xbox one will not be sold without kinect

Discus and support xbox one will not be sold without kinect in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; A rant is always good to purge the mind. I'm open minded about PS4, but they aren't announcing any games that I want. Not even Uncharted is pushing me... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    A rant is always good to purge the mind. I'm open minded about PS4, but they aren't announcing any games that I want. Not even Uncharted is pushing me in that direction at the moment, and that is one of my all time favourite series. They have absolutely
    nothing that I would buy, even if I had a PS4. Out of desperation to have a game I'd buy Killzone, and that's about it. I always buy Multi-plats for Xbox, so I don't count those.

    Look back over here and it's the opposite. An impossible number of games to look forward to, great services being added, updates being pumped out... it's a joy to be with Xbox, an absolute joy.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  2. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    @ IIFatalshockII Hotline Miami 2 best indie game and not going to Xbox One but not sure why. What exactly are these must have X1 games after Titanfall?
    bstn617, Feb 25, 2014
  3. Why buy watered down versions of multiplats? I don't get it. Since you say you always go XBox it sounds like brand loyalty which is just silly.
    Sunburst Univox, Feb 25, 2014
  4. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    Simple really. I'm more comfortable with Xbox. I like the Xbox Live service more than PSN, and I like the Gamepad more. Ergo: Multi-plats for Xbox. It's not brand loyalty, it's brand and hardware familiarity. As for games other than Titanfall I get to look
    forward to lots of things. This month alone is Titanfall, but soon comes Watchdogs, Destiny, and a host of others. Multi-plats, yes, but the exclusives PvZ, Sunset Overdrive, and Project Spark are all interesting as well. Then you have The Division, Halo,
    the new Black Tusk project... It just goes on and on.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  5. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    I dont think PvZ is exclusive they said they might put it on Ps4.
    bstn617, Feb 25, 2014
  6. bstn617
    bstn617 Guest
    Also The Division is goin to Ps4 so Sunset Overdrive and project Spark because Black Tusk is way way out and a new Halo is also way out.
    bstn617, Feb 25, 2014
  7. Controller is actually a pretty good reason to go with X1 over PS4 for one I've heard. Not that I prefer the X1 pad...the DS4 is the best controller I have EVER used but I understand that is subjective.
    Sunburst Univox, Feb 25, 2014
  8. Lloydy25
    Lloydy25 Guest

    xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    If there are no games on Ps4 that you would buy Fatal, then its a good job you have an x1.

    Opinions and tastes differ. Personally I would rather buy the multiplats on PS4, as many have exclusive content, plus the obvious technical superiority. And if the x1 has an impossible number of games to look forward to, then PS4 has more games in development
    so an even richer choice. I think PlayStation has the best exclusives too, but that's my opinion. A forum is for the exchange of opinions and ideas. Hopefully that can be done without a minority resorting to insults.

    Back to the topic - "kinectless or not", this topic has been thoroughly covered in several threads, and there is no need to go over it again and again. Time will tell.

    However, speaking as someone who has been gaming since before even the Atari 2600, I feel that a kinectless bundle will be announced by the end of E3.Wait and see.

    For the record, I said that after the initial 2-3million consoles sold to loyalists etc that the PS4 would sell at around double the rate of x1. I was widely lambasted and insulted by this forum, but I was right. In fact, my estimate was conservative.

    I also said that because of the sales, x1 would have a price drop. Again told I was wrong, insulted, "M$ not in competition" etc. Boom, price drop.

    I will leave this topic alone now. Stop cheering. There will still be many threads on this topic. But I have had my say.
    Lloydy25, Feb 25, 2014
  9. Ps4 sales approaching 6 million XBOne 3 million. Personally I don't see what the problem is by the loyal XBOne supporters ? In two years Lloydy you probably be playing with the same people on the PS4. So what is the big deal ? 2 years time the XBOne might
    belong to Amazon. Microsoft are struggling with The XBOne, they might not win this gen war but they won't come last. Like I said what,a the big deal ?

    The future bright, the future play station !
    WildChameleon, Feb 25, 2014
  10. If the future is bright then what the bloomin' heck are you doing here?

    Enjoying your absurd delusions are we?

    Learn how to spell properly and learn how to insult properly before you make an attempt to troll.

    Keep egging yourself on.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  11. RippenHarra
    RippenHarra Guest
    @Wild you just proved you dont research anything you just spout what gaming sites say.

    Anyway to busy looking up Jack Daniels via voice command and internet explorer. Later
    RippenHarra, Feb 25, 2014
  12. And to be painfully honest, the Xbox One isn't struggling and your presence isn't required here nor is it mandatory, so do us a favour and bugger off elsewhere.

    Your trolling and your sharp and stupid comments are getting extremely old and out of fashion, we don't live in the draconian era, where you seem to have spout out from.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  13. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    Ha ha hence price cut in the uk and free game. Really not struggling ? Jan, feb sales so poor that Microsoft not even released figures as yet. Free games all round for 2014 when you buy a One.
    WildChameleon, Feb 25, 2014
  14. RippenHarra
    RippenHarra Guest
    Still the same stuff = ignore.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    RippenHarra, Feb 25, 2014
  15. Tzar of kaos
    Tzar of kaos Guest
    So poor ? This your opinion/wish...Not a fact.
    Tzar of kaos, Feb 25, 2014

xbox one will not be sold without kinect