
XBoX on Windows
  1. 25,751. Microsoft Store wont let me install Gears 5 without also installing Gears or War 4
  2. 25,752. dIRT 2.0 (Gamepass) keeps disappearing
  3. 25,753. Sea of thieves / Microsoft / Xbox
  4. 25,754. Console Companion can't find Console after update bug.
  5. 25,755. forza 7 sur pc [Translate] forza 7 on pc
  6. 25,756. m/s jigsaw and other games
  7. 25,757. Ark Survival Evolved Windows 10 Version
  8. 25,758. Xbox Console Companion Not Allowing Me to Upload Game Clips
  9. 25,759. Conectar facebook con Xbox en compañero de consola [Translate] Connect facebook with Xbox...
  10. 25,760. Change of credit card
  11. 25,761. My Invalid Charging of a Cancelled Subscription
  12. 25,762. Gears of War 5 and Dishonoured 2 Keep crashing my PC
  13. 25,763. Game files
  14. 25,764. game pass bad
  15. 25,765. Xbox Console Companion party settings (MIc Problems)
  16. 25,766. Gravação de tela com o windows10 [Translation - Screen recording with windows10]
  17. 25,767. XBOX Net Problems
  18. 25,768. (PC) brand new xbox one controller won't charge, charging light turns white seconds after I...
  19. 25,769. xbox beta app not download games
  20. 25,770. Windows 10 Minecraft can't sign in to my Microsoft Account
  21. 25,771. My new motherboard has built-in Bluetooth. Can I ditch my Xbox Wireless Receiver and...
  22. 25,772. Lost data in Enter the Gungeon
  23. 25,773. Can't upload any game clips
  24. 25,774. Xbox Game Pass Kingdom Come Deliverance game saves disappeared on Xbox for Windows PC.
  25. 25,775. Lost progress on Wordament
  26. 25,776. Xbox (beta) app and installing games
  27. 25,777. xbox game pass pc beta
  28. 25,778. Forza horizon 4 connection issue
  29. 25,779. Deadline for activating Xbox Game Pass for PC code from Ryzen CPU
  30. 25,780. Quantum Break in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
  31. 25,781. Shenmue 1 and 2 with Xbox Game Pass not working....How can I fix this?
  32. 25,782. Microphone issue while recording
  33. 25,783. [PC] Xbox One Elite controller working only inside "Xbox Accessories" app
  34. 25,784. Microsoft Solitaire levels.
  35. 25,785. Gamebar isnt working
  36. 25,786. Wont let me record
  37. 25,787. PC Game display issue
  38. 25,788. forza horizon 4 Game mesh ergonomics I want a solution
  39. 25,789. Synchronizing Gears 5 on PC (Xbox BETA)
  40. 25,790. Gears 5 pc on steam
  41. 25,791. Game pass - Gears 5 - It's not installed.
  42. 25,792. Problems Installing PC games via App
  43. 25,793. [XBOX Béta] Blocked internet connection after leave a game
  44. 25,794. No puedo cambiar el idioma en Dishonored 2 [I can't change the language in Dishonored 2]
  45. 25,795. Uninstalled game and it did not free up space.
  46. 25,796. Problemas com jogos da Codemasters no Xbox Beta PC (Dirty Rally 2.0 e F1 2018) [Problems...
  47. 25,797. When launching Dishonored 2 it says it is not available in my account
  48. 25,798. Cambio de producto defectuoso[Translation-Defective product change]
  49. 25,799. Xbox Game Bar broadcasting not working, day 3.
  51. 25,801. 关于win10游戏录制问题 [About win10 game recording questions]
  52. 25,802. Gears 5 Replica Crimson Lancer MK3 Skin
  53. 25,803. Xbox app game stream mic not working
  54. 25,804. PC Game Pass players, share your Battlestations
  55. 25,805. MInecraft for windows 10 (bedrock edition)
  56. 25,806. Problemas de Sincronização[Translation-Sync Issues]
  57. 25,807. Xbox Game Pass PC (and all Windows store PC games) needs support for other game controllers
  58. 25,808. Can Minecraft purchased from microsoft for windows 10 version play on line with Java edition?
  59. 25,809. Forza horizon 4 édition standard Probléme au lancement du jeu [Translation - Forza horizon...
  60. 25,810. Metro Exodus/Dirt Rally 2.0 crashes if i want to quit the game
  61. 25,811. Gamepad xbox one not working after trying update firmware on Windows 10
  62. 25,812. Ark Survival Evolved PC
  63. 25,813. "This drive has apps from another device... to use this drive the other apps must be...
