xbox one will not be sold without kinect

Discus and support xbox one will not be sold without kinect in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; At least there are free games being offered. Seriously, you're wasting your time here. Bugger off, your presence is no longer required Karma Chameleon. Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    At least there are free games being offered. Seriously, you're wasting your time here. Bugger off, your presence is no longer required Karma Chameleon.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  2. You walk around the streets spouting filth like that, people will approach and slap you right across the face with a sloppy fish.

    Don't be a bell end.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  3. So many sheep here and yet where's the farmer ?
    WildChameleon, Feb 25, 2014
  4. RippenHarra
    RippenHarra Guest

    xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    RippenHarra, Feb 25, 2014
  5. "Granted that many people don't like the idea of it but thats just the minority"

    MS better hope. I would bet not myself just from talking with so many people and a few other things.

    Honestly though who cares. Anyone not interested just do not let the door hit you. I am sure devs will keep lining up for exclusives and exclusive content if all of you go elsewhere. No way that having more users could benefit the competition.

    I am an Xbox fan. Purchased a total of 9 360. Gave one to my aunt to use (she would have never purchased one and ended up getting Gold for some Live games she could play with family), gave one to my nephew who would have never gotten one, put one at the
    in-laws, gave one to an old friend who is disabled, and gave one to the neighbor kids after their house burned down. And we play together as a family. 4 copies of many games: Halo's, Gears, BLands 1 - 2, and on and on. So call me a PS fan it you wish but
    I do not see the Kinect helping MS.
    Guerrero Ultimo, Feb 25, 2014
  6. Tzar of kaos
    Tzar of kaos Guest
    Sheep,farmer ???

    But i know some trolls....
    Tzar of kaos, Feb 25, 2014
  7. RippenHarra
    RippenHarra Guest
    @Wild checked the video on Kinect/Internet explorer Functions yet?
    RippenHarra, Feb 25, 2014
  8. xHell Awaits
    xHell Awaits Guest

    xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    galactic geek, take the fedora off. kinect is a gimmick. there should be a kinectless xbox and an xbox with kinnect, why should i pay for something im not going to use? i have used kinect in the past and its just...boring. thats my opinion. and alot of others...
    xHell Awaits, Feb 25, 2014
  9. People think if Kinect isn't mandatory developers won't make any great games for it...even though there isn't and hasn't ever been any great Kinect games.
    Sunburst Univox, Feb 25, 2014
  10. J.R.G.
    J.R.G. Guest
    I'm happy with the Kinect. Never have to "shout" at it, as it understands 99% of everything I ask of it the first time. Gesture controls work decent enough, though the camera is AWESOME for Skype. I only see it getting better with time.

    I was one of the people SWEARING I would NEVER use the Kinect; I humbly take back every negative thing I've said about it as it's a great piece of tech. My Kinect has only been off once and was turned back on within 10 minutes; not having the ability to
    use voice controls was to much to bear. Lol.

    Of course if they ever MAKE it mandatory will be leaving the house.

    Peace, J.R.
    J.R.G., Feb 25, 2014
  11. -Also The Division is goin to Ps4 so Sunset Overdrive and project Spark because Black Tusk is way way out and a new Halo is also way out.

    I know mate, and I just explained why I choose Xbox for Multi-plats. If PvZ is on PS4 at some point then great, but it isn't at the moment so it's ours, as I said, for the moment.
    Fatalshock8912, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

xbox one will not be sold without kinect