC problem!]
- 27,839. (Windows 10 PC) Xbox game pass games randomly stop working
- 27,840. Wolfenstein 2 crash
- 27,841. xbox one controller play battery pack pc question
- 27,842. Xbox Game Pass (PC Beta) Sign-In Issue
- 27,843. Error code: 0x803f800e when trying to install a game from the Xbox (Beta) PC App
- 27,844. de taal van microsoft games is veranderd in een onbekende taal, kan niet veranderen...
- 27,845. Problems signing into Xbox live for Win 10 in Metro Exodus
- 27,846. Download Speed / Unable to Play Game Pass PC
- 27,847. Xbox Game Pass For PC
- 27,848. Game Pass games won't connect to Xbox Live?
- 27,849. Mehrspielermodus[Translation-Multiplayer ]
- 27,850. Mahjong on PCs
- 27,851. Xbox (Beta) on PC not keeping in progress download files between reboots.
- 27,852. Error: 0x8007005 Xbox Game Pass
- 27,853. Change game language?
- 27,854. Unable to download games due to Error code: 0x80070005 - Xbox GamePass (PC)
- 27,855. solitair collection
- 27,856. Xbox (bêta) for pc: text and bouttons not displaying
- 27,857. Unable to log into the Xbox (beta) app on windows 10
- 27,858. Unable to download Halo Wars Definitive Edition (PC) via Xbox Game Pass for PC.
- 27,859. Can't share game clips?
- 27,860. problem game pass ultimate pc error 0x00000001
- 27,861. Games are not downloaded Xbox (Beta) PC
- 27,862. Games not installing onto other HardDrive
- 27,863. Change game language in Xbox App for Windows 10
- 27,864. installing a red dead redemption 11
- 27,865. I Can't Sign Into the Windows 10 Xbox App
- 27,866. Gears of war 4 Horde mode
- 27,867. Xbox Beta App Store Crash Fix
- 27,868. xbox beta app PC
- 27,869. Xbox play anywhere
- 27,870. XGP active on my account but I can't use it
- 27,871. Game Pass PC "bye for now" message
- 27,872. The Xbox Game bar chat is trash and I am not using it anymore...
- 27,873. problème xbox game passe pc (beta) [Xbox game password problem PC (Beta)]
- 27,874. Trying to play GoW Ultimate Edition without changing regional language
- 27,875. Jogos não iniciam [Translation - Games not starting]
- 27,876. Fusionner deux comptes microsoft[Translation-Merge two Microsoft accounts]
- 27,877. Windows 10 Xbox One controller keys mixed up, trigger is'nt working well, but works on...
- 27,878. Game Pass Ultimate PC
- 27,879. Xbox Beta Game Pass PC Error code 0x80070780
- 27,880. Xbox Game Pass for Pc Giftcards. Need Help!
- 27,881. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Famly Sharing
- 27,882. Error 0x80070780, DirectX Runtime, and File Locations
- 27,883. Convert the regular Gamepass for console to the Gamepass for Windows 10
- 27,884. Microsoft Solitaire Collection
- 27,885. Changing the gamer name on solitaire
- 27,886. Xbox (Beta) App games won't Launch/Crash Fix!
- 27,887. Xbox Live suspension for... no reason after 4 year that I don't use the service?
- 27,888. Xbox (Beta) App
- 27,889. Xbox (Beta) App for PC
- 27,890. Xbox Beta - No text in w10
- 27,891. XBOX FOR PC无法登录[Tranlation-Xbox for PC Unable to log in]
- 27,892. Xbox Beta app issues (black screen after sign in, and can't change install location) -...
- 27,893. Xbox gamepass pc beta
- 27,894. Xbox beta app cant download games & Cant cancel them either
- 27,895. How do I switch my main email when logging in?
- 27,896. Metro Exodus not saving a single dang thing, fixed. you're welcome
- 27,897. I can't change my region
- 27,898. Please someone from Microsoft help us with the error 0x80070005 (Xbox beta app) Windows 10 PC
- 27,899. Age of Empires definitive edition
- 27,900. Xbox (BETA) App - Login does nothing - FIX TUTORIAL
- 27,901. Can't login into Xbox Pass for PC
- 27,902. Xbox Beta App for Windows 10 memory leak
- 27,903. Taking forever to download games (Xbox Beta Gamepass) Fluctuating speeds from 40mb/s to 0
- 27,904. Ultimate Game Pass reactivation?
- 27,905. The games are opened with another Microsoft account I have.
- 27,906. Xbox App
- 27,907. 0x80070005 Error when trying to download PC Gamepass (Beta) gamepass games
- 27,908. Não consigo realizar o download de jogo da Game pass exclusiva para PC[Translation-I can't...
- 27,909. Metro Exodus Download Error (PC)
- 27,910. Will Xbox Play Anywhere expand to old games?
- 27,911. The Surge DLC not working (Xbox Game Pass for PC)
- 27,912. Xbox Beta App PC - How to change "Store account"
- 27,913. Game Pass for PC
- 27,914. Xbox PC App stuck on 'Making Things Awesome'
- 27,915. i can't participate in multiplayer games
- 27,916. Xbox (Beta) unable to download Everspace
- 27,917. Xbox (Beta) Download too slow
- 27,918. 無法於Xbox(測試版)使用Microsoft帳號登入。[Cannot log in with a Microsoft account on Xbox (Beta).]
