xbox one will not be sold without kinect

Discus and support xbox one will not be sold without kinect in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Rhymes with itch and begins with the letter B... 36a9b4f9-edb3-46bf-a10a-3cec4d7e8f0f Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    Rhymes with itch and begins with the letter B...

    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  2. eviltedi
    eviltedi Guest
    Kinect reimbursement

    The interviewer never asked will Xbox One be sold without kinect, he stated he presumed it would not be because of supporting developers etc, Phil never said we will never sell it without kinect either.
    eviltedi, Feb 25, 2014
  3. eviltedi
    eviltedi Guest
    Kinect reimbursement

    The interviewer presumed Xbox One would never be sold without kinect, and he asked a few different things there, and I read it that Phil said he was correct in his presumptions, he did not ask, will Xbox One ever be sold without kinect, any time that was
    asked, the answer was, we have no intentions or plans to.
    eviltedi, Feb 25, 2014
  4. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    lloyd what you think about twitch on xb1 better than ps4?

    what you think about the video to the next update.

    things are drying up on ps4 hot topic your side
    MessiahBrowny, Feb 25, 2014
  5. -Kinectless x1 is inevitable. Don't agree? Bump this thread after E3

    Poetry from Lloyd, what a pleasure, what a thrill!

    Here for what purpose, what meaning, I'll spill

    A PS4 lover, hater great of Kinect,

    A thousand bashing threads would this man resurrect.

    Thank you.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  6. That's meant to be for fun by the way, I'm not trying to insult anyone. In a very good mood.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  7. I've been reading a lot of posts of this Lloyd fellow.

    The bells well and truly do toll for trolls.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  8. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    I love how these guys (Lloydy & Sunburst) only ever come onto the forums when there's an argument they can contribute to involving either the removal of the Kinect or the Xbox vs. Playstation...

    ...Oh wait, I don't.

    You two need to try adding something constructive instead of destructive to the conversation - it seems like you guys are always the ones who are holding the match, ready to light it at a moment's notice.
    Galactic Geek, Feb 25, 2014
  9. They're obviously jealous of Plants vs Zombies GW.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  10. MS has even said a Kinectless Xbox One won't be happening anytime soon. Such overwhelming news for some people, its as if they are about to experience a heart attack if MS don't drop the Kinect.

    Well good. Tough ti ts.
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  11. Here we go again, GG acting like "The Voice" of the people. Why don't you find something better to do with your time.

    Clearly you haven't seen some of their posts, its as if it's "OK" to slag off the Xbox One, whilst making use of these forums. Oh, well I suppose that makes everything alright then. Double standards is fine where you live, is it?
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  12. GG...I just posted on Titanfall being 40GB and Twitch but nobody tried to pick a fight with me about that so you wouldn't notice. I post on more than just about stupid Kinect.
    Sunburst Univox, Feb 25, 2014
  13. xbox one will not be sold without kinect

    The important thing to observe though Hedgehog, is whether or not their slag offs of the Xbox One impact in any way how much you enjoy it.
    Fatalshock8912, Feb 25, 2014
  14. Good point Fatal, I'm just on these forums to help in any way I can but some people give me a right proper laugh on here.

    In no way, shape or form do their comments stop me from enjoying the Xbox One. Trolls are obviously going to exist on both sides of the wall but these Bronies are seriously taking things a bit too seriously.

    I have friends and know people who own PS3's and PS4's and are probably the most reasonable people I've met when owning a console. I will get a PS4 one day, money isn't an issue for me, I just chose one because of preference and that's a problem for most
    people apparently.

    Oh well. Rant over, gaming has well and truly lost its integrity. Happy gaming everyone..
    FazzyWazzy 86, Feb 25, 2014
  15. Although I do visit other forums less, I do visit other forums. I was on the Titanfall forum about 2 days ago.
    Galactic Geek, Feb 25, 2014

xbox one will not be sold without kinect