Xbox One turns on, on its own?

Discus and support Xbox One turns on, on its own? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; My xbox one has been turning on, on its own. I thought it was a fluke like one of my controllers was under a pillow or something but it keeps... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by DrivenKey603632, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Xbox One turns on, on its own?

    My xbox one has been turning on, on its own. I thought it was a fluke like one of my controllers was under a pillow or something but it keeps happening. Is there any way of fixing this besides unplugging it?

    DrivenKey603632, Jan 27, 2014
  2. XBOX ONE turns on by its self

    My Xbox one turns on by it self at random times it also spits out the disk that it had in there previously and then takes it back in. Any way to fix this issue?
    FifaMaster11710, Jan 27, 2014
  3. TheNaughty1
    TheNaughty1 Guest
    My Xbox One turns on by its self

    So I turn the Xbox off, it shuts down, power lights turns off, fan stops spinning.

    Just as we have all done a thousand time before.

    It randomly restarts but without the power light coming on, you can hear the fan spinning and to touch its warm.

    Even if I don't use the Xbox for a week or so it still starts by its self.

    It dose it at any time day or night and some time a few days pass before it dose it again.

    If I press the power button to power it down nothing happens, you can still hear the fan spinning.

    Turn on the TV and nothing, it's as tho it's not on.

    To turn it off I have to pull the power out the back of the console.

    I reset it to factory default, didn't change any settings and it still did it.

    My Xbox is possessed

    Is this happening to anyone else and if so how did you fix it.

    The fact its getting warm for long periods of time, and turning on all by its self is worrying me.
    TheNaughty1, Jan 27, 2014
  4. Xbox One turns on, on its own?

    try soft power button for 5-8 seconds until it powers off. Unplug power cord for 30 seconds. plug back in, press power button, wait for reboot. Good Luck
    PrimitiveMeat, Jan 27, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Xbox One turns on, on its own?