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- 25,751. Microsoft Store wont let me install Gears 5 without also installing Gears or War 4
- 25,752. dIRT 2.0 (Gamepass) keeps disappearing
- 25,753. Sea of thieves / Microsoft / Xbox
- 25,754. Console Companion can't find Console after update bug.
- 25,755. forza 7 sur pc [Translate] forza 7 on pc
- 25,756. m/s jigsaw and other games
- 25,757. Ark Survival Evolved Windows 10 Version
- 25,758. Xbox Console Companion Not Allowing Me to Upload Game Clips
- 25,759. Conectar facebook con Xbox en compañero de consola [Translate] Connect facebook with Xbox...
- 25,760. Change of credit card
- 25,761. My Invalid Charging of a Cancelled Subscription
- 25,762. Gears of War 5 and Dishonoured 2 Keep crashing my PC
- 25,763. Game files
- 25,764. game pass bad
- 25,765. Xbox Console Companion party settings (MIc Problems)
- 25,766. Gravação de tela com o windows10 [Translation - Screen recording with windows10]
- 25,767. XBOX Net Problems
- 25,768. (PC) brand new xbox one controller won't charge, charging light turns white seconds after I...
- 25,769. xbox beta app not download games
- 25,770. Windows 10 Minecraft can't sign in to my Microsoft Account
- 25,771. My new motherboard has built-in Bluetooth. Can I ditch my Xbox Wireless Receiver and...
- 25,772. Lost data in Enter the Gungeon
- 25,773. Can't upload any game clips
- 25,774. Xbox Game Pass Kingdom Come Deliverance game saves disappeared on Xbox for Windows PC.
- 25,775. Lost progress on Wordament
- 25,776. Xbox (beta) app and installing games
- 25,777. xbox game pass pc beta
- 25,778. Forza horizon 4 connection issue
- 25,779. Deadline for activating Xbox Game Pass for PC code from Ryzen CPU
- 25,780. Quantum Break in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
- 25,781. Shenmue 1 and 2 with Xbox Game Pass not working....How can I fix this?
- 25,782. Microphone issue while recording
- 25,783. [PC] Xbox One Elite controller working only inside "Xbox Accessories" app
- 25,784. Microsoft Solitaire levels.
- 25,785. Gamebar isnt working
- 25,786. Wont let me record
- 25,787. PC Game display issue
- 25,788. forza horizon 4 Game mesh ergonomics I want a solution
- 25,789. Synchronizing Gears 5 on PC (Xbox BETA)
- 25,790. Gears 5 pc on steam
- 25,791. Game pass - Gears 5 - It's not installed.
- 25,792. Problems Installing PC games via App
- 25,793. [XBOX Béta] Blocked internet connection after leave a game
- 25,794. No puedo cambiar el idioma en Dishonored 2 [I can't change the language in Dishonored 2]
- 25,795. Uninstalled game and it did not free up space.
- 25,796. Problemas com jogos da Codemasters no Xbox Beta PC (Dirty Rally 2.0 e F1 2018) [Problems...
- 25,797. When launching Dishonored 2 it says it is not available in my account
- 25,798. Cambio de producto defectuoso[Translation-Defective product change]
- 25,799. Xbox Game Bar broadcasting not working, day 3.
- 25,801. 关于win10游戏录制问题 [About win10 game recording questions]
- 25,802. Gears 5 Replica Crimson Lancer MK3 Skin
- 25,803. Xbox app game stream mic not working
- 25,804. PC Game Pass players, share your Battlestations
- 25,805. MInecraft for windows 10 (bedrock edition)
- 25,806. Problemas de Sincronização[Translation-Sync Issues]
- 25,807. Xbox Game Pass PC (and all Windows store PC games) needs support for other game controllers
- 25,808. Can Minecraft purchased from microsoft for windows 10 version play on line with Java edition?
- 25,809. Forza horizon 4 édition standard Probléme au lancement du jeu [Translation - Forza horizon...
- 25,810. Metro Exodus/Dirt Rally 2.0 crashes if i want to quit the game
- 25,811. Gamepad xbox one not working after trying update firmware on Windows 10
- 25,812. Ark Survival Evolved PC
- 25,813. "This drive has apps from another device... to use this drive the other apps must be...