  64. 25,814. FORZA HORIZON4が起動しなくなった [Translate] FORZA HORIZON4 no longer starts
  65. 25,815. Unable to install/play Gears 5 after download (Xbox PC Game Pass)
  66. 25,816. Achievements in bloodstained.
  67. 25,817. Need to completely delete Forza but I can't.
  68. 25,818. Cannot install games on D drive says it is not formated to NTFS.
  69. 25,819. Weird 0/0 achievements in xbox profile
  70. 25,820. Can't install Cities:Skylines - Windows 10 Edition.
  71. 25,821. Forza Horizon 3 Plantages et déconections récurentes [Forza Horizon 3 Scouring and...
  72. 25,822. I can't play on pc
  73. 25,823. Xbox one controller adapter for computer
  74. 25,824. Xbox One controller buttons bounce (double tap) with wireless receiver
  75. 25,825. Profile picture is acting weird
  76. 25,826. Can't Stream With Xbox Game Bar
  77. 25,827. Goat Simulator - Controller doesn't work, no co-op.
  78. 25,828. Metro Exodus Crash on Xbox (beta) Windows 10
  79. 25,829. Text to Speech or Narrator on during gameplay....
  80. 25,830. Save Files Not Detected
  81. 25,831. The Xbox One Controller needs an Firmware update it gets locked in Bluetooth mode and when...
  82. 25,832. Xbox Game Pass PC - Kingdom Come Deliverance Can't Load Save Files
  83. 25,833. Microsoft Treasure Hunt Achievements
  84. 25,834. I can't change my gamertag because just stops responding once I enter it
  85. 25,835. Windows 10 Xbox App DVR
  86. 25,836. Gears of War 4 now in Chinese
  87. 25,837. Problems with installing Gears 5 on xbox game pass pc
  88. 25,838. age of empires şifre değiştirme maili gelmiyor -[Translation - age of empires password...
  89. 25,839. 地平线4可以线上但是无法使用拍卖场 [Translate] Horizon 4 can be online but not available for auction
  90. 25,840. I can't install any games that have "Administrator approval required for installation" on...
  91. 25,841. XBOX game pass for PC - saves cannot be loaded in Kingdom come after recent update to XBOX...
  92. 25,842. I can't recieve or send game invites on xbox console companion.
  93. 25,843. Xbox (Beta) App constant 50+% GPU Usage while just downloading games
  94. 25,844. xbox game pass aboneliği hakkında (About xbox game pass subscription)
  95. 25,845. Metro Exodus (Windows) will not launch at all after playing one time.
  96. 25,846. Forza Horizon 4
  97. 25,847. How to stop getting "xbox app has lost connection to console" mid-game...???
  98. 25,848. 控制台小助手问题 -[Translation - Console helper problem.]
  99. 25,849. Connectivity Controller Issues
  100. 25,850. Cannot Launch Xbox (Beta App)
  101. 25,851. xbox 360 controller
  102. 25,852. error code 121010
  103. 25,853. Windows 10 Laptop sleeping during download
  104. 25,854. Включение и отключение микрофона по кнопке мышки[Turning the microphone on and off with the...
  105. 25,855. Microsoft Solitaire Collection
  106. 25,856. Minecraft Windows 10 se me desconecta del REALM cuando abro una venta.[Minecraft Windows 10...
  107. 25,857. XBox Game Bar Audio Mixer
  108. 25,858. Minecraft on windows 10 and nintendo switch
  109. 25,859. Game Pass
  110. 25,860. Can't launch Gears 5
  111. 25,861. Forza Horizon 4 PC
  112. 25,862. I cant clip things while playing fortnite on pc
  113. 25,863. Forza horizona 4-xbox game pass para pc (beta)
  114. 25,864. 주문 번호 4320614891 환불문의
  115. 25,865. Cross-Play
  116. 25,866. Error message when trying to give parental consent
  117. 25,867. I made a Minecraft purchase and I need desperate help.