- 27,919. Toredo Problem!!
- 27,920. Bought the game pass for pc on their website, but the app is requiring a buy it again. How...
- 27,921. can login into xbox game pass for pc (Beta)
- 27,922. Can't install Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (Xbox App) on Windows 10
- 27,923. Cannot access Xbox (Beta) PC store
- 27,924. Upgraded from Xbox Game Pass to Ultimate
- 27,925. Game pass of Xbox and PC question.
- 27,926. Downloading games on microsoft store
- 27,927. Old version of Xbox Game Bar still active after installing new version
- 27,928. cant use game pass because my windows 10 is not compatible ?
- 27,929. Some text is missing, unable to use Xbox Beta
- 27,930. Xbox (beta) Administrator approval required for installation.
- 27,931. Gamepass PC 0x80070005
- 27,932. Does the Xbox Game Pass for PC use Cloud Saves?
- 27,933. Benutzerdefinierte Tasten für Spiel von Microsoft Store bei Logitech MX Master Maus [Custom...
- 27,934. Xbox game pass not recognized
- 27,935. Keyboard is more or less not working in games
- 27,936. GamePass for PC - No achievement, playtime, leaderboard
- 27,937. Stuttering in Forza motorsport 7
- 27,938. I can't run any game from xbox(beta)
- 27,939. xbox app error
- 27,940. How to change Wolfestein New Colossus language from Windows Store
- 27,941. Halo 2 insane Lag...
- 27,942. Error 0x80070005 On xbox game pass
- 27,943. Forza Horizon 4 connection issue
- 27,944. Can't install the xbox BETA launcher
- 27,945. Xbox Game Pass for 1$
- 27,946. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
- 27,947. Minesweeper achievements in Russian
- 27,948. Error 0x80070780
- 27,949. xbox game pass. state of decay 2 heartlands dlc
- 27,950. Some wierd things happening with gamepass for pc beta, error codes and missing installed games.
- 27,951. My Bluetooth Controller Prevents Streaming?
- 27,952. Can't download certain games from Xbox Game Pass for PC
- 27,953. Metro Exodus changing resolution doesn't work, Games Pass on PC
- 27,954. Just Got PC Gamepass and Xbox Beta. Can't Get Vampyr To Install.
- 27,955. Can't login to xbox beta app for xbox game pass PC
- 27,956. Metro exodus previous launch was unsuccessful xbox game pass pc!
- 27,957. Xbox Game Pass For PC - Missing Fonts-text
- 27,958. KinectCam still not working in 2019
- 27,959. How to change install directory for xbox (beta) app gamepass on pc
- 27,960. Slow download speeds on Xbox for Windows 10 PC (Beta)
- 27,961. Minecraft Realms Nintendo Switch
- 27,962. No one on Minecraft can see my messages. Shadow muted?
- 27,963. Unable to Access Game Pass for PC
- 27,964. Sea Of Thieves Oyundan atıyor [Translation - Getting thrown out of Sea of Thieves]
- 27,965. My Game Pass App for PC wont recognise my payment
- 27,966. XBOX Game Pass Beta (PC) is a mess
- 27,967. Xbox App won't let me switch accounts! Help!
- 27,968. Xbox game pass for pc Error code: 0x8000000b when downloading
- 27,969. Error code: 0x80073d21
- 27,970. Microsoft store
- 27,971. Issues downloading certain games, at a dead end?
- 27,972. Xbox PC app error, please help
- 27,973. Can I map keyboard's keys to the paddles of the xbox one elite 1, on PC ?
- 27,974. Not able to switch Hard Drive Storage Locations on XBOX GAME PASS PC
- 27,975. Saving in the game with Xbox App
- 27,976. Xbox (Beta) Windows 10 App
- 27,977. Xbox game pass ultimate
- 27,978. I can not buy the Xbox Game Pass for PC
- 27,979. Game Pass Ultimate
- 27,980. Why is Windows update 1903 Required for some games on game pass (PC)
- 27,981. Game Pass for PC Error 0x803f8001
- 27,982. Download limited to 50% bandwidth
- 27,983. Can't buy Game Pass for PC on Xbox (beta)
- 27,984. PC Xbox Game Pass "Due to a suspension,..."
- 27,985. Gears of War Ultimate Edition for Windows
- 27,986. Xbox Game Pass not working HELP
- 27,987. Xbox game pass for PC
- 27,988. A causa di una sospensione, non è possibile inviare alcuna comunicazione. [Mod Translated -...
- 27,989. XBox PC app (beta) resulting in blank screen.
- 27,990. Can´t install XBox(Beta) App
- 27,991. Xbox game pass for PC (parental control)
- 27,992. When i sign in to it sends me to "Change your child’s Xbox privacy and online...
- 27,993. Xbox Console on PC launching the wrong game
- 27,994. Xbox Beta App Login Issue
- 27,995. Xbox (beta) app and achievements
- 27,996. Cannot install Gamepass for PC
- 27,997. The PC game pass FAQ doesn't have all the answered filled out
- 27,998. Xbox Gamertag change
- 27,999. Impossible d'installer des jeux sous Xbox bêta Game Pass PC (erreur 0x80070005)
- 28,000. Xbox PC Game Pass App
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