- 25,814. FORZA HORIZON4が起動しなくなった [Translate] FORZA HORIZON4 no longer starts
- 25,815. Unable to install/play Gears 5 after download (Xbox PC Game Pass)
- 25,816. Achievements in bloodstained.
- 25,817. Need to completely delete Forza but I can't.
- 25,818. Cannot install games on D drive says it is not formated to NTFS.
- 25,819. Weird 0/0 achievements in xbox profile
- 25,820. Can't install Cities:Skylines - Windows 10 Edition.
- 25,821. Forza Horizon 3 Plantages et déconections récurentes [Forza Horizon 3 Scouring and...
- 25,822. I can't play on pc
- 25,823. Xbox one controller adapter for computer
- 25,824. Xbox One controller buttons bounce (double tap) with wireless receiver
- 25,825. Profile picture is acting weird
- 25,826. Can't Stream With Xbox Game Bar
- 25,827. Goat Simulator - Controller doesn't work, no co-op.
- 25,828. Metro Exodus Crash on Xbox (beta) Windows 10
- 25,829. Text to Speech or Narrator on during gameplay....
- 25,830. Save Files Not Detected
- 25,831. The Xbox One Controller needs an Firmware update it gets locked in Bluetooth mode and when...
- 25,832. Xbox Game Pass PC - Kingdom Come Deliverance Can't Load Save Files
- 25,833. Microsoft Treasure Hunt Achievements
- 25,834. I can't change my gamertag because just stops responding once I enter it
- 25,835. Windows 10 Xbox App DVR
- 25,836. Gears of War 4 now in Chinese
- 25,837. Problems with installing Gears 5 on xbox game pass pc
- 25,838. age of empires şifre değiştirme maili gelmiyor -[Translation - age of empires password...
- 25,839. 地平线4可以线上但是无法使用拍卖场 [Translate] Horizon 4 can be online but not available for auction
- 25,840. I can't install any games that have "Administrator approval required for installation" on...
- 25,841. XBOX game pass for PC - saves cannot be loaded in Kingdom come after recent update to XBOX...
- 25,842. I can't recieve or send game invites on xbox console companion.
- 25,843. Xbox (Beta) App constant 50+% GPU Usage while just downloading games
- 25,844. xbox game pass aboneliği hakkında (About xbox game pass subscription)
- 25,845. Metro Exodus (Windows) will not launch at all after playing one time.
- 25,846. Forza Horizon 4
- 25,847. How to stop getting "xbox app has lost connection to console" mid-game...???
- 25,848. 控制台小助手问题 -[Translation - Console helper problem.]
- 25,849. Connectivity Controller Issues
- 25,850. Cannot Launch Xbox (Beta App)
- 25,851. xbox 360 controller
- 25,852. error code 121010
- 25,853. Windows 10 Laptop sleeping during download
- 25,854. Включение и отключение микрофона по кнопке мышки[Turning the microphone on and off with the...
- 25,855. Microsoft Solitaire Collection
- 25,856. Minecraft Windows 10 se me desconecta del REALM cuando abro una venta.[Minecraft Windows 10...
- 25,857. XBox Game Bar Audio Mixer
- 25,858. Minecraft on windows 10 and nintendo switch
- 25,859. Game Pass
- 25,860. Can't launch Gears 5
- 25,861. Forza Horizon 4 PC
- 25,862. I cant clip things while playing fortnite on pc
- 25,863. Forza horizona 4-xbox game pass para pc (beta)
- 25,864. 주문 번호 4320614891 환불문의
- 25,865. Cross-Play
- 25,866. Error message when trying to give parental consent
- 25,867. I made a Minecraft purchase and I need desperate help.
