Xbox policy/Code of Conduct Question - Does MS/Xbox allow people to BUY followers through...

Discus and support Xbox policy/Code of Conduct Question - Does MS/Xbox allow people to BUY followers through... in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hi everyone, I'm in need of some Policy help so I'm hoping somebody might be able to help me. So I've been trying to research this to find out if this... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by SpiralOut46and2, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Xbox policy/Code of Conduct Question - Does MS/Xbox allow people to BUY followers through...

    Hi everyone, I'm in need of some Policy help so I'm hoping somebody might be able to help me.

    So I've been trying to research this to find out if this is allowed or not, and have had no luck finding any official stance on this by Xbox. Does anybody know an official policy on this, or where I can find it, if there is one?

    Recently, spam bots have been hitting hard on Xbox live on my account and several of my friends, spamming comments over and over just repeating a copy/paste post of a very shady sounding website where you can "Buy Followers". They will post 300-400 comments
    on one achievement that you have unlocked, within a minute or two, just saying the same copy/paste message advertising this website, over and over.

    The other night, I could barely keep up with them when they were posting on my achievements and on my feed. As soon as I was blocking one and reporting it, another had already started posting spam again on my feed. I had blocked at least a dozen of these
    fake/bot accounts and finally just disabled comments on all of my feed for that day to stop it. I had to spend about 45 minutes deleting these spam comments one-by-one.

    The "followers" you can purchase are bot/fake/spam accounts, with zero friends and zero gamerscore. But, apparently, if you pay real life money on this website, you can purchase varying increments of follower numbers. There is one main Gamertag that is boasting
    on Xbox Live about being behind this, or creating this program. He has zero gamerscore but has 123,997 followers at the time that I'm writing this right now. I will not repeat his Gamertag here but if any moderators etc would like it to see what I'm referring
    to, just message me. He has a text post on his feed where he said, "Bot likes, views, comments and followers. Check my profile lol." Obviously referring to his near 124,000 followers...

    Xbox policy/Code of Conduct Question - Does MS/Xbox allow people to BUY followers through... [​IMG]

    I reported his profile, and all of the bot/spam accounts that were spamming my feed. I encouraged my friends that were being spammed to do the same. However, other friends and people I don't know were replying to this and saying Xbox allows it and reporting
    them will do nothing because it is allowed. They said there is nothing against people selling bot followers, and nothing against buying them. I find this hard to believe. My own thoughts and common sense would tell me that if you are buying bot followers,
    you put your own account at risk of Enforcement action. This seems to be the mindset though, from what I'm seeing (that this is allowed and not reportable).

    So I'm trying to find out if this is actually allowed or not.

    My first question is: Are people allowed to make websites that sell bot followers for Xbox gamers? I think this is very unethical and awful anyway, to "buy" followers, but aside from that, is this actually allowed and "ok" to do by Xbox and Enforcement?
    I know Xbox cannot control people making outside websites on the internet. But they can control people promoting them on Xbox Live. So when they do, is this reportable? And this leads into my second question...

    My second question is: Are people allowed to buy followers through bot programs? Is there anything in policy or Code of Conduct against this? I think there definitely should be, but I'm trying to find a real answer to this for me and my friends and others
    asking about it on Xbox Live because everyone is unsure and confused about it.

    Thank you so much for any help. Just trying to find the "right" answer to say on Xbox Live when discussing this, and help clear up any confusion.

    I've literally gotten messages just because I'm an Ambassador, asking if people are allowed to buy followers like this, and if they can get in trouble by Xbox if they do. People think that because I'm an Ambassador, I know these things, but unfortuantely
    I don't know the Policy answer in this case and can't find one. So I'm here, making an effort to find out. Can anyone help, please? <3

    SpiralOut46and2, Nov 15, 2019
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Xbox policy/Code of Conduct Question - Does MS/Xbox allow people to BUY followers through...