Xbox One consoles defective in Brazil became a hell for consumers.

Discus and support Xbox One consoles defective in Brazil became a hell for consumers. in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Got my Xbox One, with very high price by the way, because we have the most expensive console in the world. The same with less than 20 days showed... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by David Brunoni, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Xbox One consoles defective in Brazil became a hell for consumers.

    Got my Xbox One, with very high price by the way, because we have the most expensive console in the world. The same with less than 20 days showed defects was when all hell broke loose, I contacted on 17/01 and opened a request for repair, with a week of
    it open to be taking, and made new contact rather than solve the problem, canceled the request and opened a new, 3 days later the island was collected in my address on 27/01 and follow until today no information about it. Here in Brazil thousands of people
    who bought their console in order to have fun, are going through moments of great headache for the support of MS in Brazil are not providing a quality service and neither is treating the consumer with due respect, recebos no answers nor anything of gifts as
    other consumers outside the country. I record here my indignation with the service and my displeasure with the treatment of MS in Brazil, now everything is routed to Justice and unfortunately will solve in this way.

    David Brunoni, Feb 4, 2014
  2. game pubg xbox one problem brazil

    we are waiting for pubg server in brazil xbox one and also adjustments in the problems we can not play. the game is falling right out the bugs by the law in the law in the consumers of brazil we have direct by the code. waiting for answers
    LUCASILVASCOTT, Feb 4, 2014
  3. O Domiciano
    O Domiciano Guest
    Taking Xbox 360 Slim overseas bricked my console twice

    So, it's my 3rd xbox, all 360 slim, and for the second time, when I took the console overseas, first from USA to Brazil, and second from Brazil to Ireland (and used it with the appropriate power supply both times), the console became faulty after about 3
    months of normal usage, and I had to pay microsoft for a refurbished replacement console. I am looking to get either a Xbox One os PS4, so, I have a few questions:

    1) Am I just very very unlucky, or the xbox is just not supposed to be taken to another country?

    2) If I buy the Xbox One, and again, go to Brazil and take it with me. Will it work there, for a more acceptable lifetime?

    3) Can I get a 100-240v power supply with xbox one?

    O Domiciano, Feb 4, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Xbox One consoles defective in Brazil became a hell for consumers.