Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

Discus and support Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord. in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Hello. My name is Aiden Me and my cousin have been playing on a minecraft world for over 20 hours and have built multiple stuff and just put our... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Sitrep XII, May 12, 2020.

  1. Sitrep XII
    Sitrep XII Guest

    Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

    Hello. My name is Aiden

    Me and my cousin have been playing on a minecraft world for over 20 hours and have built multiple stuff and just put our hearts and souls into the world. Now this issue happened to my cousin NOT ME so I don't fully understand how it happened but I have
    been searching up ways for hours trying to figure out how to get the world back. After searching for a long time I decided to try the xbox forums and so here is the story. My cousin was unplugging a lamp and he accidentally unplugged his xbox and in doing
    so he just plugged it back in and went to sleep. The next morning he woke up and went to go play minecraft.

    As soon as he got on the world was gone. He had 88% took up on his xbox and he only had one world so it wasn't that much. He face time me and we both searched and tried to figure out the problem. me and him have literally tried everything and it would
    mean a lot if we got some help and the world back.

    Sitrep XII, May 12, 2020
  2. GerardoMirandaM Win User

    Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

    Hola Aiden

    Cuando creamos un mundo nuevo en el video juego al momento en que paramos de jugar debemos ir al apartado que nos dice "guardar y salir", esto es para que todo nuestro pregreso se quede guardado y poder seguir disfrutando de nuestro mundo cuando regresemos.

    Podria corroborarme si iso lo que le mencioné.

    Sin nada más que decir me despido y espero le haiga sido de ayuda mi comentario no se le olvide que puede escribirnos cualquir pregunta o duda que tenga.
  3. GerardoMirandaM Win User

    Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

    Hello aiden

    When we create a new world in the video game at the time we stop playing we must go to the section that tells us "save and exit", this is so that all our progress is kept saved and we can continue enjoying our world when we return.

    He could corroborate me if he is what I mentioned to him.

    With nothing more to say dismissal and I hope it has been helpful my comment do not forget that you can write us any questions or concerns we have.
  4. Sitrep XII Win User

    Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

    I don't speak Spanish can you translate that paragraph to English please.
  5. GerardoMirandaM Win User

    Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

    He could read my comment clearly
  6. MB5656 Win User

    Xbox 360 slim full red ring

    actually there is a problem with your AV cord try to unplug the AV cord from the xbox 360 console and the tv then plug it back in. if it did not work thy a different av cord and try if it worked then the other AV cord is broken and need it to be fixed.

    if it did not work after that then you need to send it in under onyx's link.

    hope that helps:)

Xbox One minecraft world deleted after accidental unplug of AV power cord.

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