Xbox party chat on PC problems, game chat only?

Discus and support Xbox party chat on PC problems, game chat only? in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; New to PC so I apologize if it’s a dumb question. The last few days when I join an Xbox party through the Xbox app on my PC, I can hear everyone... Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/danielshutts, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Xbox party chat on PC problems, game chat only?

    New to PC so I apologize if it’s a dumb question. The last few days when I join an Xbox party through the Xbox app on my PC, I can hear everyone talking but they can’t hear me. The ONLY time they can hear my voice is if I have game bar (WIN + G) open. Once I click anything to make game bar close, the party can’t hear me talk anymore. I’ve updated all drivers, windows, xbox app, and everything else that has said needs updating. Microphone permissions are turned on and I’m stumped right now. I can talk to people just fine in game chat but just not party chat. I’m currently using ASTRO A40 headset. Anyone else experiencing this problem, had this happen before, or know how to fix it? Thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/danielshutts
    [link] [comments]
    /u/danielshutts, Dec 5, 2023
  2. Zenosos Win User

    Audio capture

    the only way this would be possible is one of two solutions you connect your party through the Xbox app on your pc and talk through the pc on either Xbox party or discord voice chat. There is no way of doing it any other way, however. due to the party
    chat being on a different channel on the Xbox to the audio of the game on the Xbox. Or you can stream through the Xbox to pick up the party chat this way but you won't be able to use Obs.
  3. Listed mia 510 Win User

    Skype chat help

    You should select party chat in the menu for party voice only or game chat for game chat only
  4. Gunnsquad Win User

    Xbox one disconnects and reconnects within seconds

    I will give that a try and get back to you if the problem changes

    Update: Connecting via wireless and factory reset did not fix my problem

    Also i have not had any problems streaming to other devices such as my 2 smart tvs, pc, switch, or phones.

    The problem only occurs during a multiplayer game or in party chat. I wasnt even playing a game but was in party chat and my xbox kicked me off.
  5. keatonhough Win User

    Streaming on twitch from an Xbox series x

    Party chat isn’t the problem it’s when I’m in game chat with friends my stream cannot hear them only me!
  6. WendellBetshanger Win User

    In game chat for twitch

    The problem isn't with the stream itself, everyone can hear the streamers voice but if I'm playing call of duty my in game party chat isn't broadcasted on the stream, Xbox users have togo in an Xbox party chat and as I have mentioned not everyone uses Xbox, so if I play with a PC or PS player their voices won't be heard in stream, again the problem is that Xbox has to much restrictions on the streaming side of things not allowing in game chat to be broadcasted.

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