  118. 25,868. Party Invites Not Received
  119. 25,869. XboX game pass Costa Rica
  120. 25,870. kinect at windows 10
  121. 25,871. 0x87DD0003 error
  122. 25,872. Game pass beta for pc
  123. 25,873. Forza Horizon 4 Tekrar İndirme Sorunu
  124. 25,874. MCC Reach
  125. 25,875. Xbox play and charge kit wont charge, instead saying that battery is charged
  126. 25,876. xbox pc gameplay
  127. 25,877. Xbox Companion App Not Finding Xbox One
  128. 25,878. XBOX Server Connectivity Blocked
  129. 25,879. Forza Horizon 4 - cannot connect to session (Error 0x80600208)
  130. 25,880. Error code 101: Let us know
  131. 25,881. disable mouse control by the xbox controller with the start button
  132. 25,882. Party Chat.........
  133. 25,883. Xbox Game Pass on Pc
  134. 25,884. Xbox Game Bar - Missing Audio Mixer
  135. 25,885. Following tab not working
  136. 25,886. metro exodus very long loanding screen every start
  137. 25,887. Játék [Edit - Translation] - Game
  138. 25,888. Halo 5 guardians
  139. 25,889. Xbox 360 controller unable to use
  140. 25,890. Xbox Game Pass for Pc and 3 Month Free Codes from AMD
  141. 25,891. Play digital copy in one PC and GamePass in other PC (same account)
  142. 25,892. Kontrola rodzicielska [Translate] Parental Controls
  143. 25,893. win10 Xbox microsoft solitaire collection
  144. 25,894. Signing in to the Xbox console companion app on my computer.
  145. 25,895. PUR-RiskRejected-CrossRegion
  146. 25,896. Unable to create an Xbox profile
  147. 25,897. Remove game data
  148. 25,898. XBOX Accessories App DOES NOT Work!
  149. 25,899. Xbox Beta app not allowing access to sign-in page.
  150. 25,900. Windows 10 Minecraft Beta wont downgrade
  151. 25,901. No Achievements Unlocking in Xbox Pc Beta
  152. 25,902. Firmware controle Xbox one [Mod Translation - Xbox One controller Firmware]
  153. 25,903. Xbox sharing
  154. 25,904. Promotional Bonuses for Gears 5 linked to wrong account.
  155. 25,905. [PC] (I have a Game Pass code for 3 months which I activated) - I can install and start...
  156. 25,906. Problema de login no Minecraft Windows 10 Edition [Mod Translation-Login problem no...
  157. 25,907. Error when downloading game on Xbox game pass for PC
  158. 25,908. Notificaciones de mensajes e invitaciones para juegos o grupos no llegan en la aplicación...
  159. 25,909. Minecraft: Unable to connect to world.
  160. 25,910. Unable to connect to servers Gears of war 5
  161. 25,911. Ark Survival, game pass
  162. 25,912. help me
  163. 25,913. All the games I try to play give Error Multiplayer
  164. 25,914. Controller Xbox360 / PC / Windows 10 - Issues
  165. 25,915. Minecraft Realms Problem (Error Code 0x80090016)
  166. 25,916. Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition with Game Pass
  167. 25,917. mouse and keyboard Xbox streaming to windows 10 console companion
  168. 25,918. xbox 360 Wireless Adapter device driver for windows 10
  169. 25,919. Hello Neighbor 0x803f8001
  170. 25,920. Someone got into my FH4 account and I lost all my game progress
  171. 25,921. INVALID PROFILE
  172. 25,922. The settings in horizon 4 cannot be saved
  173. 25,923. XBox Game Bar only showing Integrated GPU0 when game is playing on GPU1 (GTX). Can't find a...
  174. 25,924. Can you use Windows Game Bar DVR to record native ultrawide?
  175. 25,925. xbox 컨트롤러 RT 눌림현상[Translation-Xbox controller RT press]
  176. 25,926. XBox Game Bar Audio Mixer
  177. 25,927. Xbox controller doesn't move as I want
  178. 25,928. Xbox Insider Hub - Flight Simulator 2020 Registration
  179. 25,929. How to reinstall the control software already turns on after updating
  180. 25,930. Redeemed code for 3 months of Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta) - only got 2 days
  181. 25,931. Gears 5 (PC using game pass app) Unplayable
  182. 25,932. Muliplayer within the same house
  183. 25,933. Can't sign in on some Microsoft Games
  184. 25,934. Problema con la versión de Minecraft windows 10 -[Translation - Problem with Minecraft...
  185. 25,935. Temporary log ins
  186. 25,936. Gears 5 won't install
  187. 25,937. xbox 360 controller not working on PC
  188. 25,938. PC Game Pass Game Files
  189. 25,939. Gear 5
  190. 25,940. Money back for non functinal Metro exodus
  191. 25,941. Im not able to login to game pass,help!
