Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?

Discus and support Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hey everyone. For the past week my mic seems to be broken. My mic was the default mic that you get when you first bought Xbox One. I am able to hear my... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Stealthy0Bird, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?

    Hey everyone. For the past week my mic seems to be broken. My mic was the default mic that you get when you first bought Xbox One. I am able to hear my friends perfectly fine, but the problem is that I can't talk back. I have tried many solutions on the
    forums and elsewhere, and none have seem to work.

    I have:

    • Power Cycled
    • Fully plugged in my mic
    • not muted
    • I am in the right chat(game chat and party chat both do not work)
    • Replugging multiple times
    • I do not have Kinect
    • Reset controller
    • Up to date controller.
    • Wiggled the wires
    • Voice chat is not blocked
    It has worked perfectly fine for the past 3-4 I have had Xbox One.

    Stealthy0Bird, Jan 30, 2015
  2. Xbox One mic can hear but can't talk

    Hey , I have been having major problem . My Xbox one headset allows me to hear my friends but they cannot hear me. I have gone through all basic troubleshooting multiple times already. These step steps include , power cycles , reset , open NAT type, new
    controllers, new headsets , updating my security settings, etc. Can anyone help me?
    TOMMYZIEGLER88, Jan 30, 2015
  3. Yer Maws Da
    Yer Maws Da Guest
    Xbox One mic can hear but can't talk

    I'm still having the same problems, but according to Microsoft it's an IP adress problem.
    Yer Maws Da, Jan 30, 2015
    RUFFICA Guest

    Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?

    I am having the exact same issue except its with the XBOX stereo headset. I tried everything that was recommended and was told by customer support I need to purchase a new microphone. I purchased the stereo headset as the one that came with the system
    did the same thing so I thought maybe the upgraded mic would last a little longer. Since accessories only have a 90 day warranty I'm being told I need to but my THIRD microphone since the system launched.

    What a JOKE! I know this is an issue many people have been having but they fail to address it as a real issue with the hardware/system.
    RUFFICA, Feb 4, 2015
  5. MercilessNA
    MercilessNA Guest
    Same! I've done that as well as tried an echo test in Skype! Is the dot by your name still showing up in party chat even when the mic is unplugged? If so, we have the exact same problem. Bc the fact the dot stays when the mic isn't plugged in makes me weary
    that it is a problem w my actual Xbox, instead of my mic or controller. (I have also tried a different controller.) Even Xbox Twitter support hasn't helped, besides making me realize I lost the cable for updates.
    MercilessNA, Feb 7, 2015
  6. JaikBieler
    JaikBieler Guest
    I'm having the exact same problem. Dot still displays in party chat regardless of whether the headset is connected. It's occurred over multiple controllers and headsets. I've tried all of the currently available troubleshooting steps to no avail. I've even
    gone as far as resetting my console to factory defaults in the vain hopes that if it was something system related, that might clear it out. Furthermore, I've tested the accessories in question on my friend's Xbox One console and they were functional. Xbox
    phone support didn't have any clues what else I could try either. They just repeated the same tired steps. I swear, it all seems to be with the console itself. But I'm afraid that if I send it in, it'll just be sent back with a "no fault found" notice. I would
    use the Advanced Exchange offer, but I don't have that kind of cash. My console is also without a Kinect, so without my mic I'm stuck silent in parties. Seriously need some help here, Microsoft.
    JaikBieler, Feb 16, 2015
    I have 3 mics and only the original xbox one mic works. The stereo and the turtle beaches do not work due to this issue. Someone said there is a component in the controller that becomes lose and disables it. Did you try another controller?
    COUCH POTATA, Feb 18, 2015
  8. Titango89
    Titango89 Guest

    Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?

    This sounds super simple but trying telling the person that can't hear you to check and see if they have you muted. Sounds super simple but this one through my buddy and I for a loop. Even if you have someone muted, they can still hear you which is kind
    of strange. This lead me to believe that it was my problem but they actually had me muted. Hope this helps.
    Titango89, Feb 22, 2015
  9. xSIN1134x
    xSIN1134x Guest
    Started having this issue 2 days ago while I was in a party playing a game with the Microsoft Stereo headset. Been having to use the old regular headset which works fine.
    xSIN1134x, Feb 23, 2015
  10. JPep715
    JPep715 Guest
    For those that have the dot remain after unplugging do you have a kinect? I have a kinect and in settings is allowed for chat so when I would unplug my headset it would automatically switch to kinect for chat and sound would come through my speakers. The
    dot should disappear if you disable kinect for chat in settings. If this doesn't help you then the problem may be your condolr. Just a fellow gamer and not associated with microsoft. Hope I helped
    JPep715, Mar 1, 2015
  11. Exact same issue I also have the default Xbox One mic I can still hear others but it's as if my headset doesn't register that I am speaking and if I unplug my mic it still shows the mic icon via game chat. I hope they solve this problem soon or atleast
    address it as an issue beacuse I've been surfing the web for a while looking for a solution and I've seen a disturbing amount of these questions go unanswered.
    UnarmedXecution, Apr 4, 2015
  12. Just came across the same issue a few days ago and after days of research I came to the conclusion that Microsoft doesn't even have a clue what the issue is. All I see if a bunch of repeated steps that never has worked and they ignore you when you say it
    didn't work. Hopefully they fix this soon because It's starting to get irritating
    Shane The Shank, Apr 22, 2015
  13. Pandahman
    Pandahman Guest

    Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?

    Same thing here and I have done what OP has.
    Pandahman, May 11, 2015
  14. I'm having the same issue and is not willing to spend 35 pounds on a new not fully guarantied headset
    BoatingGlintz, May 25, 2015
  15. Metamorthic
    Metamorthic Guest
    Honestly, I'm about to sell my xbox one and buy a PS4. I don't care if I have to spend extra because i can't sell the Xbox for much. I'd rather have a console that has a company that cares about the users and is easier to use. PS4 has almost no chat problems!
    Xbox has almost at least 85% mic issues. They had 10 years and came out with a console that had a lot of hype and then it becomes a dissapointent. I am embarrassed that I thought they would make a good console. It wouldn't bother me if I left all of my friends
    who play Xbox. I can find new online friends on PS4 and actually enjoy the playing and chat experience. Smh the Wii is a better console than Xbox right now.
    Metamorthic, May 25, 2015

Xbox One Mic Can Hear, but Can't Talk?