- 25,868. Party Invites Not Received
- 25,869. XboX game pass Costa Rica
- 25,870. kinect at windows 10
- 25,871. 0x87DD0003 error
- 25,872. Game pass beta for pc
- 25,873. Forza Horizon 4 Tekrar İndirme Sorunu
- 25,874. MCC Reach
- 25,875. Xbox play and charge kit wont charge, instead saying that battery is charged
- 25,876. xbox pc gameplay
- 25,877. Xbox Companion App Not Finding Xbox One
- 25,878. XBOX Server Connectivity Blocked
- 25,879. Forza Horizon 4 - cannot connect to session (Error 0x80600208)
- 25,880. Error code 101: Let us know
- 25,881. disable mouse control by the xbox controller with the start button
- 25,882. Party Chat.........
- 25,883. Xbox Game Pass on Pc
- 25,884. Xbox Game Bar - Missing Audio Mixer
- 25,885. Following tab not working
- 25,886. metro exodus very long loanding screen every start
- 25,887. Játék [Edit - Translation] - Game
- 25,888. Halo 5 guardians
- 25,889. Xbox 360 controller unable to use
- 25,890. Xbox Game Pass for Pc and 3 Month Free Codes from AMD
- 25,891. Play digital copy in one PC and GamePass in other PC (same account)
- 25,892. Kontrola rodzicielska [Translate] Parental Controls
- 25,893. win10 Xbox microsoft solitaire collection
- 25,894. Signing in to the Xbox console companion app on my computer.
- 25,895. PUR-RiskRejected-CrossRegion
- 25,896. Unable to create an Xbox profile
- 25,897. Remove game data
- 25,898. XBOX Accessories App DOES NOT Work!
- 25,899. Xbox Beta app not allowing access to sign-in page.
- 25,900. Windows 10 Minecraft Beta wont downgrade
- 25,901. No Achievements Unlocking in Xbox Pc Beta
- 25,902. Firmware controle Xbox one [Mod Translation - Xbox One controller Firmware]
- 25,903. Xbox sharing
- 25,904. Promotional Bonuses for Gears 5 linked to wrong account.
- 25,905. [PC] (I have a Game Pass code for 3 months which I activated) - I can install and start...
- 25,906. Problema de login no Minecraft Windows 10 Edition [Mod Translation-Login problem no...
- 25,907. Error when downloading game on Xbox game pass for PC
- 25,908. Notificaciones de mensajes e invitaciones para juegos o grupos no llegan en la aplicación...
- 25,909. Minecraft: Unable to connect to world.
- 25,910. Unable to connect to servers Gears of war 5
- 25,911. Ark Survival, game pass
- 25,912. help me
- 25,913. All the games I try to play give Error Multiplayer
- 25,914. Controller Xbox360 / PC / Windows 10 - Issues
- 25,915. Minecraft Realms Problem (Error Code 0x80090016)
- 25,916. Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition with Game Pass
- 25,917. mouse and keyboard Xbox streaming to windows 10 console companion
- 25,918. xbox 360 Wireless Adapter device driver for windows 10
- 25,919. Hello Neighbor 0x803f8001
- 25,920. Someone got into my FH4 account and I lost all my game progress
- 25,922. The settings in horizon 4 cannot be saved
- 25,923. XBox Game Bar only showing Integrated GPU0 when game is playing on GPU1 (GTX). Can't find a...
- 25,924. Can you use Windows Game Bar DVR to record native ultrawide?
- 25,925. xbox 컨트롤러 RT 눌림현상[Translation-Xbox controller RT press]
- 25,926. XBox Game Bar Audio Mixer
- 25,927. Xbox controller doesn't move as I want
- 25,928. Xbox Insider Hub - Flight Simulator 2020 Registration
- 25,929. How to reinstall the control software already turns on after updating
- 25,930. Redeemed code for 3 months of Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta) - only got 2 days
- 25,931. Gears 5 (PC using game pass app) Unplayable
- 25,932. Muliplayer within the same house
- 25,933. Can't sign in on some Microsoft Games
- 25,934. Problema con la versión de Minecraft windows 10 -[Translation - Problem with Minecraft...
- 25,935. Temporary log ins
- 25,936. Gears 5 won't install
- 25,937. xbox 360 controller not working on PC
- 25,938. PC Game Pass Game Files
- 25,939. Gear 5
- 25,940. Money back for non functinal Metro exodus
- 25,941. Im not able to login to game pass,help!
