Xbox Enforcement needs to get a serious revamp

Discus and support Xbox Enforcement needs to get a serious revamp in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have recently had a 2 week suspension put onto my account. Not only was the suspension unjust but the system in which Xbox Enforcement uses to talk... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by XxSoLiDSnAkEOxX, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. Xbox Enforcement needs to get a serious revamp

    I have recently had a 2 week suspension put onto my account. Not only was the suspension unjust but the system in which Xbox Enforcement uses to talk to the accused "case reviews, is hugely flawed. The 500 character limit isn't nearly enough to describe
    the circumstances regarding the situation. Second, I have had at least 3 customer support representatives tell me they would relay the information that I gave them to the Enforcement team. Only to find out via a support supervisor on the phone tell me that
    those were false promises. However what genuinely shocked me was that the supervisor said that the customer support team has recommended to other Xbox big wigs that there should be a direct line of communication between customers and enforcement. That in turn
    would reduce a huge number of calls to support. But it's not only communication that needs to be changed with the Enforcement team that needs to be changed. Trash talking is going to happen no matter what and it shouldn't earn a person a communications or
    regular suspension. In addition a progress bar (not the reputation status) should be displayed to show players if they are close to getting an enforcement action against them. I do understand the need for an enforcement team, for hackers, and people who cheat.
    They deserve a ban. But people shouldn't get suspensions for what they say, if someone doesn't like what they are saying... they should just block them. Does anyone else have ideas on how to improve enforcement?

    XxSoLiDSnAkEOxX, Nov 3, 2017
  2. N7 Gh0stz
    N7 Gh0stz Guest
    battlefield SWAT

    sometimes things need a revamp
    N7 Gh0stz, Nov 3, 2017
  3. Evil Optimus
    Evil Optimus Guest
    Blade Armor needs a revamp

    [quote user="Praetorian VIII"]

    I got the Sentinel build and I wasn't sure what the armour did. I thought it was some kind of Tech Armor where you'd fling knives at enemies at close range doing massive damage. At least that's what I was lead to believe when I read DocHolliday and Evil
    Optimus arguing about the benefits of the build on Gold in one of the threads.

    [/quote]Oh I'm famous! Speaking of that argument with Doc, I just wanted to mention that I've played the Batarian soldier quite a few times since then. I'm still of the belief he wouldn't be nearly as helpful as other characters on Gold. But, I'm finding
    on silver he's not too bad. Even then however, I still feel handicapped that he doesn't have any longer range powers. I guess perhaps my dislike for this character stems from the fact that I'm a huge Asari Adept (both Asari) and Engineer fan.
    Evil Optimus, Nov 3, 2017
  4. Xbox Enforcement needs to get a serious revamp

    not really, enforcement team don't care
    Red Omega 2020, Nov 3, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Xbox Enforcement needs to get a serious revamp