  192. 25,942. Cant Install Games Drive Unknown
  193. 25,943. Xbox Companion App Changed?
  194. 25,944. Dead Cells no se ejecuta/instala [Translate] Dead Cells does not run/install
  195. 25,945. Xbox Insider App in WIndows 10
  196. 25,946. "don't have any applicable device(s) linked to your microsft account"
  197. 25,947. Trying to Change gamer tag but i live in canada
  198. 25,948. lỗi 2184327175
  199. 25,949. Mysterious A button xbox one wireless controller help
  200. 25,950. Gears 5 gamertag already taken
  201. 25,951. Surround sound not working on certain games on the Xbox (beta) app.
  202. 25,952. Live Gold for PC
  203. 25,953. error when getting into party chat
  204. 25,954. Titan Quest Anniverary Edition crashes instantly after start - SELFSOLVED (!) Could help others
  205. 25,955. Xbox Game Pass On PC Is Useless
  206. 25,956. Microphone send ugly noise all the time
  207. 25,957. Problems with freecell
  208. 25,958. Metro Exodus Game Pass version stopped starting, does not start even after 2 reinstalls
  209. 25,959. [Mod Removed-Profanity] МАЙНКРАФТ [Mod Translation-(Mod Removed) Minecraft]
  210. 25,960. Multiplayer xbox game pass
  211. 25,961. Forza Horizon 4 Problem in joining people
  212. 25,962. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition: "Failed to login" error
  213. 25,963. Xbox Game Pass (Beta) Error code:0x800700b7
  214. 25,964. Forza horizon 4 lose connection in multiplayer mode
  215. 25,965. Xbox Pass Pc
  216. 25,966. State of Decay 2 PC control issues
  217. 25,967. Xbox wireless adapter doesn't show up on Windows 10
  218. 25,968. Dark vertex skin avec vbucks[Translation-Dark vertex skin with vbucks
  219. 25,969. Minecraft for Windows 10 Starter Collection missing Minecoins
  220. 25,970. Xbox Gamepass, Game share
  221. 25,971. Xbox one (Kinect v2 ) on windows 10 1903 connecting problem
  222. 25,972. IPSec VPN can't connect after installing XBOX Game Pass Desktop on Windows 10
  223. 25,973. Dark vertex skin
  224. 25,974. xbox pass beta on windows 10 pc stopped working after windows updatre this morning
  225. 25,975. Xbox One Wireless Controller broken
  226. 25,976. Gamepass PC x Xbox
  227. 25,977. XBOX 360 Controller Not Working/Green Light Keeps Blinking [Korean&English]
  228. 25,978. I cant find my windows 10 minecraft and what account i linked it with
  229. 25,979. Xbox controller right stick Y rotation drift, looking for fix!
  230. 25,980. Does my controller broken?
  231. 25,981. Money in Microsoft account.
  232. 25,982. How can I transfer game saved data to my microsoft pc ?
  233. 25,983. HDR Screenshots by Windows Game Bar are too dark
  234. 25,984. Xbox (Beta) app not allowing sign-in.
  235. 25,985. Controler with dark vertex bundle
  236. 25,986. How do I transfer worlds in minecraft? (worlds from Xbox One to Windows 10)
  237. 25,987. Xbox PC Beta Save File Vanished
  238. 25,988. adding facebook to whitelist to Microsoft Xbox
  239. 25,989. Xbox Streaming lags when earning achievements.
  240. 25,990. Xbox app for PC won't Launch
  241. 25,991. Minecraft Windows 10 스타터 컬렉션 환불하는법 [Translation - How to refund Minecraft Windows 10...
  242. 25,992. Xbox Game Bar - Missing Volume mixer in Audio tab
  243. 25,993. My Xbox 360 Controller for my PC
  244. 25,994. xbox game bar
  245. 25,995. Xboxゲームバーでハードウェア要件を満たせない。 [Translation - Xbox gamebar can't meet hardware requirements.]
  246. 25,996. middle-earth: shadow of war play anywhere dlc not installing issue
  247. 25,997. [RU/EN] Компьютер не определяет беспроводной геймпад Xbox One / Computer does not detect...
  248. 25,998. Driver needed for Xbox 360 video camera
  249. 25,999. Xbox Game bar (PC) push to talk not working in background
  250. 26,000. Não Abre os jogos da Microsft [Translate] Does not open Microsft games