- 25,942. Cant Install Games Drive Unknown
- 25,943. Xbox Companion App Changed?
- 25,944. Dead Cells no se ejecuta/instala [Translate] Dead Cells does not run/install
- 25,945. Xbox Insider App in WIndows 10
- 25,946. "don't have any applicable device(s) linked to your microsft account"
- 25,947. Trying to Change gamer tag but i live in canada
- 25,948. lỗi 2184327175
- 25,949. Mysterious A button xbox one wireless controller help
- 25,950. Gears 5 gamertag already taken
- 25,951. Surround sound not working on certain games on the Xbox (beta) app.
- 25,952. Live Gold for PC
- 25,953. error when getting into party chat
- 25,954. Titan Quest Anniverary Edition crashes instantly after start - SELFSOLVED (!) Could help others
- 25,955. Xbox Game Pass On PC Is Useless
- 25,956. Microphone send ugly noise all the time
- 25,957. Problems with freecell
- 25,958. Metro Exodus Game Pass version stopped starting, does not start even after 2 reinstalls
- 25,959. [Mod Removed-Profanity] МАЙНКРАФТ [Mod Translation-(Mod Removed) Minecraft]
- 25,960. Multiplayer xbox game pass
- 25,961. Forza Horizon 4 Problem in joining people
- 25,962. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition: "Failed to login" error
- 25,963. Xbox Game Pass (Beta) Error code:0x800700b7
- 25,964. Forza horizon 4 lose connection in multiplayer mode
- 25,965. Xbox Pass Pc
- 25,966. State of Decay 2 PC control issues
- 25,967. Xbox wireless adapter doesn't show up on Windows 10
- 25,968. Dark vertex skin avec vbucks[Translation-Dark vertex skin with vbucks
- 25,969. Minecraft for Windows 10 Starter Collection missing Minecoins
- 25,970. Xbox Gamepass, Game share
- 25,971. Xbox one (Kinect v2 ) on windows 10 1903 connecting problem
- 25,972. IPSec VPN can't connect after installing XBOX Game Pass Desktop on Windows 10
- 25,973. Dark vertex skin
- 25,974. xbox pass beta on windows 10 pc stopped working after windows updatre this morning
- 25,975. Xbox One Wireless Controller broken
- 25,976. Gamepass PC x Xbox
- 25,977. XBOX 360 Controller Not Working/Green Light Keeps Blinking [Korean&English]
- 25,978. I cant find my windows 10 minecraft and what account i linked it with
- 25,979. Xbox controller right stick Y rotation drift, looking for fix!
- 25,980. Does my controller broken?
- 25,981. Money in Microsoft account.
- 25,982. How can I transfer game saved data to my microsoft pc ?
- 25,983. HDR Screenshots by Windows Game Bar are too dark
- 25,984. Xbox (Beta) app not allowing sign-in.
- 25,985. Controler with dark vertex bundle
- 25,986. How do I transfer worlds in minecraft? (worlds from Xbox One to Windows 10)
- 25,987. Xbox PC Beta Save File Vanished
- 25,988. adding facebook to whitelist to Microsoft Xbox
- 25,989. Xbox Streaming lags when earning achievements.
- 25,990. Xbox app for PC won't Launch
- 25,991. Minecraft Windows 10 스타터 컬렉션 환불하는법 [Translation - How to refund Minecraft Windows 10...
- 25,992. Xbox Game Bar - Missing Volume mixer in Audio tab
- 25,993. My Xbox 360 Controller for my PC
- 25,994. xbox game bar
- 25,995. Xboxゲームバーでハードウェア要件を満たせない。 [Translation - Xbox gamebar can't meet hardware requirements.]
- 25,996. middle-earth: shadow of war play anywhere dlc not installing issue
- 25,997. [RU/EN] Компьютер не определяет беспроводной геймпад Xbox One / Computer does not detect...
- 25,998. Driver needed for Xbox 360 video camera
- 25,999. Xbox Game bar (PC) push to talk not working in background
- 26,000. Não Abre os jogos da Microsft [Translate] Does not open Microsft games
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