Xbox used to be the best but those days are over because Microsoft doesn’t support free ...

Discus and support Xbox used to be the best but those days are over because Microsoft doesn’t support free ... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; No wonder Xbox sales went down the tubes and PlayStation sold more when next gen consoles came out. Microsoft has zero regard for free speech or... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by DESERT PUNK97, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Xbox used to be the best but those days are over because Microsoft doesn’t support free ...

    No wonder Xbox sales went down the tubes and PlayStation sold more when next gen consoles came out. Microsoft has zero regard for free speech or freedom in general because suddenly it appears in their policy that you can’t even apeal a suspension. All it
    takes is a lobby of a degenerate drug addicts and alcoholics to group report me because they don’t like what I said or they send my message logs in and report me and take what I said out of context. Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves for this. Microsoft
    if your reading this you should know that you would make a ton more money if you supported free speech and not having such a senseless feeling that I have people reading my messages and listening to me when I talk in party chat. This is a total invasion of
    privacy no better than Apple moving to China to become state run and tax exempt. Until this changes I refuse to purchase a single Microsoft product and I will quickly switch to PlayStation. I’d even never become a PC gamer either since most good PC’s are made
    by Microsoft. And the good software. Your making a terrible business error and you’ll deeply regret it. People are getting sick of being told what to say and do. You microsoft big wigs think your the only people who know how to make awesom software??? Your
    sadly mistaken because someone will blow you away and make their systems more advanced faster and support free speech. It’s not fair that things I say could be taken out of context because some Microsoft employees have some kind of personal bias. I know all
    about bill and Melinda gates too btw so I know why you monopoly empire considers what it has “authority that comes with responsibility” I know why you people have such a sick and twisted world view. But really think about the money for once and stop this nonsense
    because you’ll make mad cash.

    DESERT PUNK97, Jul 13, 2018
  2. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest
    What the hell xbox live

    It doesn’t violate free speech. You can say what you want or name your gamertag what you want, but you are not free from consequences if it violates MS rules on their system.
    brandiesel1, Jul 13, 2018
  3. II Enix II
    II Enix II Guest
    What happened to Microsoft support?

    I remember the days when I'd ring Microsoft support and get through to someone, and having complained about something breaking I was offered free games, free pads, free cables (HDMI&VGA), free HDD, headsets, the lot! Those days are long gone. It's a shame.
    I loved all those freebies, now I don't get offered anything. It's enough to have me consider jumping ship, I tell you.


    I wonder if Microsoft will once again start the wonderful customer support they used to have when the "ONE" is released.
    II Enix II, Jul 13, 2018
  4. M3tal Daz3
    M3tal Daz3 Guest

    Xbox used to be the best but those days are over because Microsoft doesn’t support free ...

    Every online service and gaming community has rules that allow a safe environment for all. When you signed for xbox live you accepted these rules as described in the Code of Conduct

    If you have an issue with the privacy being invaded just set your comms to friends only

    Keep in mind that the enforcement team verifies every report and there is no chance of spam reporting

    That being said to check your suspension or if eligible for a case review:
    M3tal Daz3, Jul 13, 2018
  5. So many people throw about "freedom of speech" but do not understand it's meaning. You are free to speak out and defend your point of view, but as soon as you deviate down the lines of foul language, hate speach, harassment etc, you lose that freedom. It
    is not a constitutional right to abuse or demean another person. Xbox live is a subscription service and as such they make the rules. Brake the rules and a punishment will be handed out. You can find plenty of information at
    Njal the Blue, Jul 17, 2018
    "I know all about bill and Melinda gates too btw"

    - Perhaps your new playstation console comes with a tinfoil hat
    HAZMAT RADIO, Nov 3, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Xbox used to be the best but those days are over because Microsoft doesn’t support free ...